Forum Replies Created
MemberSource code for reference:
MemberIf it is indeed a boot sequence issue a simple workaround would be to add a sleep parametre to the asplashscreen script to delay calling omxplayer.
Without any boot logs though I can’t advise.
MemberBBC Micro has been added
MemberWhat version of retropie are you on and how did you install it? Are you using the image provided?
MemberCould be related to the boot sequence- possible some things aren’t loading in time for omxplayer to be called so it doesn’t work.
MemberIt appears this is happening automatically when I plug my new setup
Spot on.
MemberFantastic! I’ve updated the wiki with your ibuffalo config
MemberIt already is.
MemberDepends on what you’re trying to do. You either use a capture card to stream with the pi or you can stream natively on a PC without a capture card.
MemberEven if you could get it running on the pi the processing power isn’t near enough to be able to stream
Memberyep you need a capture card.
MemberThere are overscan values you can play with in /boot/config.txt
MemberI don’t own one but try this:
And the same info on this forum:
JUYAO controller – not correctly recognized by Raspberry Pi?
03/13/2016 at 08:41 in reply to: (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc.) Anyone interested in Daphne laserdisc system? #120173herbfargus
MemberI’ve update the kodi wiki page with a working module to install kodi 16 based on your post. (experimental of course use at your own risk) it’s compiled with joypad support so you can make xml files for joypad configurations (I added a small template to the wiki too) I’m using it right now and it seems to be working.
MemberTaalas added a directlaunch function in emulationstation that removes the need for a gamelist section altogether (now you only have to select it once from the main system carousel instead of twice) It will be the default for kodi with the next retropie release
thanks for the tip on upgrading :)
MemberBTW you don’t need to use that script, kodi is now installed as its own system by default.
MemberThe installer menu will eventually be improved
MemberOr rather step 2 B-F:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
No need for all the CD and clear commands.
MemberPutty works great too
MemberYou do realise you can back up your scrapes right? Once you have everything scraped just copy the finished gamelist and downloaded images over and then you never have to scrape again unless you get new roms. And again you can set the scraper to scrape data into your own folder manually with sselphs scraper. The resources are all there you just need to learn how to use them.
03/09/2016 at 20:15 in reply to: Must remove and reconnect USB controllers for emulation use #119775herbfargus
MemberTry mapping your controller without the top left and right triggers and see if that changes anything
03/09/2016 at 16:12 in reply to: will the experimental Opengl driver improve performance in certain emulators ? #119752herbfargus
MemberDon’t hold your breath on it. It’s very buggy and only works in a desktop environment.
MemberWorking Module Here:
Memberno. it can’t be done currently and its doubtful it will be any better than the standalone reicast even if were able to be compiled for the pi as most libretro cores perform worse than their standalone counterparts.
MemberLeave it on X. When configuring skip the two top triggers by holding down a button and the once you finish configuring go back up with the dpad and reconfigure the two you skipped.
See this video if you’re still having troubles.
03/09/2016 at 00:20 in reply to: Must remove and reconnect USB controllers for emulation use #119682herbfargus
MemberTap the top right shoulder button instead of unplugging your controller.