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Participantthanks for the hint :) I have my interface set to english as I’m more used to it than spanish translations that can be misleading sometimes :)
Participantyes, as I though maybe I needed to load one at startup before it would let me cycle them… it’s not loaded anyway
Participantnot me, I though I was doing something wrong
ParticipantI tried 3.4 and 3.5 both with same results… until they work I’ll use a backup image I made of 3.2 working :)
ParticipantI’m glad you made it work, aboimpinto :D
Participantand the retroarch cfg files work with lr-imame4all, if you use mame4all you’ll be able to set custom controls just opening the standard mame menu with tab. connect a keyboard to open it, then change each general option (including tab) to what you need.
Participantthey are there, and they doesn’t seem to work either. anyway, as the shader previous/next bootlegs don’t work (confirmed) and I need them to change shaders on the fly I’m going to write the backup image I made when I was using 3.2 that works fine meanwhile
ParticipantI think I’ll use 3.2 for now, as I have it portable and can connect to different tvs, so it looks nice on a 56″ hdmi led tv, but look horrible on a small 14″ crt tv… I need a way to switch them on the fly :)
ParticipantI bought it for the raspberry, a power supply of 5v/2A
When I upgraded to 3.5 I made an image of the 3.2 version I already had setup and running, so while I find what’s the problem I’ll use that image.
Everything the same, configs, roms, emulators…
With 3.2 everything works fine. shutdown, reboot, shaders…
With 3.4 or 3.5 if I choose shutdown or reboot it just seems to be waiting for something, blank screen, prompt blinking… shaders just won’t work, no matter what I try, fps is shown when I press 1p start on lr-mame2010, and don’t know why, if I press my button 6 a mame-like menu is shown on lr-mame2010helpman
Participantso… start from scratch, maybe?
Participantresults so far:
lr-mame2010 … no shaders at all. no messages on screen. nothing.
on a curious note, I don’t know why, pressing button 6 (without hotkey button pressed) shows a configuration menu like mame, but can’t enter any opcion, and pressing up/down makes it go crazy, as if I never stopped pressing the button)lr-imame4all … nothing.
lr-picodrive … nothing
lr-fba … nothing
lr-fceumm … nothing
lr-snes9x-next … nothing
Participantmaybe you though on a mame menu, but with libretro chores there’s no such menu, you must remap buttons on retroarch cfg files
ParticipantIn my case I just needed to remap joystick buttons, so just as example… may give you a hint about what you need…
in home/opt/retropie/configs/neogeo (as example) I have to swap button 0 and button 1, but just in case I set all buttons needed. You must edit the file retroarch.cfg
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line
input_player1_joypad_index = 0
input_player1_b_btn = 0
input_player1_a_btn = 1
input_player1_y_btn = 2
input_player1_x_btn = 3
input_player1_start_btn = 7
input_player1_select_btn = 13
input_player2_joypad_index = 1
input_player2_b_btn = 0
input_player2_a_btn = 1
input_player2_y_btn = 2
input_player2_x_btn = 3
input_player2_start_btn = 7
input_player2_select_btn = 13
input_enable_hotkey_btn = 9
input_shader_next_btn = 6
input_shader_prev_btn = 5input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/
#include “/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg”
as you can see if you compare it to yours, I added the input_blabhlahblah
apart from remapping the buttons to others (in neogeo select insert coins so I set it to my button 13, which emulates the coin slot. even with the button changed, as the base retroarch hotkeys are still by default select+start, which are defined as button 9 and button 8, the hotkey still works and pressing both will exit the game back to emulation station.
you can do this for every libretro based emulator.
if you need to change buttons for a specific game, just make a copy of the retroarch.cfg file for that emulator, and place it on home/pi/retropie/roms/mame-mame4all (or the rom folder you need) and edit away.
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line
# configuracion mame juegos 6 botones
input_player1_start_btn = “7”
input_player1_select_btn = “13”
input_player1_b_btn = “1”
input_player1_a_btn = “2”
input_player1_y_btn = “3”
input_player1_x_btn = “4”
input_player1_l_btn = “5”
input_player1_r_btn = “6”
input_player1_l2_btn = “nul”
input_player1_r2_btn = “nul”
input_player1_l3_btn = “nul”
input_player1_r3_btn = “nul”
input_player2_start_btn = “7”
input_player2_select_btn = “13”
input_player2_b_btn = “1”
input_player2_a_btn = “2”
input_player2_y_btn = “3”
input_player2_x_btn = “4”
input_player2_l_btn = “5”
input_player2_r_btn = “6”
input_player2_l2_btn = “nul”
input_player2_r2_btn = “nul”
input_player2_l3_btn = “nul”
input_player2_r3_btn = “nul”
input_enable_hotkey_btn = “9”
input_shader_next_btn = “6”
input_shader_prev_btn = “5”input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/mame-mame4all/
#include “/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg”
this is a mapping for street fighter 2 championship edition.
(I just moved all the buttons, as the button 0 is not used, but 1,2,3,4,5,6 instead.)
so as the rom zip file is named, you must name this file “” and it will be loaded when this game runs.not sure if this helped you :D
ParticipantI use a custom map on the opt/configs/emulators folder (inside each system there’s a retroarch.cfg file) there I set the standard buttons for that emulator.
select+start hotkey still works!
then for each game that needs a different map you create a cfg file with the same name as the rom on the roms folder, and only set the buttons you need to change there.helpman
Participantfinally the only way I found was creating a standard layout for 6 button games, use romlister to create a list of all 6 buttons games and then export as a batch file copying that profile with each game rom name…
ParticipantI already remapped it for neogeo, but it’s easy as it only uses a, b, x, y start and select as coins.
what I’m trying to guess is what are the next buttons to map them to my 5-7 buttons. l, r, l2 maybe?
for custom keymaps per rom, there’s an option on the M menu before the game starts right?
maybe I can create a custom remap file for 6 button games and load them as needed using that optionhelpman
ParticipantI already visited that wiki, but how can I know what button uses lrmame for what?
a, b, x, y, start, select, l, l2,l3,r,r1,r2,r3…
if I just want to set buttons 1 to 7, 1p, 2p and coin?
is 1p start and select coins?
a, b, x, y, l, r will be the 6 first ones, what’s 7th? l2?
how do I set a different keymap for a rom? (i. e. 6 games buttons wont use button 1)helpman
Participantok, solved, there was an option on retroarch to save setups on exit or something like that which was causing that file overwrite :?
Participantooook NOT solved.
I edited the file retroarch.cfg on /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/ to look like this
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include lineinput_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/
input_player1_joypad_index = 0
input_player1_b_btn = 0
input_player1_a_btn = 1
input_player1_y_btn = 2
input_player1_x_btn = 3
input_player1_start_btn = 7
input_player1_select_btn = 13
input_player2_joypad_index = 1
input_player2_b_btn = 0
input_player2_a_btn = 1
input_player2_y_btn = 2
input_player2_x_btn = 3
input_player2_start_btn = 7
input_player2_select_btn = 13#include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"[/quote]
and saved it.
tried a game, and everything was running GREAT.
then I exit the game, load it again… and nothing works.
checking the cfg file, it looks like it’s a copy of the file on ALL folder.what happened? how can I keep the remapped file?
[quote]core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
system_directory = "~/RetroPie/BIOS"
assets_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/assets"
config_save_on_exit = "true"
video_threaded = "true"
video_smooth = "true"
video_aspect_ratio_auto = "true"
video_shader_enable = "true"
video_shader_dir = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/"
video_font_size = "12.000000"
overlay_directory = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays"
input_autodetect_enable = "true"
joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-joypads/"
input_player1_a = "x"
input_player1_b = "z"
input_player1_y = "a"
input_player1_x = "s"
input_player1_start = "enter"
input_player1_select = "rshift"
input_player1_l = "q"
input_player1_r = "w"
input_player1_left = "left"
input_player1_right = "right"
input_player1_up = "up"
input_player1_down = "down"
input_exit_emulator = "escape"
input_shader_next = "m"
input_shader_prev = "n"
input_rewind = "r"
rewind_enable = "false"
rewind_buffer_size = "10"
rewind_granularity = "2"
video_gpu_screenshot = "true"blahblahblah long file here you get the idea
Participantok, forgive me :D despite the fear of damaging something beyond repair, I just tried my luck and remapped the buttons :D
looks like select+start combo works even if you remap them to other buttons, so I’m really happy now. thank you guys, you’re great :D
Participantok, so FINALLY, I made lr-fba WORK! woohooo! (GNGEO was still producing some errors and decided to try fba as suggested by other users)
I guess it supports more games that gngeopi or whatever, just though it would be easier to use the retroarch config…so I tried running a game, and of course the button I use for credits on mame just won’t work… opened retroarch.cfg file for this emulator (neogeo) and it was empty, as it loads the default ALL cfg.
so I opened the ALL systems retroarch.cfg and it was a mess. I couldn’t find a “coin” button there, nor how to link each control to my joysticks…
This is the gngeopi cfg for both joysticks (about coin, only player 1 has that button (J0B13), as I only use 1 coin button, player 2 has a different one to avoid adding 2 coins each time I pressed it)
menu player 1 (J0B8) is “select” and menu player 2 (J0B9) is “start” buttons.p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B7,COIN=J0B13,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B8
p2control A=J1B0,B=J1B1,C=J1B2,D=J1B3,START=J1B7,COIN=J1B13,UP=J1a1,DOWN=J1a1,LEFT=J1A0,RIGHT=J1A0,MENU=J0B9can anybody help me to make that work on retroarch?
as far as I tested, select works as coin, start as 1player start.
I need to keep select and start as they are, on the same buttons (J0B8, J0B9) AND also:
J0B7 – player 1 start
J1B7 – player 2 start
J0B13 – coinis that possible?
Participantas for fba you can use neogeo folder or use on its own fba folder I’ll keep the ones working with neogeopi and try to make fba work. I do not have those romsets, but I’ll try with clrmame to build them using mame 0.37b5, 139, 167 and the neogeo 1.1 (whichever version is that) that seems to work at least partially with gngeopi… wish me luck :)
gngeopi looks nice, but it won’t exit with both select and start pressed, and it doesn’t look nice to enter a menu then select quit…
btw, it would be nice to have a mame based emu that could run all mame games and neogeo too… pimame4all works nice, but doesn’t support all neogeo titles… any suggestion? I’m using a raspberry pi 2
ParticipantI tried clrmame over my romset to build a compatible set, everything on clrmame is ok, but fba just refuses to work. anyway, some roms finally work on gngeopi, but most of them just go back to game selection menu without any error at all. it’s weird but at least bios files seems to be working
ParticipantI have a pobre 1.5mb, that includes all bios, but I’ll check anyway. Bios for neogeo must stay on the neogeo rom folder right?
ParticipantI tried lr-fba with a neogeo full romset. It shows no error, but goes back to game list anyway
12/24/2015 at 16:35 in reply to: JUYAO controller – not correctly recognized by Raspberry Pi? #112444helpman
I also bought a juyao controller. It’s still on its way so I couldn’t test this, but what I’ve found is you need to add a rule file (as you already did)cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo nano 00-arcadejs.rules
This will create a file called 00-arcadejs.rules in the correct directory
In the window that comes up (nano file editor) enter:
ATTRS{name}==”Arcade Controller JUYAO Dual Arcade”,ACTION==”add”,ENV{ID_INPUT_TABLET}=”0″,ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}:=”1″Press CTRL + X and save the file when asked.
… AND…
Edit the file
And add this at the bottom
Then reboot the raspberryHope this works! Soon I’ll have to do it too :)