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Participant[quote=1567]Just curious how your XBMC is responding? I did the same as you did for the install using the RetroPie Img, and I’m getting pretty slow menus within XBMC. Video playback is fine if I have my Pi overclocked to 900mhz. I’ve tried the OpenELEC distro for XBMC and the menus are perfectly fine.[/quote]
my menus have a little bit of lag at times, but for the most part i think it’s fine. i switched skins to the confluence mod 2 version, because i like the kiosk option it gives me, but i think it causes a little bit of slowdown. the default confluence skin is quick and responsive though, but i didnt use it long enough to really notice if there was significant slowdown
i actually tried openelec before this, and it was much slower/laggy than this. im also clocked at 900mhz, but im running my raspbian from a usb drive instead of the sdcard.
Participanthow weird. everything was working, rebooted the rpi and now my d-pad doesnt work, but my left analog stick started to work…except the up button is “stuck”. i’d rather have the d-pad though. hmm
Participant[quote=1532]Thanks. That certainly helps explain why the behavior is not the same. Would you happen to have any idea how to add a custom exit button to the config? Say I wanted “Select” to just be the exit button in Genesis? And since you’re not sure if there’s a way to replicate the “hotkey” aspect, do you know if there’s any way to create some other sort of button combination? For instance, I could have whatever command functions as exit “=joystick0-button9 + joystick0-button8″? Sorry for inundating you with questions. Like I said, I’m just totally new and trying to get the hang of this stuff. [/quote]
i mapped joystick0-button6 (which is the L2 button) to joy_quit and it exits the game back to emulationstation. i cant figure out how to make it a 2 button press so that you dont accidentally exit the game by pressing that button though.
Participant[quote=1560]I’ve noticed that whenever I’m playing games in the SNES emulator, they seem to be zoomed in to a point where they cut off action and text along the edges of the screen. In Genesis, the screen is letterboxed to 4:3, and in NES, I haven’t noticed much of a problem. It’s very noticeable in many SNES games though. What setting can I change so that SNES games don’t launch so zoomed in? I wouldn’t mind them being letterboxed to their actual ratio like Genesis either. Thanks. [/quote]
i had this problem with NES. i changed the setting on my TV to ‘just scan’ (a samsung tv) and everything fits perfectly now. SNES switches to 480p when i play it, so it does not need to be modified at all.
Participanti just did this:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mene.list and added: deb wheezy contrib
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-key 5243CDED
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc
that’s it.
Participantyea, i got it working with a different keyboard. strange. the first keyboard worked fine with raspbmc, but not with retropie and xbmc
Participantthanks, this actually worked, except needed to put an = sign between COMMAND and bash.
only problem im having is xbmc doesnt recognize any keyboard presses after it’s launched. works fine from the bash prompt though. the system isn’t locked because it still dims when idle, but other than that, it does nothing because i can’t send any input to it.
any ideas?
Participantim trying to set up my xbox360 wireless controller, but im getting this error:
heiney@raspipie:~/RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/tools$ ./retroarch-joyconfig -o p1.cfg -p 1 -j 0
Couldn’t open joystick #0.
my /etc/rc.local file looks like:
sudo xboxdrv –trigger-as-button –wid 0 –led 2 –deadzone 4000 –silent &
exit 0
not sure what’s wrong here. i followed the tutorial exactly.
am i supposed to buy some sort of usb wireless adapter for the controller to be recognized by the rpi, or is it supposed to detect the controller’s presence automatically?
Participantthanks, i’ll give it a shot.
Participantor can point me to a tutorial?