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  • in reply to: RetroPie and Kodi support #104264


    in reply to: Xbox Controller LEFT BOTTOM configure troubles #104235

    Same problem here (with a compatible xbox controller).

    Solution? I just do not register left and right bottom triggers…

    in reply to: RetroPie and Kodi support #104223

    Thanks:) I will try them out..

    For booting straight into kodi i found this:

    Kodi tab in emulationstation

    #94808 Quote

    Has anybody tried it?

    in reply to: RETROPIE vs RECALBOX? (THOUGHT 4 THE DEVS) #104196

    Jassen i agree.. I tried recalbox only once (as i couldnt even install it !!). I ve seen many bugs out there, but as i said i ‘ve seen nice touches on ES (like the 4 player input setup) which i really liked:P

    I like RetroPie more though..We keep our fingers crossed for future updates though..

    in reply to: How to run from USB (the best method) #104119

    1) How do i burn the retropie image to my HDD/USB? Through Win32 Disk imager?

    2) Is there any sd-card corruption prevention with this method? Thus meaning we can overclock the pi?

    3) Where do we “add” games? In sd card or in usb?


    in reply to: RETROPIE vs RECALBOX? (THOUGHT 4 THE DEVS) #104118

    Epe9686518 i agree 100%…

    I tried to install RecalBox on my sdcard and -beleive me- i made it possible only once !! I was trying to do it for 2 hours and i couldnt.. Many many bugs , i had no internet (no ethernet at all), but on the other hand i saw same things that i really liked

    1) Input configuration (with up to 4 controlls)

    2) Update button !!

    3) Kodi launch (from inside recalbox)

    But the most good one about this, was the fact that you could modify some options like hide kodi in emulationstation, or START KODI ON SYSTEM START UP, avoid x button to start kodi etc) something which – i think – Retropie isn’t capable of??…

    in reply to: RETROPIE vs RECALBOX? (THOUGHT 4 THE DEVS) #103991


    in reply to: FBA/MAME CONTROLS (THOUGHT FOR THE DEVS) #103857

    Thanks! I wiil try asap (as i dont have retropie right now)

    in reply to: FBA/MAME CONTROLS (THOUGHT FOR THE DEVS) #103854

    That’s good news guys;) Thanks!

    And a final question: Any thoughts about a 4 player automatic configuration? (similar to the 1st player setup i mean)??

    This would be great…

    in reply to: RetroPie 3 RC1 – Video Overview #102265

    The first screen where you set up your controller for retroarch emulators is brilliant. Just a quick question:

    What about fba and mame controls? Can you implement the fba2x.cfg file to be auto-created on the start up controller page too?

    in reply to: RETROPIE CONTROLLER(S) CONFIG #100840

    Thanks again!!

    in reply to: RETROPIE CONTROLLER(S) CONFIG #100833

    Thanks herb:) And my last question: where do i find the codes from my joypad key press?? I need them in fba2x.cfg

    in reply to: RETROPIE CONTROLLER(S) CONFIG #100821

    Oh ..just an other quick question..

    There are specific emulators (like gba, fba, mame) where the above technique (the ability to auto config your gamepad controls by starting es) doesn’t work. I mean you have to configure it manually..Especially in fba it is difficult, because you need to edit a specific file (fba2x.cfg) and “add” your gamepad’s specific values to this file..

    So ..i was wondering..can this controller setup script be updated in order (at least the fba and gba emuls) to be also auto configured???

    in reply to: Retropie PR-BOOM core? #100750

    Yes but does it play *.wad files?? And if yes where do i put them?

    in reply to: RETROPIE CONTROLLER(S) CONFIG #100494


    in reply to: RETROPIE CONTROLLER(S) CONFIG #100412

    Thanks but..

    Will i be able to use the second controller as a second player joypad with this way?

    Or will this second controller setup only be applied to control emulationstation? I just want to have a MAIN CONTROLLER (player 1) to control emulation station + player 1 and another controller to ONLY CONTROL player 2/player 3 and NO EMULATION STATION..Is this possible?

    in reply to: [Retropie 2.x] feedback + enhancements #84360

    Here is a thought about future update (in script)

    Many people complain about the difficulty of connecting 2nd, 3rd or 4th controller.

    So to keep things clear and in order i would recommend the programmer/ers to use 4 different joyconfig files (eg joyconfig_p1 for player 1, joyconfig_p2 for player 2 etc) and not only one file.
    So in order 4 someone to connect a 2nd controller he will just run joyconfig_p2 file :) (same thing could be also done for wireless xbox and ps3 controllers too)

    Of course joyconfig_p2 wont overwrite joyconfig_p1 data in config file

    Unfortunatelly I am a linux noob to do it,but can this thought be taken into account??


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