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Participant[quote=107606]Perhaps I do not understand the usefulness of Berryboot but with Retropie not having such an image, is this project (WHICH IS MEGASUPERAWESOMESAUCE!) obsolete?
I dont think that bb is obsolete (yet). There are some “squased-images” for berryboot. Look here:
There is also the fresh new retropie image (3.1) which is mentioned here:
ParticipantSame errors.
My file is 83 Mb and when i copy it, my destination file is always between 22-23 Mb (most of the folders are missing). The problem appears when i copy most of the *.gif files (inside /mod/data/”subfolder1″/”subfolder2″ to my destination. I ve abandoned my tries:(
Thanks for your help though!
P.s 1 I can upload the game folder + the *.sh file, if anyone is interested..
p.s 2 Digging through filezilla’s forum i beleive it is 100% smth with my server (raspberry pi) setupharis1977
Only thing I could suggest is making a ‘.pak’ file again using the tool I linked (instructions should be included), or zip the mods up, transfer them over then unzip them natively on the Pi. That way you aren’t copying over a tone of files, only 1 large one. Other than that I don’t know what to suggest as its working for me?
[/quote]Thanks for the hint
I will try to make a (within windows 7zip programm) and transfer it to /home/pi location. Supposing i will be able to do that, what is the ssh linux command for unzipping the file into /home/pi/bor/gaxe/Paks/mod/ dir? Shouldn’t i need first to install unzip on my raspberry pi?
I can see output of file names in the ‘failed transfers’ section (lower left of filezilla). I also see red flagging files in the top ‘live transfer’ section which changes constantly as running.
When i see that i always stop the transfer.
Sorry for delay in replying. Did you get sorted with this in the end?
Nope:( I tried to upload to home/pi (rather than home/pi/bor) with the same results (+8000 file transfer fails in lower left of Filezilla). I even tried WinSCP, but i get error code 4 (error message from server: failure). What i noticed is a transfer failure in gaxe\Paks\mod\<data>\ folder.
*gaxe is Golden Axe game
Being stuck here.
Edit: I tried to manually copy some folders. The subfolders with transfer errors are:
– gaxe\Paks\mod\data\chars
– gaxe\Paks\mod\data\scenes
– gaxe\Paks\mod\data\scripts
– gaxe\Paks\mod\data\sprites
– gaxe\Paks\mod\data\soundsTried with other paks too (e.g Mortal Kombat). Same result. Errors when copying “data” folder..
Any help appreciated!
ParticipantI can see output of file names in the ‘failed transfers’ section (lower left of filezilla). I also see red flagging files in the top ‘live transfer’ section which changes constantly as running.
When i see that i always stop the transfer.
Participant[quote=107225]Very strange. Filezilla works fine for me, although I have got into the habit of just using Linux on my laptop lately.
You could try using WinSCP instead but it sounds like you may have permission errors. Try a chmod or chown command on the /home/pi/bor/ folder maybe?
Thanks for your help here. Well.. i ve chmoded home/pi/bor (sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/bor/) and tried to copy my files. What i see is that there is a specific folder in where i have transfer errors. This folder is the chars folder in:
Inside there are many other folders. Some of them will be transfered but with most of them i got errors like:
Directory /home/pi/bor/gaxe/Paks/mod/data/chars/gillius: no such file or directory (gaxe is Golden Axe – Curse of Death Adder).
I think it is smth with the *.gif files inside those folders (?). Any ideas?
ParticipantThanks i will try it:)
Just a bug that i saw: In retropie (with xbox compatible controller) when you select the option to toggle off the text that is displayed when loading or exiting a game, the moment you enter the retropie setup script, it hangs (in the message of expanding the partition)
I reproduced it many times and all of them with the same result. Doesn’t happen with the option to on:)
Just to let y know..
ParticipantThanks smithers. The problem is that i am having many packet loss failures (no such file or directory errors) while transfering my files.
I am using Filezilla. Any ideas what could be wrong? Any other transfer prog that i could use?
ParticipantSmithers thanks for your triple-boot image! It works very well:)
Just a question (on retropie side): I want to run some extra openbor games. The command (eg for ddx) is
cd /home/pi/bor/ddx
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 “/home/pi/bor/ddx/” “OpenBOR”
Inside home/pi/bor/ddx i can see 4 folders: Logs (null), Paks, Saves and Screenshots. Inside Pakes there is a mod folder and inside that a data folder, meaning /home/pi/bor/ddx/Paks/mod/data. But in there i can see 7 other folders (e.g bgs, chars, levels, music etc) and 4 other files.
The problem is that ALL of my openbor games are in *paks (i dont have these 7 folders and files, but only *.pak).So, do i only have to place the pak inside the pak folder? Or smth else?
haris1977 this triple boot os working or not? xd3l confused me..:(
ParticipantHaha..i dont have another one (now). I was hopping there was a solution though:)
Edit: Changed my keyboard and now it works like a charm. Topic closed:)
Thanks man !
ParticipantBuzz thanks for your quotes and all your help. But i think i know where the problem lies. It is 100% my keyboard. But i dont know how to fix it..
I used evtest (sudo apt-get install evtest) in my ubuntu desktop. And voila! My PgUp button doesn’t work. Even though in the beggining of the test i can see this (event code 104):
when i press the pgup key i see this (KEY_KP9)
Even with the use of NumLock, i still get KEY_KP9 presses:( there smth i can do? Or my keyboard is a failure?
My keyboard:
*. I am 120% sure that restore key (suicide commit) is working inside the game;)
ParticipantCan you upload the program? And how do you run it from inside es?
Edit: I installed c64 emul on my ubuntu machine. Same problem. Pgup doesnt work inside the game:(
ParticipantWhat do you mean by BASIC? And how did y manage to install keyboard test program in retropie?
ParticipantI will check asap. But i have succefully managed to map the restore key with f10 button in my c64 emul (winvice 2.4, windows7) by changing the vkm file. Had the same problem with restore key (pgup).
Have you managed to “kill yourself” in main game (castles of dr creep)?
Edit: i checked. Nothing works. When i hit esc the game pauses. I use keyset with arrow keys+left ctrl for fire. I dont use gamepad. I also cannot go into MAP screen..
ParticipantI am playing “castles of dr creep”. When you hit the restore key (page up) the player kills himself. As i said this button doesnt work 4 me.
Can you test it in the specific game?
ParticipantGood idea. But i really think that you should use the “lightest” version between Ubuntu and Raspbian (i dont know which is)
ParticipantGo into retropie setup script from within emulation station specific tab.
Then go to install individual emulators from binary/source, and choose uae4all.
Have y added “Goldenaxe – Curse of Death Adder” in game ports?
When I click tv/movies, it comes up with a myriad of plugins/addons which is cool, but i have to press back a cpl of times, and then title to get to my tv shows or films from nas drives.Is there a way to make these top level from tv/movies?
[/quote]You may go into movies and then go back into “files=>add videos”, find your nas server through nfs and add it to your favorites (by pressing c in keyboard)
Hope that helps
ParticipantUkbootlegs have y tried re-installing the amiga emulator (uae4all not uae4arm) from the retropie setup script?
I did have problems with smither’s default amiga emulator (uae4arm) and revered back to the old one.
Participant[quote=106322]What is the username and password to SFTP into kodi?
i want to change some of the skin settings.
user: root password: openelec (through ssh)
Well its funny you should say that as it was actually me who made the ‘Goldenaxe – Curse of Death Adder’ mod! ….. I still have my original ‘final demo’ version, should you want it, but I didn’t include it in my build as it was unfinished. It is the version that you see in my video.
[/quote]Yeah it was you you made it, forgot to mention it:) I ve already download it to my pc (openbor) and YES i would like to see it (the graphics are gorgeous!) in your next release (with an *.shh extension i suppose).
look in the ports section and you will find Goldenaxe Remake and Double Dragon Extreme – these are both Openbor mods and are both very good
[/quote]Thanks Smithers. Am i the only one that thinks that “Goldenaxe Curse of Death Adder” should be implemented in your “new” build? Is it possible? It is much much better than the classical golden axe !! (even better from the golden axe remake-openbor) :)
Looking forward to it!
Participant1) I ve managed to start (I first changed the name to but in the beggining i had permission denied problem so i used the command):
chmod +x /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/
The problem is that i do not have controller any more (the other ports like doom, quake, play normally). A yellow text for XBox controller also appears. Any thoughts?
2) Smithers, i see on your youtube channel ( that you have managed to run OPENBOR in RetroPie (2 games). Are y planning on updating your image with this engine? Some games look great !!
Can y upload the lr-blood.shh file in /home/pi/retropie/roms/ports ? I dont have the time to re-install the 7.2 image..
Mayki thanks man:)
Can y upload the lr-blood.shh file in /home/pi/retropie/roms/ports ? I dont have the time to re-install the 7.2 image..
You need to copy your ‘Blood.wad’ file into/home/pi/retropie/roms/ports/doom/Blood.wad
then rename the lr-blood.shh file to (as usual, remove the extra h)
[/quote] mistake (mea culpa)..I forgot to tell you i have not updated my RetroPie_KODI-Beast_DualBoot_7.1_SS to the newest, so i dont have the script. So, can you upload it somewhere? Or paste the command line?
Quick video showing the triple-boot in action:[/quote]
Whow! This is fantastic! Great work man:)
The only thing that remains is a quadro boot with android lollipop 5.1 when it will be stable and not laggy! :P:P
As for my part now. Smithers, i want to run my uploaded image of Blood.wad with retroarch gamepad settings (not ZBlood). What is the .sh file i have to alter? Doom 1
I have also found Brutal Wolfenstein for ZDoom. If you want i can upload it..
Participant1) I think one browser is enough (the most light, stable and quick one-i think is chromium?). I dont know if it plays flash content though..
2) I think it should be released with ‘minimal’ build, and then we can add whatever addons we want:)
Just my though
How about GZDoom instead of ZDoom? Will it work in retropie? (i have seen some interesting games in their forum)
1) How much space would be reasonable to allocate to Raspbian? If the intention is only to use it as a web surfing, file editing, proof of concept type thing then I would say maybe only up to 2GB? I guess what Im ultimately asking is – what are you going to use Raspbian to do? Maybe then I can use my own judgement.2) Handling the OS switching – so its self explanatory with RetroPie and KODI (have a dedicated home page menu for both), however in Raspbian, I can only think about placing shortcuts on the desktop which will run my scripts. This gives the potential of the shortcuts being deleted of course, so I wonder if there is another way that I am maybe not thinking of?? Anyone have any thoughts? I can probably implement them into the start menu, so theres one option.
[/quote]1) I think most of us will only use it for web serfing..So a 2GB allocation would be ok
2) You could add a script (in a custom AEON home menu named Rasbian, and under that a “launch Raspbian” indication exactly like Games with “launch retropie”). From the Raspbian side of view – i dont know if it possible – we should hit power off/shutdown and going back in kodi..
Can you upload only the
– ZBlood and
– Dinothawr files?I assume it is a copy-paste only thing – into ports folder?. Or are they hardcoded into the new image?
haha, trust me – the video isn’t the problem. It is simply an aspect ratio thing. I encoded the video @ 1080p, so it is hardcoded at that resolution / ratio. The problem lies in your TV’s inability to stretch the 1080p image to its own native aspect ratio, it would seem. I say problem, but its not actually a problem, more of an annoyance for you. Unfortunately Im unable to help further though – you need to find a setting in ‘config.txt’ that works with your display. The 16:9 aspect ratio I set as standard in my builds is the most common display standard around these days – it would make no sense for me to make a change to that as the majority of folk would be affected negatively by it (including myself).Have you checked for a ‘zoom’ or similar button on your TV remote? You can often cycle through different aspect ratios that way. Other than that then Im afraid I can’t really help you.
Hmm thanks:) I will try different aspect ratios through retroarch.cfg though to see if i can resolve it.
Edit: A triple boot with oe+retropie+raspbian would rock:)