Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWhat is the difference between iMAME4all and MAME4droid?
ParticipantHi jbam. If you can provide a step by step build instruction i will create a ppsspp-libretro module for retropie-setup.
ParticipantThis should be the way. We already have multiple ini and cfg files for games and systems like gameslist.xml and videomode.ini. Don’t want to add more scripts and files. The best way would be a menu in emulationstation feeding gameslist.xml. But we could also expand the change resolution script (x,m).
ParticipantNot at the moment. Your are not the first one asking and i am also not really happy with the current situation:
If we evaluated the best emus for pi2 and found a solution to setup game specific emulators there will be only one rom folder per system.
At the moment i try to add some rice neon speed improvements. So no time to fiddle around with config scripts ;-)
ParticipantLinux x86 != Linux ARMv6 softfloat != Linux ARMv6 hf != Linux ARMv7 hf != Android ;-)
A *.so library works only on supported platforms. So if RetroArch builds cores for x86 linux with desktop OpenGL it will not work. Or if *.so supports only ARMv7 with neon and desktop OpenGL (BeagleBone should have such a build target) it will not run with your pi.gizmo98
ParticipantPut your rom files in the rom path named above.
ParticipantSome do not work because the raspy gpu is not capable. I strongly recommend using RGUI for shader experiments because ini file editing takes too long.
I have tested some blur, eagle, sai, pixilation and crt shaders. Only some gameboy shaders are running fine.
ParticipantSurprise surprise!
ParticipantThere are already thoughts getting rid of the multiple rom folder mess. But the main target of the last weeks was get all emus running on a rpi2.
ParticipantN64-gles2rice. But it runs a little bit choppy.
ParticipantTo confuse you a little bit more. If you install mupen64plus-testing there will be five rom dirs:
n64: mupen64plus-libretro
n64-mupen64plus: mupen64plus standalone rpi fork (rice or gles2n64 video plugin)
n64-gles2n64: mupen64plus standalone vanilla (gles2n64 video plugin)
n64-gles2rice: mupen64plus standalone vanilla (vanilla rice video plugin)
n64-glide64mk2: mupen64plus standalone vanilla (vanilla glide64 video plugin)gizmo98
ParticipantAll arm devices are not officially supported. at 17:44 in reply to: Controlle issues/freezing when accidentally pushing "search" button #90387gizmo98
ParticipantSave config is disabled because retroarch would save system specific settings in our global /configs/all/retroarch.cfg and this would be bad. If you have installed ES-Config there is a new menu item in emulationstation named ES-Config. There is (or was?) a RGUI item which can be used to edit the global retroarch.cfg.
Participant@texasliberal: Exactly!
@all: mupen64plus-testing should build again.
ParticipantActually retroarch renders 1080p. Try to lower resolution or use hardware upscaling. (Search the forum for instructions)
ParticipantSame procedure as every day… ;-)
-Close emulationstation with F4
-Type:cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./
Select experimental packages
Select Mupen64plus-testingIt will not compile atm. Mupen64plus-core is broken but a fix is already on the way.
ParticipantUpdate RetroPie-Setup script and install experimental/mupen64plus-testing. There will be at least two new rom folders /rom/n64-gles2rice and /rom/n64-gles2n64. Use gles2rice for zelda games. Use gles2n64 for mario64, mario kart and super smash brothers.
Mupen64plus-testing is broken atm but should be fixed soon.
03/05/2015 at 21:00 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90286gizmo98
ParticipantIf you have windows and a usb card reader use usb image tool:
Start usb image tool as admin and do a backup in device mode.
If you have a mac or linux dd is the way to go.
03/05/2015 at 20:31 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90280gizmo98
ParticipantA user had equal errors some time ago. A fresh install of SD Card image 2.6.0 fixed his problem. I don’t know how stable rpi2 is at the moment and if 1GHz OC works without any problem for every user.
03/05/2015 at 20:25 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90263gizmo98
ParticipantPlease attach your log again. Did you update RetroPie-Setup script because swap file will be increased now if there is not enough ram.
ParticipantAnd please post your RiceVideoLinux.ini
ParticipantCould be you use another zelda rom ;-). Open /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg and set ScreenUptaeMode=7 under video-rice section.
ParticipantUpdate setup script and rerun experimental testing module. Zelda OoT should run with rice now.
ParticipantQuake has at least a core resolution option. Open RGUI with F1 or select+X and set a higher resolution.
ParticipantUpdate: If you set 1080p now gles2n64 keeps aspect now. There is also a video stretch option now.
03/04/2015 at 06:25 in reply to: Controlle issues/freezing when accidentally pushing "search" button #90099gizmo98
ParticipantThe accidently press x button is a current retroarch bug. There is no solution atm.
ParticipantJoypad 0 could be hard coded.
ParticipantDid you expand your file system and is there any space left?
ParticipantJust to clarify. At least mupen64plus-testing supports a joypad exit button. Open /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg and add your joypad. If you have a PS3 controller the assignement for the PS button is for example “J0B16” (Joystick 0, Button 16).
ParticipantYou can try to fix prosystem libretro. It compiles and starts but there is always a black screen and no sound.
ParticipantUpdate the setup script and do a source based installation of mupen64plus or a experimental of mupen64plus-testing.
ParticipantIf you use a pi2 and RetroPie-Setup neon optimizations are enabled default.
Participant1. Retroarch can display frame rates if video is not threaded. Open RGui ingame with F1 or start+x and enable “show framrate”
2. CAE19 should be the highest resolution. Higher resolutions have a performance impact but if you have a Pi2 this should be no problem. Retroarch keeps aspect equal if you switch display resolutions.
ParticipantLook under /opt/retropie/configs/!system!/retroarch.cfg. Some of these configs disable bilineae filtering.
ParticipantYou filed an issue and snes9x-next was added yesterday :-)