Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThere is no aspect ratio setting for this plugin at the moment. Corn has created an branch with an aspect ratio option. We still use GlideN64 upstream which lags this feature. The only option is to tell your TV “don’t stretch video signal”. Most TVs have options like video format=smart/wide/zoom/normal and so on.
Do you mind if i try to add all your work to the libretro overlay repo?gizmo98
ParticipantDisable smooth_video and set render resolution = display resolution (launch menu)
ParticipantA mali400mp2 should be slower as videocoreIV. Don’t expect to much.
ParticipantRPI2 is unplayable slow. Even a 2GHz Intel Atom is a little bit to slow for 4DO-libretro.
ParticipantJust wait how good software support is. A faster SOC with crappy drivers and linux support brings nothing.
ParticipantJust take libretro config file as base and add 304 to every value. select and start should be:
start = 313d = 0x139h
select = 312d = 0x138hOr add 305. I’m not really certain if id_offset is 304, 305 or 307.
ParticipantYou are awesome as well. *lol*
ParticipantI think you updated an older retropie version to 3.3? Rename InputAutoCfg.ini (mv InputAutoCfg.ini InputAutoCfg.ini.bak) and run input configuration again. Input configuration does not work if you have an old InputAutoConfig.ini file.
ParticipantPlease post this file /opt/retropie/configs/n64/InputAutoCfg.ini
You could also update RetroPie-Setup and then do a source based installation of emulationstation. Reicast controller configuration should work now for XBOX One controllers.
ParticipantYeah you must always press PS button to pair after boot, restart or initial configuration. If one LED lights up after pairing animation your controller should be paired successful.
ParticipantThe video tutorial is a little bit outdated. Just install ps3 driver “once” and connect your controller over usb afterwards. Everything should be setup now. Remove usb cable and press PS button. Your controller should pair (one LED should light up). Start controller config in emulationstation (Start button + Input configuration) and configure your controller.
ParticipantUse another video plugin. Rice is not the best for mario kart. If you launch mario kart press “x” or “m” and select video plugin gles2n64 or GLideN64. If you select GLideN64 don’t forget to set 640*480 as video resolution.
ParticipantConsider it as a mix of snes controller layout and ps1 triggers and analog sticks. ?
I’m also not really happy with emulationstation mapping. On my PS3 controller X is abort and O is ok.
ParticipantYou should configure your xbox controller like this:
Blame the retroarch devs ;-). They removed retroarch-joyconfig. Please post any difference between your working config files and config files created with emulationstation.gizmo98
Recalbox uses GLideN64 with a low resolution. You can do the same if you open launch menu with key x or m and select the right video plugin and resolution.gizmo98
ParticipantGo to RetroPie-Menu (in emulationstation) and select “Edit RetroPie/RetroArch configurations”. Select option “1 Change common retroarch options” and select “all”. Set “input_joypad_driver” “udev”.
Participant0x137 (select) should work as a exit button.
ParticipantYeah. Using retropie with a normal pc seems to be lame. ;)
Using retropie with something like >this< would be nice if it behaves like our current rpi images (direct boot up into emulationstation, setup over RetroPie-Setup).gizmo98
ParticipantPlease transfer hex values of this file into your controller config file.
ParticipantLooks good if you have “only one” xbox controller and this controller is event device 7. Could you post the content of controller_XboxGamepad(userspacedriver).cfg as well?
ParticipantPlease post your /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/emu.cfg and the files under /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/.
ParticipantThere are many things you can tweak:
1. Increase render resolution: Press x or m if you launch a game and select a higher render resolution.
2. Disable bilinear filtering: Go to RetroPie-Menu and select “Edit RetroPie/RetroArch configurations”. Select option “1 Change common retroarch options” and select “snes”. Disable “video_smooth”.
3. Use shaders: Go to RetroPie-Menu and select “Edit RetroPie/RetroArch configurations”. Select option “1 Change common retroarch options” and select “snes”. Enable “video_shader_enable” and select a video shader to use.
4. Use overlays: There are many threads how to use overlays.12/24/2015 at 13:16 in reply to: PS3 clone controller not pairing via bluetooth, errors via USB #112433gizmo98
ParticipantGood to know. Looks like a linux kernel driver bug.
12/24/2015 at 08:28 in reply to: PS3 clone controller not pairing via bluetooth, errors via USB #112411gizmo98
ParticipantOriginal and gasia clone controllers are supported at the moment. I have equal problems with a shanwan clone. This controller does not even work wired.
ParticipantA Intel Nuc with Debian could be a good base for a faster RetroPie distribution. Good driver support + mainline distribution. But a Nuc is much more expensive and there is no debian x86 support atm.
I would like to move some options out of the retropie menu.
-set audio port
-show ip address
-move retropie menu to settings menu and launch some scriptsI had the idea to add a menu item like this:
#ifdef _RPI_ // audio port auto audio_port_behavior = std::make_shared< OptionListComponent<std::string> >(mWindow, "TRANSITION STYLE", false); std::vector<std::string> audio_port; audio_port.push_back("AUTO"); audio_port.push_back("HDMI"); audio_port.push_back("AUDIO JACK"); for(auto it = audio_port.begin(); it != audio_port.end(); it++) audio_port_behavior->add(*it, *it, Settings::getInstance()->getString("AudioPort") == *it); s->addWithLabel("AUDIO PORT", screensaver_behavior); s->addSaveFunc([audio_port_behavior] { Settings::getInstance()->setString("AudioPort", audio_port_behavior->getSelected()); }); #endif
I was to lazy to run “amixer cget=3” and pipe and rework the output somehow (i dislike c string handling) to check if output is auto/hdmi/jack and set audio output with “amixer cset numid=3 0-2” and “alsactl store”.
12/19/2015 at 13:25 in reply to: Kid-friendly Retropie/ES (UI modes, favorites, hiding items) [B-TESTERS WANTED!] #112099gizmo98
My script clones zigurana’s repo with all current and future changes. Don’t run this script within emulationstation. I don’t think you can update emulationstation if emulationstation is running. If it is not working post your build log (/RetroPie-Setup/logs/). There could be a bug or error.12/13/2015 at 19:25 in reply to: Pairing PS3 controller via blutooth without USB cable it's possible? #111747gizmo98
ParticipantThere is no reason to setup ps3 controller with a usb cable after every reboot. Please update your ps3 driver if you have such issues.
Participantsixpair stores the mac address of your current hci0 device (first bt dongle). The controller will only try to connect to this bluetooth dongle. If you have genuine controllers only one bt dongle is necessary for multiple controllers. I don’t know if gasia controllers act differently.
ParticipantSorry i don’t know how to solve this problem at the moment. If you have only one controller enable safety.timeout: “/var/lib/sixad/profiles/default” “enable_safety_timeout 1”
ParticipantThanks! The next sd card image will have a install option for clones.