Forum Replies Created
Participant1. Try to update vice.
exit emulation station with “F4”.
make a backup of ./emulationstation/es_system.cfgcd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./ select source based installation select vice, emulation station and (C) Generate config file for Emulation Station install
2. Use an older RetroPie setup script.
exit emulation station with “F4”.
make a backup of ./emulationstation/es_system.cfgcd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo git checkout 19133b676f sudo ./ select source based installation select vice, emulation station and (C) Generate config file for Emulation Station install
ParticipantYou can only save states with one key if no hotkey is selected. Check if “input_hotkey” is set.
ParticipantI’m not sure if RetroPie works out of the box. You need at least a hard float distribution. It should be a debian derivate like ubuntu or raspbian. There should also be gpu support. Banana pi uses an armv7 soc. So some files should be updated:
__default_cflags=”-O2 -pipe -mfpu=vfp -march=armv6j -mfloat-abi=hard”
__default_cflags=”-O2 -pipe -mfpu=neon -march=armv7 -mfloat-abi=hard”Emulationstation requires gcc-4.7, SDL2 and /usr/lib/
Many emulators are optimized for armv6 or the videocore of the raspberry pi soc. With a fast armv7 soc you could use common libretro cores like bsnes-libreto or mupen64plus-libretro:
ParticipantThere are three possibilities:
1. open es_system.cfg and uncomment (#) every unnecessary emulator.
2. open es_system.cfg and delete every unnecessary emulator.
3. open /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/*unnecessary emulator* and delete every file. Emulators only show up if at least one file exists.gizmo98
ParticipantChange /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg or /home/pi/RetroPie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg.
ParticipantOnly select (C) Generate config file for Emulation Station. Nothing will be wiped because your es_system.cfg is already blank.
ParticipantYou can install a new es_system.cfg
cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo select Source-Based-Installation select (C) Generate config file for Emulation Station install
ParticipantYou can enable bilinear filtering (video_smooth = true) or shaders.
ParticipantHave you checked if the debug.log contains errors?
ParticipantI have the same problem since one month. Retroarch runs slower with threaded video. Seems to be a library problem. If i use older userland libs ( threaded video is faster and there is no audio stuttering.
If i checkout the following commit everything runs as expected: delete or rename directory /opt/vc
2. install old userland libsexport CFLAGS=" -march=armv6j -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp -O2" git clone --depth=0 git://raspberrypi/userland.git cd userland git checkout c5749b99f2 sudo ./buildme
Be aware that rpi-update overwrites /opt/vc
ParticipantGo to “advmame-rpi/usr/local/bin” and type “./advmame”.
ParticipantOpen /RetroPie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg and disable shaders (video_shader_enable = “false”).
ParticipantWe already use X applications like basiliskii without LXDE with XINIT <application> or STARTX <application>. There should be a new scriptmodule because emulators.shinc and libretrocores.shinc don’t fit. Any idea? applications.shinc, games.shinc?
ParticipantIt should be possible. The newest RetroPie-Setup script has an updated 7 => composite PAL 8 => composite NTSCIt would be nice if someone could test these new options.
It is now also possible to set audio output from emulationstation (update-> source-based-installation/emulationstation).
ParticipantAll right. Script is updated.
ParticipantThe newest Retropie-Setup-Script contains auto config files for PS3 controllers. The described behavior should only occur if the hotkey button “select” is pressed. If no hotkey button is defined the described problem occurs.
Please check if /RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg has the setting
input_enable_hotkey_btn = “0”PS3 retroarch controller settings:
ParticipantEasiest way:
-You need an PC/MAC and the current IP-address of your pi
-connect your usb-bluetooth dongle with your pi
-connect your ps3 controller over usb with your pi
–>no usb port is left ;-)
-connect over SSH (use putty:
ip: ip of your pi
user: pi
pw: raspberry
-when you are connected:cd RetroPie-Setup sudo ./ Select "SETUP" Select "17 "Install driver and tools for PS3 controllers""
-disconnect your controller
-you can pair your controller now with the PS buttonSSH is not necessary if you have an usb hub.
ParticipantMame and FBA emulators take the most time. If these emulators are not selected, compilation time is significantly shorter.
ParticipantIf you select all and everything source based installation can take up to one day ;-)
ParticipantIn my opinion raspbian detects hdmi or sdtv if
is set. checks withtvservice --status
if sdtv or hdmi is set.
does something like this:
starttype/parameter 1 – if hdmi change resolution to CAE 1 (VGA), otherwise (SDTV) do nothing.It is possible to add other CAE modes/resolutions. You can get a list of all supported modes with
tvservice -m CAE
ParticipantGithub provides you with all sources: can get and compile the mednafen stuff with:
cd RetroPie/emulatorcores
git clone –depth=0 git://
cd mednafen-libretro
export FLAGS=”-march=armv6zk -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard”
make platform=armvThere should be some libretto*.so file now. Otherwise compilation failed.
Start retroarch with your new core:
RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin/retroarch -L
find RetroPie/emulatorcores/mednafen-libretro/ -name “*libretro*.so” | head -1--config $rootdir/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
Don’t no if it is working.
ParticipantOr type “emu”, press <tab> and press <enter>.
ParticipantThe newest script contains something like this. Update the script and install ES-Config and Emulationstation. There should be a menu item under “input Config”.
->close emulation station with <F4>
->type:cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./
->select source based installation
->select ES-Config,Emulationstation and (C) Generate config file for Emulation Station
->start installationgizmo98
ParticipantHi whise,
I did not run ppsspp till now. Retropie already has an ppsspp installation option. There are some minor differences between your solution and the retropie_setup script.
# install PSP emulator PPSSPP function em_install_ppsspp() { printMsg "Installing PPSSPP emulator" if [[ -d "$rootdir/emulators/ppsspp" ]]; then rm -rf "$rootdir/emulators/ppsspp" fi gitPullOrClone "$rootdir/emulators/ppsspp" git:// git submodule update --init # generate default Makefile cmake . sed -i -e "s/ARM:BOOL=OFF/ARM:BOOL=ON/g" CMakeCache.txt sed -i -e "s/X86:BOOL=ON/X86:BOOL=OFF/g" CMakeCache.txt sed -i -e "s/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release/g" CMakeCache.txt # enabled arm, disabled x86, built with release flags. cmake . make mkdir -p "$rootdir/emulators/ppsspp/assets/lang" cp $rootdir/emulators/ppsspp/lang/* $rootdir/emulators/ppsspp/assets/lang/ if [[ ! -f "$rootdir/emulators/ppsspp/PPSSPPSDL" ]]; then __ERRMSGS="$__ERRMSGS Could not successfully compile PPSSPP." fi popd }
ParticipantPlease update RetroPie-Setup script. Source based installation should update an existing installation of the following emulators now:
-pocketsnes-libretro (retroarch snes)
ParticipantPress <F4>
(or press <ESCAPE> and select <Exit>)Type:
cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./
ParticipantIf you start a libreto/retroarch core like pocketsnes or pscx_rearmed you can open a GUI (RGUI) with “F1” or with a “input_menu_toggle_btn” or an “input_menu_toggle_axis”. It is possible to change video, audio, input and path settings. Furthermore it is possible to change drivers. But your changes aren’t persistent. Your new settings will not be stored because
save_config_on_exit = "false"
.It is a good idea to disable this option at the moment. Otherwise the main retroarch.cfg will be overritten (/configs/all/retroarch.cfg). If i change something in pocketsnes, no other emulator core should be influenced. For example, if rewind can be used with nes/mastersystem cores it slows down pscx_rearmed.
ParticipantI backup my sd under mavericks with this command:
sudo dd bs=1m if=/dev/rdisk# of=<your image file>.imgHad no problem until now.
ParticipantThere are many posts about this topic. There are also many solutions. The snes emulator uses retroarch. Follow these instructions and the controller should work:
ParticipantYour es_input.cfg should lock like this:
<inputConfig type=”joystick” deviceName=”Sony Computer Entertainment Wire$
<input name=”a” type=”button” id=”13″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”b” type=”button” id=”14″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”down” type=”button” id=”6″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”left” type=”button” id=”7″ value=”-1″ />
<input name=”menu” type=”button” id=”3″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”pagedown” type=”button” id=”12″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”pageup” type=”button” id=”15″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”right” type=”button” id=”5″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”select” type=”button” id=”0″ value=”1″ />
<input name=”up” type=”button” id=”4″ value=”1″ />
ParticipantThere are much more shaders available. I have not found a simple scan line filter until now.
ParticipantYou could try to change emulationstation themes:
<menuOpenSound>Or ask Aloshi:
ParticipantI don’t know what causes your problem. But you could lower the resolution.
COMMAND=$rootdir/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 “$rootdir/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame %BASENAME%”
Participant -