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ParticipantJust added mupen64plus-libretro core to RetroPie-Setup. Because retroarch is used it is possible to exit the emulator with game pad and save/load states. The problem is you need at least 1GHz OC and there must be 384MB of ram available (set GPU men 128MB). Otherwise games will be too slow or the rpi hangs after time because low memory.
How to install:
-Close emulationstation with “F4”
-type:cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./ select Experimental select mupen64plus-libretro core
If you are brave enough start “sudo raspy-config” and set memory split and OC.
ParticipantYou are right. Shader names must be saved in the system specific retroarch.cfg. You can test, modify and save shader presets (*.glslp files) under RGUI.
ParticipantIf you use the newest RetroPie-Setup Script you can open RGUI with “F1” and select at runtime a new shader preset.
ParticipantRetroPie lowers the resolution if you start a game. The main reason is performance. Most games are slow in Full HD. Some emus use VGA, some use 720p. Retropie uses the script (/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ to do this.
Take a look into /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg to see what video mode is used.
ParticipantI don’t believe that the pi is fast enough for this shader. If we get a *.cg file we can give it a try.
ParticipantBananiPi is useless without support. My A20 powered olimex board is now running more or less with a modified RetroPie-Setup. RetroArch cores run faster. Shaders cannot be used (slow). Some emulators do not run, because there is no support (gpsp, all rpi optimized emus). There is no modified RetroPie for BananaPi…
-GB, GBC, SNES, GENESIS, MASTERSYSTEM and PSX are running fine. (resolution 576p)
-Cannot build mupen64plus-rpi and gasp.
-Shaders are slow as hell. Smooth video runs good.
-SNES: Secret of Mana 2, Starwing and Super Mario RPG run at full speed.
-PSX: Gran Turismo runs good.Source:
sudo git clone –depth=0 git://
-It is possible to build SDL2 and EmulationStation with GLES support. Runs really smooth under X.
-It is also possible to compile RetroArch with GLES support.
-GB and SNES cores are running atm. Cannot start PCSX, cannot build pocketsnes. Have not tested other cores.gizmo98
./ *shader file*
. must be executable.gizmo98
ParticipantIt is necessary to convert cg shaders to glsl shaders. To do this you need the nvidia cg toolkit. The toolkit is only available for x86 platforms. So you need a ubuntu live cd and a PC to convert a shader.
If everything is installed download and run
ParticipantIt’s not possible. You need a gba libreto core. But no gba libreto core is fast enough for rip.
retroarch-joyconfig creates a autoconfig file with hotkeys, which can be used if the hotkey “select” is pushed. So you can exit a game with select + start, you can open RGUI with select + Y and you can save a state with select + R1. The only problem: If there is no input_enable_hotkey keyboard mapping the select button will not work…Please open /opt/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg. Add a input_enable_hotkey keyboard mapping. For example add “input_enable_hotkey = f12” and save.
ParticipantSounds excellent.
ParticipantGame colorization is a core option. Open RGUI (F1 or any Hotkey+Menu key combination), select core options and enable colorization.
ParticipantDisable retroarch autoconfig or delete all files under following path:
/opt/retropie/emulatores/RetroArch/configsThen run “esconfig/basic input config”.
ParticipantUpdate retropie-setup. The newest commits contains quake3 source based installation of quake3.
ParticipantIt is already there for retroarch cores.
You can find a list of all supported controllers here: can create a auto config file under “ESCONFIG/basic input configuration”. The config file will be stored under “/opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs”.
ParticipantYour swapfile is too small. Try this:
ParticipantMupen64plus is slow at the moment. In my opinion the only playable game is mario64 and the PI will never be fast enough to emulate n64 games at full speed.
zelda ocarina of time –> too slow, graphic corruption
paper mario –> slow, hangsgizmo98
ParticipantMupen64plus takes approx. 1-2 hours
Emulationstation 30-45 min.How much space is left on your sd card? mupen64plus needs 750MB memory for compilation. The pi has only 512MB ram. So the swap file is resized at runtime from 99MB to 512MB. If there is not enough space we cannot resize the swapfile.
ParticipantPress “F4” and type:
cd RetroPie-Setup sudo git pull sudo ./
select “source based installation”
select mupen64 and emulationstation
build and installgizmo98
ParticipantPlease update retropie-setup and reinstall mupen64plus & emulationstation.
ParticipantIt will not work. RetroPie binaries are optimized for ArmV6 + Broadcom Videocore without X11.
Olimex A20 has the same problem:
-I modified retropie setup script.
-You can build and run emulationstation. Emulationstation starts only if X is running. It runs slow as hell, because it uses mesa GL libs. GLES builds will not start at the moment. Should be a emulation station problem.
-You can build and run Retroarch. At 720p the framerate drops to 40-50Hz. Shaders cannot be used (too slow). 480p or 576p should be fast enough.
-The Mali kernel module r3p0 is too old. Only one core of the MALI400MP2 dual GPU is used. If the kernel module r3p2-relxx could be build the framerate should be much better.gizmo98
ParticipantThere is no defined way to target different platforms at the moment. I will try to fork the current RetroPie-Setup for olimex A20.
But first of all i will disable the autostart Xorg manually and check out if emulationstation is running.
ParticipantRetroPie-Setup is not compatible with the olimex debian image at the moment. RetroPie-Setup cannot disable the autostart of Xorg/XFCE and emulationstation cannot start if Xorg is running.
With minor changes of the RetroPie-Setup Script it should be possible to run emulation station and Retroarch cores.
ParticipantI have tried it, but i wasn’t successful. I could not boot from a SD card. It seems to be the A20 needs a micro SD card. I ordered one and will check it out this week. ;-)
Participant1. pixilated display
Open RGUI and disable video shaders.2. awful sound
There seems to be an issue with rpi-update. rpi-update updates the firmware and system libraries of your PI. If system libraries are updated manually the sound issues are gone.3. RGUI menu, save settings
Settings will only be saved if “Save on exit” is selected.gizmo98
ParticipantI will check it out this week.
ParticipantRetroPie Image 1.10 should contain all commits since Nov. 12 2013. is also possible that a newer Raspbian version with the newest raspberry pi firmware is used.
ParticipantCould be a gcc 4.7 issue. New sources on github seem to fix this:
Participant“vg” cannot display RGUI. Open retroarch.cfg and set “gl”.
ParticipantDo a source based installation. The installation script will fetch the newest sources and compile them.
ParticipantThere could be a core option. Try this:
ParticipantIt is possible. Open RGUI (you need an input_menu_btn or input_menu key mapping) an select core options. There is a 4-color core option.