Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOnce in game, try disconnecting the controller and reconnect it.
I have had this happen before over Bluetooth. The fix was a clean install, i must have mucked something up in the configs from a previous version.03/31/2016 at 01:33 in reply to: running hacked GBA and normal games but lagging hard on one emulator #122043gamesfan
ParticipantWhat emulator are you using, I find the new MGBA one to be the fastest.
Participant@InsecureSpike, are you using a bluetooh controller? I have did a memory split 256 and still have the crashes.. Only when playing with a bluetooth controller.
I left MarioKart running in attactmode for 2 hours without issues. When playing a game it will freeze in 20 minutes or so..
Only seeming to affect bluetooth.
Participanti agree, I have built a few for my friends too, its a very cool ,cost effective project.
ParticipantStrange, I think the gameslist.xml that is generated when you scrape may be the offender here.
Personally I find the Liberato Mame 78 version to be better than mameforall.
Participantis syslog the folder or name of the file?
if not what is the file name, so I could export it when it happens.gamesfan
ParticipantIs there a way to enable this logging, I can reproduce these issues as well with my RPI3. I just dont know how to enable the logs or where to find them.
03/27/2016 at 20:32 in reply to: I want to know Retropie Admin Password Version 3.6 Raspberry Pi 3 #121672gamesfan
ParticipantThe admin account is ROOT and is disabled by default kinda. Actually, the password is not set and the system is configured not to allow blank passwords. You can change the admin password, it is in the Wiki.
However, log in as PI and it should suffice for 98% of things. If you need to run a command as an elevated user, prefix the command with sudo.
See This page for other info:
Why can’t I SSH as root anymore?
Starting with RetroPie 3.0 BETA 3 the root password was disabled (as is the case for Raspbian by default and many other linux distros).
If you would like to re-enable root access, in the terminal type:
sudo passwd root
see these posts for more details:
RetroPie 3.0 Jessie Builds:
before setting a root password, the following must be edited
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
look for
PermitRootLogin without-password
change it to
PermitRootLogin yes
then ctrl+x to save, next set your root password & restart your Pi
ParticipantLike this? I have used this with much success.
ParticipantStep 1: Take the SD card from the RaspberryPI and put it in your PC.
Step 2: Download Win32DiskImager, Point to your SD card and click READ. This will make a BACKUP of your SD card. You can currupt the hell out of it by shutting down incorrectly, presonaly I run my builds from USB flash drives as they are far more stable.
Step 3: Now that you have your backup, put the car back into the Raspberry.Now, this is the issue with buying something (premade), we dont know if they jacked with the menus, settings etc. But I will assume they didnt.
The first step is to see what emulator core the other systems are using, I find the libereto the easiest to configure as there is a controller menu. It SHOULD display what emulator it is using, or ask you to press any key once a game launches. If it doesnt, someone messed with the
If you do this, see what core its using and follow the wiki to configure the controls for that core. If it is liberato by chance then we can go to the next step
Step 4: Is there a display at the bottom when you load a game that shows what controller configuration it is using? If so, connect your Raspberry pi to your routher and SSH into it via putty or connect to its samba shares via \\RETROPIE\ from your windows explorer.
Go into configurations and find your controller CFG files, you can edit them with a text editior. From there you can assign your buttons.
If it is a Xarcade, it uses MAME standard confgs like 5 , 6 for coin and 1 and 2 for P1 and P2 start.
You may find that pressing COIN 1 and (SOMEOTHER) button bring up the Retroarch config menu.. This will allow you to create \ save emulator \ game specific key remap files.
Of course if this seems daunting, you can always upgrade to the latest version using the setup scripts.
You can also start fresh copy the ROMS and BIOS off first through \\RETROPIE and start with a new image, configure it yourself so you understand what is going on and then put the roms back on.
If all else fails you can always restore from your backup you made earlier.
Does the person you bought it from provide support?
ParticipantStep 1: Download the Image from here (this webpage)
Step 2: Take the MicroSD card from your Raspberry PI and put in in your PC
Step 3: Unzip the download until all you have is the IMG file (Use Winrar or 7zip)
Step 4: Open Win32diskimager32 and point it to the image and your SD card drive.
Step 5: Click Write.The tool will overwrite the card entirely, there is no need to format it at all.
ParticipantUse a cat5 cable, connect the RP3 right to your firewall.
ParticipantWeird, perhaps its a cooling issue.
ParticipantThanks guys for your replys. I have 2 more quick questions.
1. Is there a way to edit the command that the shutdown from the main menu performs?
2. Could I, in theory, mage those two gamelists readonly, and then ES would fail to write to them and maybe shutdown faster?BH
ParticipantI have used an Asus BT400 with much success.
ParticipantDo you have any heatsinks or fans? I use them with my RPI2 as it would freeze in some long gaming sessions. Once I put on the heatsinks and fans the issues went away.
Also the RPI3 requires a beefier powersupply at 2.5amps , maybe your PS isnt giving it enough current and that is causing the lockups.
it appears root is not enabled and I cant set a root password with sudo as it is broken. Otherwise I blieve meneerjansen would have got me straightend up. I have leared alot about linux with this fun project. I have a backup I made with Winimage thankfully that isnt too far behind.Dudleydes , thank for your suggestion. I will use your idea.
Thanks everyone for your time. We can close this. It is totally my fault and the resolution is to start over and dont do what I did again.
ParticipantYou could go about this another way. The coin is a button press or keystroke. A script can be written (likely) that will capture the key stroke regardless of the system running or just the front end and increase the count by 1. If 4 coins are inserted the count will be 4
Then each time you press start the button count would count down 4,3,2,1 etc.
Then the script could listen for running processes ex. Mame.exe or pifba.exe etc. this way if the process isn’t running and a user presses start it won’t decrease the counter.
In theory this would make emulated games like snes pay per play too as a user couldn’t send a start button unless coins were inserted.
I have wrote similar scripts in autohotkey for Windows and Mame but don’t have any real experience with Linux.
I’d like to see this happen, but people are very passionate about people charging for mame etc so your mileage may vary
Thank you so much for the prompt reply! I will look into both of these.Thank you for taking the time from your personal life to help me out. As a fellow forum moderator I truly understand what a labor of love this is.
Much appreciated.
ParticipantI wanted to update everyone this issue is resolved. I took the time and did a clean install to 3.4. Its all good now.. must have been some legacy configs screwing things up.
I tried to run the command suggested but it told me all my packages werre already up to date.gamesfan
Thank you for taking the time to reply, my issues are specifc to players 1 and 2 across all systems that use retroarch.My issues are different than io2red, he does not appear to have the issues where you need to disconnect\reconnect controllers to get them to work. He is having issues with controllers 3 and 4. He makes no mention of the issue I have. Although he has not yet responded to my question of “do they work if you disconnect\reconnect while in game” he does mention in a diffrent thread that he was able to get controllers 3 and 4 working in Retropie 3.3 in PSX. So, unless he is using a diffrent core in the new 3.4 version perhaps something has changed, or the issue is mistaken.
It seems our issues are in common by the fact we use the same controller and have followed the same guide to set them up.
Do they work if you turn them off (while in game) by holding down the PS button for 10 seconds, then turn it back on while holding the share button?This is the only way I am able to get my controllers to work in game.