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I guess you could just copy over the parent instead?
Here is a rough guide:
FloobMemberThe defaults are stored here:
/home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelistsFloobMember/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg is probably set to pick up the controllers automatically.
This line decides that:
input_autodetect_enable = trueThis will read the relevant file in: joypad_autoconfig_dir
This is usually:
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/So if you feel you dont need any of the config in the dir above, you could stop retroarch reading it by changing the value to false.
You can tell if its reading the auto files as yellow text appears at the bottom of the screen when you start a game showing the path.
If you get bored check out the hotkey video:
FloobMemberI’ve only used AdvanceMAME a bit, but its seems quite happy to map inputs using the GUI when it runs (via TAB). Have you tried that?
FloobMemberMake *sure* that Emulation Station isnt running when you scrape.
It does auto start when you boot the Pi so you need to exit out of it – and with version 3.0.0 of RetroPie it will auto restart – so make sure to press a key when prompted to stop it restarting.You can usually tell if its running by typing “ps -u pi”
Also make sure all your actions, (logging into terminal etc.. ) are done as user pi, as opposed to root.
New easy install instructions can be found here for the scraper could try this approach rather than the built in scraper
FloobMemberThanks! :)
FloobMemberA more current dat list and arcade emulation is here:
I need to update the Wiki post!
FloobMemberI’m not sure I do this in the most efficient way, but I export from Romlister as a batch file that copies the romsets into a new folder.
– Get your filtered list in Romlister
– Choose “Batch File” in the export list
– Click “Save list to file”
– Type a name for the batch file, for example “createfilteredroms.bat”
– Click Save
– The dialog box says “copy c:\mame\roms” that directory should be the one you want to create the new smaller romset list into. So change it as appropriate.
– Then click “Ok” takes a few seconds, then quit out of romlister.
– Move the created batch file into your original rom directory, and double click it to run it
– This will copy your selected roms into that new directory which you can then copy across to the PiYou can optionally create a new .dat file for this filtered directory with clrmamepro using its Dir2Dat function. That could be useful if you need to build it from scratch, or hand the list to someone else.
FloobMemberI thought the performance was pretty good, but maybe I’m not very picky :)
Remember that RetroPie 3.0.0 comes with both Advmame .094 and 1.2
Details here:FloobMemberThe short answer is to use this: is a tutorial at that link
FloobMemberExample line (it goes in “gngeorc”):
p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B6,COIN=J0B10,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7
# Meaning of the code:
# Kxxx : keyboad key number xxx
# JxByy : Joystick number x Button
# JxAyy : Joystick number x Axe yy (use a lowercase ‘a’ if you need to invert the axis)
# JxHyy : Joystick number x Hat yy
# by the way, you can define a button multiple time, for example A=J0B0,A=K123,etc..You can get your button codes by using “jstest”
FloobMemberYou can just create it – by default its not there in 3.0.0 – or gngeo will create it if you save some settings via the GUI.
You can create it with
“sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/gngeorc”FloobMemberYes, but you wouldnt want to use the button for another function, so you need an unused one really.
Then you just keep hotkeys enabled (so no need for an enable_hotkey button):FloobMemberTry putting the bios in /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/
FloobMemberYep – add roms to the relevant rom folder and the emulator option will show up.
(If you are new to this, you may find it easier to write the 3.0.0 image and not update binaries).FloobMemberMAME version info on RetroPie is up here:
FloobMemberOk, two things.
1) On the roms (i.e Lightning Fighter) that dont accept “Select” as the coin button, using the keyboard version of “Right Shift” works fine for coin, the joypad then functions correctly.
2) By swapping the hotkey enable button to anything else (in my case left trigger) in /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg (this way all other libretro emulation keeps using select as the hotkey) everything then works fine (as in, select then works as coin).
I simply added this line to that file
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "4"
either of these solve the problem.
Can anyone who knows how fba-libretro handles inputs, see what the cause may be based on the resolutions above working?
Either way, I’m happy it works now :)
FloobMemberThis is a pain that the controls dont seem consistent across the roms with the installed fba-libretro. (i.e. the select button wont always trigger credits)
Its a shame as it supports such a recent version of romsets.
I’ll post polluxpt solution again.
Has anyone had better experience with libretro-fba from barbudreadmon above?
FloobMemberhmm, I now think FBA-Libretro is actually, as thats what it reports in RGUI.
This is MAME 0.154 (Jul 2014)
FloobMember[b]RetroPie 3.0.0 beta MAME Versions[/b]
These details are as per the default installed binaries on the RetroPie 3.0.0 beta image.[b][color=#FF0000]Important[/color][/b]
In 3.0.0 some emulators share directories, so you need to choose which FBA, NeoGeo and mame4all version you want.
So you can have 1 romset for each of these (mame4all, FBA, NeoGeo, advmame)You can scan and/or rebuild your romsets with this guide:[b]FBA[/b]
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/fba/fba2x.cfg
MAME Version: FBA which is based on MAME 0.114 (April 2007)
Size: 3.62GB
Romsets emulated: 684 (no clones in this)
Dat File:[b]FBA-Libretro[/b]
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/libretrocores/fbalibretro
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg
MAME Version: FBA which is based on MAME 0.154 (Jul 2014)
Size: 9.15GB
Romsets emulated: 3369 (includes clones etc..)
Active Sets 3369/3369
·Parents 710/710
·Clones 2146/2146
·Others 508/508
·BIOS 5/5
Dat File: FB Alpha[b]mame4all-pi[/b]
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-mame4all
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-mame4all
MAME Version: Based on 0.37b5 (July 2000)
Size: 1.86GB
Romsets emulated: 2270 (includes clones etc..)
Dat File:[b]Mame-libretro[/b](imame4all)
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-mame4all
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/libretrocores/mamelibretro/
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-mame4all/retroarch.cfg
MAME Version: Based on 0.37b5 (July 2000)
Size: 1.86GB
Romsets emulated: 2270 (includes clones etc..)
Dat File:[b]GnGeo 0.8[/b]
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/emulators/gngeopi/bin
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/neogeo
MAME Version: Based on 0.138 romsets (May 2010)
Romsets emulated: 203
Dat File:[b]AdvanceMAME 0.94.0 and 1.2[/b]
Roms Dir: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame
Binary Dir: /opt/retropie/emulators/advmame/(0.94.0 and 1.2)
Config Dir: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame
MAME Version: Based on MAME 0.94 (March 2005) or (for 1.2) Based on MAME 0.106 (May 2006)
Size: 11.6GB (0.94.0) Size: 14.8GB (1.2)
Romsets Emulated: 6166 (includes clones etc..)Active Sets (For 1.2) 6166/6166
·Parents 1388/1388
·Clones 2824/2824
·Others 1928/1928
·BIOS 26/26Active Sets (For 0.94.0) 5563/5563
·Parents 1236/1236
·Clones 2473/2473
·Others 1829/1829
·BIOS 25/25Dat File: advmame-0.94-RetroPie-260.7z / advmame12-106.7z
FloobMemberWell that certainly tidies things up a lot, and is easier to manage.
I guess if I wanted to keep them all I could just add a couple of ES config entries and create a new folder as you suggest.
Looks like the only version change to the above is the addition of Advmame 1.2?
Perhaps this change will make me decide which I prefer to run!
I have a Pi2 as my main RetroPie machine, and I think I’ll go for
NeoGeo = gngeo (fast with newer romsets)
Advmame = 1.2 (havent checked speed but Pi2 should cope and its newer romsets)
Mame4all = non libretro version
FBA = lr-fbaPersonally I’m loving playing the Cave shooters at the moment, RetroPie is worth it for that alone!
FloobMemberOk….so things have changed haha!
Its probably me being daft, but how/where would I put my MAME roms so that I could use both FBA (for the romset), but also wanted lr-FBA so I could run different/newer roms using my retroarch config.
It seems they share the same rom dir?
This also seems to apply to the multiple neogeo emulators etc..
FloobMember[quote=92982]the current libretro mame is imame4all – which is based on 0.37b5 as with mame4all[/quote]
Thanks very much buzz, I’ll update that now.
I’ll whip up a RetroPie v3 one in a moment.FloobMember[quote=92975]Great list Floob! I’ve added it to the Wiki on the page that Roo created that I think is the page you meant to link to on rebuilding ROMs:
Thanks very much for the link catch and updating the Wiki. Hopefully that will help people out with romsets and MAME config queries.
Maybe buzz or Roo can help out with the ??? marked above.
FloobMemberI think you’re right about the ES behaviour – although I have about 10 systems setup and must be over 10,000 roms referenced (lots of mame versions) and it seems to cope (Pi2) – so maybe the number of emulators displayed is more of a factor.
FloobMemberOk, I’ll base it on that. Well here is the dat if anyone needs it.
FloobMember[quote=92112]For fba libretro romset
for the dat fike download fba under prevoius version for windows then open fba under misc option there is an export to dat file et voila[/quote]Are you sure its not ? In my stock 2.6.0 image the whatsnew.html file implies it is I havent updated the binaries, so its the version that came with it – I just wanted to check before I build the romset.
FloobMemberCould be worth double checking the romsets. I’ve attached the dat file.
You can find a guide here: even try an image with an SD card.
There is a guide here:
FloobMember[quote=92586]bump.. is there anyway to turn on debug mode / collect logs from emulationstation?[/quote]
The log is
/home/pi/.emulationstation/es_log.txtFloobMemberI can only presume we have different ADF and/or kick rom files.
FloobMemberI’m using the stock version that comes with 2.6.0 – I havent updated it from the one in that image.
In that version, there are symbolic links to the BIOS directory which is where they should be – no permission changes needed. Works well for me.
/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/kick13.romFloobMemberI dont change any permissions like you do here
“Then in Putty set the Folder Right…”Can you try a game I checked in the demo (i.e. Turrican 2) to see if it is the ADF that this version of UAE4ALL has an issue with?
Also, try using A500 as that is often more compatible. (Also try the free AROS rom option).
The video above is literally all I did to get it working, maybe try to replicate that and see if there is an issue for you.
I have just tried this
– Wrote RetroPie 2.6.0 (v2) to an SD card
– Booted up and quit Emulatoion Station and got back to a terminal prompt
– Expanded disk to get full size
– Copied “Battle Chess.adf” to /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga (FTP)
– Copied “kick13.rom” to /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/ (FTP)
– Ran Emulation Station and selected Amiga which opened UAE4ALL
– Clicked “A500” with mouse, selected Battle Chess for DF0
– Clicked “Save config for current game”
– Clicked “Reset”It then booted me into a 1.3 workbench and I had to double click a disk icon to run Battle Chess, but it then worked fine.
I just tried it with AROS and it doesnt seem to like it.Perhaps either your ADF or kickstart file is not compatible with this version of UAE4ALL?
FloobMemberThis guide should help:
FloobMember[quote=92297]Floob, how can I rip an image out of my sd card?[/quote]
I did this: -