Forum Replies Created
ParticipantUsing REtropie 3.6 and doing the updates straight from the pi? That’s what worked for me, just hit F4 and sudo apt-get update and same for upgrade. I managed to get that done in the first minute of booting (hitting F4 and the update command) so the wifi didn’t have a change to drop.
Participant[quote=122507]Well, it’s back to not connecting again. I’m not sure what the deal is but perhaps the Wi-Fi is just spotty on the pi3 with Retropie and I’ll have to wait for more updates. Bummer, but I’ll just have to tether for now.
P.S. I’m on channel 6…
No shouldn’t be spotty, once updated it should be 100% working.
I have been testing AttractMode with Robospin theme (think hyperspin) frontend ontop of Retropie for the last 4 days on to see if it would crash or glitch and I can login with Putty or WinSCP at any time not once has it failed.Are you sure you got it to update and upgrade properly?
ParticipantI had the same issue with my Rpi3, the update with Zigurana’s suggestion worked for me.
It’s faster and easier to just use a USB drive to tranfer ROMS BTW. Here are the steps just in case you haven’t tried it.(ensure that your USB is formatted to FAT32)
first create a folder called retropie on your USB stick
plug it into the pi and wait for it to finish blinking
pull the USB out and plug it into a computer
add the roms to their respective folders (in the retropie/roms folder)
plug it back into the raspberry pi
wait for it to finish blinking
refresh emulationstation by pressing F4, or choosing quit from the start menu
Participant[quote=122016]I think ES is started at boot by /etc/profile.d/ You could try replacing emulationstation in line 2.
Sweet that worked perfectly, thank you very much. :)
ParticipantThanks ran across that about an hour ago, but it doesn’t seem to point to any clue on how to boot into AM direclty only how to compile which I have already done.
ParticipantThanks for the quick reply, guess I’ll stop looking for a way to do it then. ;)