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ParticipantJust curious if any progress has been made for this? I was hoping to have a functional build to give a Christmas. Looks like I may have to revert back to 2.6 since that worked, but obviously isn’t a clean at Retropie 3.
ParticipantI have no issue trying to downgrade to prior firmware. The issue is I have no point of reference of where to start when choosing a firmware to revert to. How far back or to which firmware do you recommend? I’m not that much of a superuser to confidently start using older/custom firmwares without knowing what to expect and what may be affected by reverting back.
ParticipantBuzz, All 3 scenarios are the same. With the initial setup that didn’t work, I didn’t thoroughly examine the possibility of the back right trigger affecting the usability of the gamepads. When I reverted back to my original setup (or tried any of the other scenarios you proposed), they all had the identical result – after pressing the back right button, the gamepads would work without issue.
Herbfargus – do we have a fix/work around for that yet?
I ran through each of those scenarios. They all functioned identically. No discernible difference between the two.I realized my MAME emulator had switched off of a libretro core. Once I fixed that, the controls worked fine with the Xbox 360 controller.
I continue to have the same reproducible issues with the F310s. The controls do not work at all UNTIL the back right trigger is pressed.
My LogitechGamepadF310.cfg files reads as such:
input_device = “Logitech Gamepad F310”
input_driver = “udev”
input_r_y_plus_axis = “+4”
input_l3_btn = “9”
input_r_x_minus_axis = “-3”
input_r_axis = “-5”
input_save_state_axis = “-5”
input_l2_btn = “4”
input_start_btn = “7”
input_exit_emulator_btn = “8”
input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1”
input_l_axis = “+2”
input_load_state_axis = “+2”
input_up_btn = “h0up”
input_r_y_minus_axis = “-4”
input_a_btn = “0”
input_b_btn = “1”
input_reset_btn = “1”
input_down_btn = “h0down”
input_r2_btn = “5”
input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0”
input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1”
input_r3_btn = “10”
input_right_btn = “h0right”
input_state_slot_increase_btn = “h0right”
input_x_btn = “2”
input_menu_toggle_btn = “2”
input_select_btn = “6”
input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0”
input_y_btn = “3”
input_left_btn = “h0left”
input_state_slot_decrease_btn = “h0left”
input_r_x_plus_axis = “+3”For reference, on jstest, that back right trigger is axis 5 and default value is “-32767”. When fully pressed, it is “32767.”
To me, this seems like a driver error with the F310. And it didnt happen with 2.6 and prior, so something changed.ericahlers
ParticipantSo The wireless xbox 360 controls work fantastically out of the box (userspace driver). No issues with the setup (excpet MAME still doesnt recognize any inputs). I did notice that on ES, it recognizes the back triggers on the 360 controller as buttons and not axes, which I find interesting since the F310s are run on xinput and should appear identical to the 360 controller.
ParticipantSo I’m convinced it has to do with the the back right button. I tried a total of 6 F310s, including 2 brand new ones. Same result every time.
So i wanted to go back to the original setup, so I restored my config files back to their original setup (so F310 .cfg file set to “udev”.
In all the systems that are working…none of the controls work until the back right trigger is pressed. The easiest way I’ve been testing this is to load up the emulator and attempt to exit via the hotkey (button 8), as I know this isn’t a game specific key. It does absolutely nothing initially. However, after I press the back trigger key once. The controls and hotkeys all work fine.
ParticipantI’ll gladly help out with what you asked. But what do you mean by “EG for each?” Thats not an acronym I’m familiar with.
I do have wireless 360 controllers, but I’ve never set those up as I bought the F310s for dedicates retropie use. I’ll try to get around to testing those out as well.
ParticipantLooks like we posted at the same time. But Buzz, I did make the changes you suggested (switching over to sdl2), and noticed no change from when it was configured to sdl.
ParticipantSo SDL2 still to be working equivalently to SDL. Still no luck in MAME, although I did have intermittent luck with PSX.
Side question – is there anyway to calibrate/zero in the triggers/axes for a given controller? I have 4 different F310s, and never had any issues with them. Since updating to 3.2.1, I notice the right back trigger appears to be touchy. First noticed in ES when setting it up (making it “skip” for alot of people – see this thread:
I also notice that in ES, it will want to constantly “page down”..a setting contributed to the back right trigger.
I ask this because I noticed in PSX…the controls seem to work ONLY when I am holding down the back right button. It makes me wonder if that is jacking up the controls, which explains why it doesn’t work for systems that would potentially use that button (Mame, PSX).Like I said, never had any issues in 2.6. I doubt all 4 of my F310s suddnely all broke in the exact same way 4 times over. Very very strange. Hoping we can find a solution.
ParticipantWell it looks like I need to keep exploring.
By switching to “sdl” from “udev”, I got the following systems to work:
Genesis/Masterdrive, NES, SNES, N64, FBA.
However, PSX and Mame (both using libretro/retroarch cores) don’t recognize the gamepad at all. Very strange to me..given if retroarch recognizes the gamepad in any system, i would assume it to work for all.ericahlers
ParticipantFOUND A SOLUTION!!! — Not quite…see below
So, I modified the cfg file for the F310 and changed the following:
input_driver = “udev” –> input_driver = “sdl”
By doing that, the gamepads are currently working fine and appropriately, with the configuration set by ES. Able to exit the game using the Start+Select and everything as well.
It appears by activating gamepads as udev, the emulator was tricked into thinking they were a keyboard, but also interfering with the default keyboard (by default, a “udev” device -> rendering all input methods useless).I will continue further testing to verify that this did indeed fix the issue. I have not tested all the retroarch emulators and multiple controllers yet. But I was excited enough that I decided the need to post my results immediately.
ParticipantThe config file for the controller is auto-generated by ES now after you set it up.
This issue seems to be a very prominent and reproducible issue. Anyway to make it an official ticket? I didn’t seem able to report it on the github site for some reasonericahlers
ParticipantSo…I discovered a few things, but still no solutions:
1. Emulation station detects 3 gamepads – when I only have 1 F310 plugged in and 1 USB keyboard
2. I once got the emulator to work by unplugging and replugging in the f310 after the emulator had started. When doing so, the yellow text at the bottom were read “F310 successfully connected” but would also say something about “Xbox controller 0/2 not configured”
3. Switching the F310 controller to Dinput mode appears to render the controller completely useless, as least per my experience.All very strange, given how I bought the f310s originally because of how flawlessly they worked with Retropie.
ParticipantThanks for the reply. I’ll spend more time trying to trouble shoot to figure out whats going on.
ParticipantThere’s no lag. Nothing works. Even if I load up the “Configure Retroarch” from the Retropie menu in ES…I’m immediately unable to do anything. If a run a game…the game continues to emulate without issue…I just can’t play it, or even try to escape, exit, or Ctrl+Alt+Delete
I hadn’t messed with my RetroPie setup since 2.6…so I’m suprised I ran into the issue given how much more cleanly and user-friendly the initial setup was.
ParticipantSo I was just going to run everything again to get the log files for you, and low and behold everything is working now – even with Mame4all. No idea what changed. But no complaints here. I’m just glad its working now.
Thanks for the help buzz. If the error ever pops up again, I’ll be sure to update this post with the proper log files to help look for a solution.
ParticipantThanks. I moved the roms. Mame4all doesnt work at all…won’t even load the roms. Says its missing a ton of files required for the roms to run. AdvanceMAME appears to be working, but I still have to figure out how to configure it to my liking.
ParticipantI think the issue was that my roms remained in the older “mame” folder. I have gotten roms to work by placing them in the mame-advmame folder. I will try placing them in the mame-mame4all folder to see if that resolves my issue and takes me back to my previously working setup.
ParticipantSo it looks like it is defaulting to mame4all. In my previous setup, my mame roms were simply in the old default “mame” folder and everything worked fine.
EDIT: I moved the roms to the mame-advmame folder and some games appear to be working now. However, I had to reconfigure my setups, which was annoying. Additionally, in advance mame, is there a way to bind a button to exit the emulator? I set up the UI Cancel, but when you press that it causes a small menu to pop askign to “Continue” or “Quit.” I’d prefer the button to just exit out of the emulator and bypass that menu, if possible.
What emulator was the old mame folder using in 2.6, and is there anyway to use that setup?
ParticipantI have this issue; I haven’t been able to find any cause to it or fixes…
ParticipantPut this file into your /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs folder. Retroarch will auto-detect your gamepad…the problem is there is no built in F310 profile. There is, however, a Logitech 710 profile (same controller, just wireless). I basically just saved that file with a new name, and everything within Retroarch works flawlessly. When the emulator starts, you will see that it fines the Gamepad and tells you which one is connected.
Obviously, you can edit this file to change your button config around. Of note, I didn’t mess with the switch on the back of the F310. So whichever was the default is the one I used.
03/06/2015 at 00:26 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90312ericahlers
ParticipantSo a fresh install of the Retropie image and then immediate installation of the experimental module worked. Thanks
03/05/2015 at 21:21 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90294ericahlers
ParticipantI hear you regarding a backup that way, but if I backup the image and then install it that way, that wouldnt be a “fresh install of retropie”, correct? My plan is to backup my finalized image (which is awaiting only GBA config), and then clone that image to my other Rpi’s.
I want to use the gpsp core so that I have universal controls so I can print out a quick “control quick reference” and give my kits to family and friends and keeping it as simple as possible.
03/05/2015 at 20:39 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90283ericahlers
ParticipantSo I have no overclock currently. I guess I can re-image the SD card, but I haven’t had any other issues at all. If I want to backup my custom settings, any easy way to do this besides manually copying retroarch.cfg, controller profiles, etc?
03/05/2015 at 20:26 in reply to: Errors on adding experimental modules from #90271ericahlers
ParticipantSorry about that. I uploaded it again.
ParticipantAnyone have any ideas or more knowledge about this subject? I’d Appreciate it.
ParticipantAny updates or ideas about artifically creating a “favorite” section or “Sort by Favorite”?
Currently I have manually tweaked the playcount of my “favorite” roms for each system to 999, so they appear on the top of the roms list. But ideally, I’d like to be able to mark each game as a favorite and not have to worry about the artificial playcount changing the listing order of the games.EDIT: This doesn’t actually work all that well, as sorting by “Play Count, descending” puts the rest of the games in reverse alphabetical order. Additionally, everytime you quit emulationstation and restart, it defaults back to sorting by name instead of playcount.
Anyone have any ideas on a workaround for what I am trying to achieve?
ParticipantThe Mame Rom set that is most compatible with Retropie is 0.37b5. MAME is very complex, so certain rom sets work with certain emulators. As the current time, you’re best bet is to find a the above rom set. If you try to individually piece a collection together, you’ll likely get compatibility issues and it wont work.
ParticipantI managed to fix it. I tried all fixes simlutaneously, so I’m not sure which one specifically solved my issue. I:
1. Ensured full privileges to the roms and images folders
2. Deleted all pre-exisiting images (both in rom folders and .emulationstation
3. Deleted all gameslist.xml files from the roms folders, and replaced all gameslist.xml files from within .emulationstation folder with empty gameslist.xml
4. Re-run the scraper
5. SuccessThanks for the help guys. I suspects having tried the native ES scraper first is what messed everything up.
ParticipantSo I followed Floob’s video and used the sselph scraper to scrape my roms, which it looks like it did just fine. However, ES shows the metadata, but not the picture. Per the gameslist.xml, it appears to be linking to the right folder (images folder within each rom folder). Any ideas what is going on or how to fix it? I did attempt to use the ES scraper first, but due to all the freezing and missed scrapes, I moved on.
EDIT: I should note that the MAME roms are working flawlessly and the scraped images do appear. It’s all the other systems that arent working.