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Participantrecalbox looks like a pretty stripped down and basic version of Retropie. With the massive improvements in Retropie 3.0, specially in controls, I don’t think there is really a userbase for this. Some things such as the menus might make sense down the road for Retropie, but like Herb said, this is pretty basic.
ParticipantYou need to edit emu.cfg, thats how you map the buttons for any controller for Reicast. There is no “script” to edit… Just a simple config file…
It’s in /home/pi/.reicast/emu.cfg
I suggest you read up a bit about the emulator first as you seem to be missing some of the basics…
ParticipantThere really isn’t any point to using the vanilla mupen64plus install at this point, as unless I am missing something, the testing version is simply the vanilla core with tested per game configs for both rice and gles2N64 for all the games. This is the proper emulator settings and per game configs to get the games that we can get playable right now. Using the vanilla version would simply be doing the same thing we are already doing with the testing core over again.
As far as the GPU goes, the N64 appears to use slightly more GPU memory than other emulators, but nothing major, so as long as you are giving the gpu 128 to 256 it should run the games fine, the ones that will run. Giving it more wont make any difference in which games play at this point, and cutting back the cpu memory will actually cause problems in games when you reach a certain point of gpu memory.
ParticipantHow much memory are you giving the gpu, you need around 256 to 300 mb for the gpu, or Kodi will run out of memory as it is pretty gpu intensive. For me, I use 300 mb for the gpu with the rest going to the cpu Kodi wont crash, but some apps will sometimes cause Kodi to crash, but it just goes back to emulation station with no other issues and you can then relaunch Kodi.
ParticipantWhen you launch Kodi, depending on how you installed it, and what you have edited for the controller to work, it should load a verison of the Xbox Driver that makes the wireless controller act as a mouse and keyboard….So you can navigate through kodi. You also need to set it to unload that driver when you exit kodi and reload your normal Xbox Driver that you use for emulation station. This is what I had to do with my system to be able to seemlessly load and unload Kodi with the wireless Xbox 360 controller from ES. What it sounds like is happening is when you exit Kodi, its keeping the same Xbox drivers that it uses for Kodi navigation in emulationstation, which is why your controller mapping is off.
ParticipantGreat list Herb, just updated it with all my working games and tested games, thanks for putting this together!
ParticipantShouldn’t need to move the whole file system over, just the roms. What you want to do is set up a auto mount as noted above by gonzo, that should fix any issues with it not mounting correctly.
08/01/2015 at 13:12 in reply to: Is the raspberry pi 2 fast enough for Metal Slug via neogeo emo? #103121epe9686518
ParticipantAgain, you want to use PiFBA as your emulator, not the lr core, its the best for not only NeoGeo games, but I run all of my Capcom arcade games off of it as well. It runs the games 100%. This is with a pi 2 though, if your having proformace issues and are still on a pi 1, thats why……
Participant[quote=103075]Thanks for the reply guys, I guess I’ll wait it out on the n64.. Dying to play smash Bros and Pokémon stadium 2 mini games.
Does the PlayStation on pi2 work fine? I’ve got ROMs but there in .ISO format? Also will I need BIOS for it too (sorry for all the questions I’m a rpi2 noob lol)Thanks again
smash Bros works 100% for me, no issues what so ever, haven’t tried pokemon though. I wouldn’t give up hope on N64, again I have 30 games that work just fine with the emulator. Its quite easy to put together a nice collection of working N64 games.
PSX works 100% for me… I have yet to find a game that doesn’t work at full speed and I have over 150 on my system. And thats including running a filter with the PSX emu to help some it out.
ParticipantAs Herbfargus said, the state of the N64 emulator on PI is lacking right now, and needs some work, hopefully it will progress soon. That being said, I have got 30 N64 games running pretty much perfectly at full speed using mupen64plus testing. You are going to need to test rice and gles2n64 video plugins for each game you want to add. Some games work better with rice, some with gles2n64, just hit X when the game loads and try both. I was able to get most of the major games running pretty flawlessly but overall there are still a lot of games that I wish would work that just currently don’t. Hopefully they will improve it down the road.
07/30/2015 at 20:37 in reply to: Is the raspberry pi 2 fast enough for Metal Slug via neogeo emo? #103037epe9686518
ParticipantThat doesn’t “fix” the speed issue really. It speeds up the game beyond what is normal. The issue with ms 2 is with the original hardware and how they coded the game to use it. Even on a high end PC the game will have slow down, as this is something that is part of the game and not caused by bad emulation. Metal Slug X is the rerelease of 2 with all of the speed issues fixed. I would recommend playing that instead of over clocking the system for one game and possibly making it unstable.
07/30/2015 at 12:52 in reply to: Is the raspberry pi 2 fast enough for Metal Slug via neogeo emo? #103018epe9686518
ParticipantIt should be very noticeable, but I never had the older pi models so not sure. All I can tell you is I play all the neogeo and capcom games a lot, and they all run great on the Pi 2.
07/30/2015 at 00:08 in reply to: Is the raspberry pi 2 fast enough for Metal Slug via neogeo emo? #102997epe9686518
ParticipantAll Metal Slugs run 100% fine on PiFBA, aside from Metal Slug 2, but that has nothing to do with the Pi or the EMU, that one had slow down in the arcade as well which is why they released Metal Slug X which is 2, but with the fixed slow down.
There might be a little slow down here and there, but they are all fully playable and work great on the pi. And again, keep in mind, even in the arcades these had some slow down.
ParticipantI believe it is indeed bilinear filtering, I use it on all of my emus, works great, no major performance hits, even on PSX. It helps a lot, specially on the other emus, PSX games were pretty pixelated to start with, I use one of the video filters for psx as well to help as the biliner filtering alone doesn’t do much. I believe I am using the HQ2X&LCD3x.glslp filter, it adds a type of “retro” crt look to the screen which I think looks nice, and for PSX it really smooths things out with out cutting too much detail and makes the PSX games look a ton better IMO. Haven’t had any noticeable performance impacts.
Participant512 is way too high for emulationstation, specially when playing PSX games. The GPU needs very little memory with the games, as most of the emulation is handled by the CPU, and the games load from the CPU memory split, not the GPU. 128 mb to 256 mb should be all you need, everything will run fine with that.
Giving the GPU 512 mb of ram causes some PSX games not to load, and others to run very choppy. I am actually running my Pi with 600 mb for the CPU and 400 mb with the GPU, because I am using Kodi. I have done a ton of testing with Kodi 15 RC 3 and found that it works best with around 400 mb of ram, as it’s very GPU heavy unlike the emulators. More ram is always nice for Kodi, but I limit it to 400 because anything more than that and I start having issues with the PSX games and some N64 games running smoothly/locking up the pi. This for me seems to be the happy balance as all of my emulators run great and Kodi runs great too. With less memory I was having more crashes with Kodi, specially streaming HQ 1080p movies…
But yea keep it some where between 128 and 256 for the GPU giving the cpu the rest should keep all of those systems running just fine.
Just edit /boot/config.txt and comment on the gpu_memory line and change that to 128 and or 256 and that should set it.
As Alucard said, the performance issues with emulators in most cases are not memory related, they are CPU related, or simply sometimes emulators that are not optimized. PSX games run pretty much 100% for me. I rarely have any slowdown on any games, and I have around 150 psx games on my system. The N64 emulator needs some work and could probably be optimized a lot better for Pi, I think that’s the main issue with that.
ParticipantNice work herb, I was assuming that this version didn’t support it, that is huge as gdi helps and makes it easier to get roms. All of my DC games that I have are gdi format, which is a 1:1 direct copy of the dreamcast GDI disk.
ParticipantThe only file format it supports is .CDI as noted above….
ParticipantI had a feeling that was the case, as I could find no other rhyme or reason as to why only one of the dpad directions was mapping before. In anycase, I did a full rework of XboDrv and fixed all of my controller issues. Now dpad-as-button is enabled by default but I can switch on the fly back to dpad as axis by hitting the Xbox Btn. Thank you so much Lablewhore for all the help. That fixed my issues with Reicast, but it did break the dpad in pifba and sega master systems emu. Apparently they both require the dpad as axis to work. In anycase, being able to switch between the two modes now allows the dpad to work in all emulators perfectly! Having Reicast dpad working with Axis mapping too one day would be great, and a lot easier to configure, but at least it will work 100% regardless with the 360 controller. As lablewhore noted before, it is quite a powerful feature to be able to switch on the fly between dpad as button and axis. I also am not having any issues with Reicast picking up the 360 controllers everytime now on start. I am going to go ahead and assume that issue was not actually a Reicast issue but an issue on my end with Xbodrv that I ended up fixing today. Now that all of this is fixed tomorrow I will get back onto testing more games and giving updates.
We are so close to this emulator running most games perfectly! Just got to smooth out audio, and a few more speed tweaks and its there guys! This is turely amazing what we are getting out of the pi2 hardware and such an exciting time to be a old school gamer!
ParticipantYea I am just going to go ahead and start remapping and set it up correctly and use the dpad-as-button as this should be the way to go. Then back to testing Reicast.
Participant[quote=100791]Huh. I hadn’t noticed that because most of my emulators are set up to use dpad-as-button. I think I only have FBA/NeoGeo using dpad as an axis which I mapped from within the emulators.
The good news is, that’s not hard to fix for the retroarch emulators, you just have to shift the button assignments in retroarch.cfg. You’ll probably have to remap controls in MAME as well.
Basically before I did this button0=A, button1=B, button2=X, button3=Y…. Now button0=dpadup, button1=dpaddown….. Etc…
Now that it’s set up like this, even when it’s in “default” mode which is dpad mapped to the axis like it was, it still reserves the first 4 buttons for the dpad, even though in that mode it’s not using them as buttons, it still reserves those buttons for them…
So either way, if I do this, it still requires me to remap all of the buttons in the emulators, something I was trying to avoid. Looks like I don’t have a choice, I might as well just do away with having two different mappings and just add the dpad-as-button to the normal mapping and bit the bullet and remap everything/
Participant[quote=100776]Of course. Take a look at this page, particularly the Config Slot Options section. Since I assume you are using the init.d script to initialize xboxdrv, the steps to use this option will be different than mine. But I’ll show you how I’m using it regardless.
I’m not at home, so I don’t have everything in front of me. However, in rc.local, I’m initializing xboxdrv kind of like this (I think the second ‘–id 0 –led 2′ can probably be removed):
xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --dpad-as-button --deadzone 4000 --silent --next-config --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent &
Notice the
seperating the different modes. One has--dpad-as-button
the second mode does not. So what that does is when I start up my pi, by default my dpads act as buttons, then if I hit the xbox button, the dpad acts as a hat switch or axis, hit it again, and it goes back to acting as buttons.Idk if other controllers have a similar option, but if they don’t, this one option makes the xbox 360 controller, the best controller for the Pi IMO.
Thank you so much for your help! Here’s the issue I am running into. Now I did what you did, but in reverse. Where it defaults to normal dpad mapped to axis, then when I hit the xbox button it switches it to dpad-as-button. Now its working correctly, but the problem I am running into now is that even when the dpad is not a button, aka like how I had it before and the dpad is mapped back to the axis, it still reserves the first 4 buttons for the dpad, even though its not being used for that in that mode. Basically xbox btns 0, 1, 2, 3 are reserved for the dpad even though I have it mapped to the axis, which then pushes the rest of the buttons back to different numbers throwing off my mapping in the emulators….
ParticipantIf you could help further and point me to what I need to set in Xbodrv that would be great!! This would completely fix my issue with Reicast for the dpad. Still not sure what the issue is with it wrongly assigning controllers apon reboots though.
ParticipantCrazy Taxi
Playable, runs pretty well, some slow down, not full speed. Almost no visual glitches. Audio is choppy.
Fully playable, runs at full speed with no gfx issues, audio very good, not much chop at all.
Power Stone 1
Fully playable, runs at full speed, some audio chop but not much, almost no visual issues.
Mortal Kombat Gold
Fully playable, runs at full speed, slight audio issues, slight slow down here and there but runs full speed most of the time!
Sega GT
No visual glitches, Runs close to full speed, with a little slow down but no bad, fully playable. Audio is choppy.
Test Drive V-Rally
Menus have visual issues but not too hard to navigate. Some tracks have next to no visual glitches, other tracks have major flickering and are next to impossible to play. Game runs at full speed and is fully playable on the working tracks, tracks with visual glitches render game pretty much unplayable. Soooooooooooo close! Audio is also pretty choppy but not as bad as some.
Sega Rally 2
Loads DC logo boot then crashes back to emulationstation. Assuming this is due to this being one of the few WinCE games?
ParticipantAfter much testing with the emulator over the past few days, I have yet to figure out the dpad issues with the wireless xbox 360 controller. I know I can add the line d pad as button in xbxdrv but doing so would require me to remap all of the other emulators controls which isn’t going to happen. it appears that reicast isn’t set up to read the dpad as an axis, but whats crazy is, as noted above I have the dpad mapped to the axis that it is listing in jstest, and the Dpad_Right is working in-game, so that being considered, I might just need to play around with some of the other axis numbers and might stumble across the other directional mappings. Here’s hoping….
As far as bugs, I believe I have also found a bug in regards to the Wireless Xbox 360 controller. This only happens in Reicast and not in any other emu nor emulation station. After restarting the system, and loading a game with the emulator, the emu appears to load the wrong controller config sometimes. What I mean by that is, I have 2 wireless xbox 360 controllers registered with retropie. And at first I thought Reicast wasn’t picking up any controllers, despite my 360 controller working fine in ES and other emus after reboot. But I noticed when I loaded a 2 player game, that it was indeed picking up the controller, but it was picking up as player 2, not player 1, despite the xbox light showing it as the first player controller. After exiting the emu and switching usb ports (sometimes having to try a few different ports) the emulator will then pick up the xbox 360 controller correctly as player one and work fine from that point on, until another reboot of the pi. Not sure what’s going on with Reicast, but this bug only happens with this emulator and no others. Something definitely needs to be looked at here.I have also tested quite a few games thus far, and wanted to give updates on performance on these on the latest version of Reicast. Overall, most games I have tested work near perfect or near full speed with only minor graphic gltiches… Sound on the other hand in most games is really choppy. But considering the games them selfs are running almost perfectly, this really appears to me that the pi has plenty of power to run DC games at full speed and just needs some audio fixes to get these titles nearly perfect! Here is the list of games I have tested so far, hope this helps some, and I will be updating these in the future as I test more titles.
Games Tested
Sonic Adventure
After playing the first few levels, both the sound and graphics are nearly perfect with only a few very minor graphic glitches here and there. The game runs at pretty much full speed and it’s one of the few games that I have tested so far where the audio is also nearly perfect!
Soul Calibur
Game is now running at pretty much full speed on the latest version of Reicast. There is some slight slow down when doing some of the “charging” effects but other than that the game runs at close to full speed if not full speed most of the time. There are a few minor graphic glitches here and there, but nothing major at this point and the game is now fully playable. Audio on the other hand is very choppy and quite bad.
Legacy of Kain – Soul Reaver
Another game where so far it runs at pretty much full speed with only minor graphic glitches and is fully playable. Slight slow down during some of the “soul sucking” particle effects but nothing major. Audio is choppy but not as bad as other titles like Soul Calibur.
Draconus – Cult of the Wyrm Disc 1
Boots and loads into game, but heavy slow down making it basicly unplayable. Sky box is also pink, but this is a known bug in the PC dreamcast emulators as well.
Power Stone 2
Boots fine and sound is perfect in the menus and stage intros… Once game loads sound gets super choppy and is very bad. Also game is currently not running at full speed and gets a fair amount of slow down, at least with 4 players on the screen (me and 3 AI). Game would be considered playable, but not much fun in it’s current state.
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
Game boots fine but has some graphic glitches in the menus but still mostly navigable. Character sprites and some parts of the back ground have major graphical glitches, though mostly on the players, and currently making the game unplayable due to this. The game does however appear to run at full speed.
Dead or Alive 2
Boots to DC logo and then locks up the pi.
Metropolis Street Racer
Fully playable, runs at full speed, very minor graphical glitches on some of the tracks, pretty much looks perfect! Audio is also perfect! Plays great!
Hope this helps some, just need to figure out the dpad issues with the 360 controller and solve the I/O bug and hopefully audio fixes will come soon enough. So far I am blown away by how playable these games are, most work at near full speed and just need audio fixes and they will be perfect! I will update the games tested list as I make more progress with the system.
ParticipantQuick question, I am using the offical MS drivers for my wireless Xbox 360 controller and got all buttons working but can’t seem to get the dpad working correctly. In jstest, my dpad isn’t set to buttons but it’s set to Axis… up is Axis 5-, Down is Axis 5, Left is Axis 4 – and Right is 4. Any idea how to map these in the controller mapping file?
I did
axis.-5=DPad_UpAnd in game the only thing that works is Dpad_Right which is actually mapped to my left dpad input on the controller. Any help would be great!
ParticipantJust wanted to say, I am a huge dreamcast fan, and this and N64 are two of my all time favorite systems, it’s sooooooooooooooooooooo great to see the work that you have done on this system free5ty1e to make this finally playable and work so well. Please keep up the amazing work, this is really turning the Pi into something special! Now if only the N64 emulation would start making more progress, but I am quite happy to have 30 games, many of the top titles running great and looking forward to the future! Thanks for all the hours and work you have put into this, means a lot to a lot of people, hope you know that!
ParticipantFixed it by updating retropie setup script and reinstalling the mupentesting emulator. Everything works great now!
ParticipantAs a note, I am on Retropie 3.0 beta 2 for the record.
ParticipantAlso noticed the error when it’s booting the rom, not sure if this is normal or not but might help some:
Error: failed to get display size
Not sure if that has anything to do with the problem i am having or not
ParticipantWell I ended up fixing it just now. I was editing and clearing the control config files in /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs/ and for some reason out of no where it ended up working. Not sure what happened, but it had something to do with how it was reading those files that caused it not to pick up on the hot key exit button. Wish I had my details as to what caused this, but it’s fixed and the EMU now exits as it’s supose to.