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Participant[quote=8902]Sounds like a localisation issue.
In bash executesudo raspi-config
then option4 Internationalisation Options
Check your language and keyboard layout settings there.
[/quote]Thanks! Didn’t find my keyboard in the list (though it is in the approved list on the Raspberry Pi site) but found something similar and that seems to be working so far.
jtest /dev/input/js0
to check that the buttons and axis are working. (ctrl+c to exit)That will also give you the button numbers so you can then edit config files for each emulator and assign them.[/quote]
Thanks. I think you meant
jstest /dev/input/js0
though. Anyway, went through all that (had some trouble figuring out how to do the axis settings though–had to do a bit of guesswork and online searches before I finally figured that out) and the controller is working now. (I have not yet hooked the original Atari controllers up and tested those with jstest.)I am using this controller:
Seems to work fine except the “Turbo” and “Clear” buttons don’t register as doing anything, not even with jstest.
Also, I am curious what I need to map to the controller so that I can run the system without using a keyboard. As it is now, I can select an emulator from EmulationStation and run a game but, once in a game, I cannot quit that game and go back to EmulationStation nor can I switch to another game in the same emulator.
ParticipantOkay, I have it more or less working. LinApple appears to work, though I haven’t transferred any disks to it yet to see how well it works. Basilisk II runs. Had some problems at first, but once I followed the tips offered by Raygan Kelly in another thread, it seems to work better. The Atari 2600 emulator and Sega Genesis emulators seem to run as well.
* I cannot seem to use the \ key on the keyboard. My keyboard (Macally) is on the approved list, but I get a block character instead of a \ character, which doesn’t function the same, especially when I need to \ a space in a filename with spaces.
* Mapping game controls to the keyboard seems not to work out well. The Atari emulator, for example, wouldn’t recognize the key I had mapped as the “fire” button.
* Either the Atari-to-USB cable I bought is defective or my old controllers are no good. I suspect the latter more than the former, but, short of digging out the old Atari system, I don’t have a way of verifying. I imagine I am better off buying something new. Is there a USB game controller that functions well as a “universal” game controller that could be used with Atari 2600 and Sega Genesis games?For those that use their systems heavily, are you still using an SD card or are you configuring the Raspberry Pi to use a USB hard drive? Since SD cards have a limited number of read/writes, I’m curious if it’s better to run off a USB hard drive rather than the SD card.
Thanks again!
ParticipantThanks doanerock and trimmtrabb.
I have a SD card reader for my laptop and I’ve read the options for writing an image to the SD card so I should be good there. The power supply I found is a 2A, so I should be good there.
Thanks for the reminder on the micro USB cable, trimmtrabb. I have a mini USB cable on hand, but not a micro USB cable, so I do need that.