Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIs there a better encorder that I should switch to over the Xin one so I will not have issues if I update
Participantissue resolved thanks to feederchains help
ParticipantI am like most in this tread in ur debit. Thank you for the help finally can start putting all this stuff together for my father arcade built, from fathers day. thanks you very much
ParticipantHoping that I will be asked to map out my joysticks now or do I need to go in to the retroarch files to change something else, next step please
Participantit was wired the file was blue tried it nothing. took it off and rebooted put it back on and rebooted. Tried once more and the file was red when I typed a ls command its now running the file.
Participantthis is what I am getting. I put the file in home/pi
pi@retropie ~ $ tar xf custom_kernel_1.2015619-1.tar.gz
tar: custom_kernel_1.2015619-1.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting nowdarkheart1984
Participantkeep get error
general failure (server should provide error description)
Error code 4
Error message from server:failurenot sure what I am doing wrong. unzip the file using 7 zip file
Participantcould someone please help me with this total noob.
I download the lastest kernel from drop box
file : custom_kernel_1.20150619-1.tar.gzTry to move it to my pi in the home folder via WinSCP keep getting error failed to copy
believe this is what I need because two joystick only one works or they both work as player one.
ParticipantShould I be typing cd /opt/retropie/configs/nes to get to where I am needing to go because I have not been typing the cd part
and when I type ls I want to say it says in purple that I am in Retropie-Setip maybe sorry at work can’t remember
what is the back out command to get out of a directory
ParticipantI am pretty sure I followed your directions correctly, of maybe not noob after all. I tried messing with it a little last night and scrolling through the nes emulator all the games where mapped the same way now. Not sure what I did however. I followed that one reddit post about adjust the keys within the game itself and to safe that config to change “/opt/retropie/config/nes” But I always get permission denied. Tried things to get around that but no luck on changing the retroarch.cfg file. But some how all the nes roms work
Tried to recreat one snes nothing can change in game safe copy down the file name. Exit, reenter the rom and nothing is saved. Go to the command line and try same issue permission denied
ParticipantI believe I did what you suggested, I went to the retropie menu and update the script which took a while. I let it do its thing rebooted, and had to configure my controller to do anything. Was able to move around and try a test on the nes emulator, still same issue. I could jump and pause, and exit the game via hot keys. But that is all.
I did find a reddit post about hitting F1 and opening a menu and going to settings and I was able to config the joystick from there to work and save. exited and the configuration was still there. But only for that game. In the post it had a paragraph about writing down that configuration save name so I could post it to all NES games with in the emulator. Tried and tried through the command line $ to get it to work but got a error permission denied
at the command line I would type this
$ /opt/retropie/configs/nes
But get the denied permission, And I guess I really need to download WinSCP and try to figure that out
ParticipantThanks for the reply. Just to make sure I under stand the instructions I shoud:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gitThen,
git clone –depth=1,
cd RetroPie-Setup
chmod +x
sudo ./retropie_setup.shIs this correct?
How do I reinstall emulationstation from menu 5?
Sorry for my ignores
ParticipantNot sure if it matters, just read something that I may have to unplug my keyboard to get it to work?? Can’t test that yet but will when I get home.