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Participant[quote=99736]Man… I wanted the same thing, the NES to use the X Button on my Xbox controller to be the B button and the A button to be the A Button… after much hassle, I figured it out:
Edit “/opt/retropie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg”
Add these two lines to the bottom:
input_player1_b_btn = (button number of your controller, not in brackets or quotation marks)
input_player1_a_btn = (same, pick the correct button number)For example mine looks like:
input_player1_b_btn = 2
input_player1_a_btn = 0Then I saved, restarted and it worked! I was so happy because like you I tried a bunch of crap. It seemed like it was just the “player1″ portion of the command that solved my problem. Also, for mapping you are mapping the actual system button you want, not the actual button that shows on the controller. If your controller shows the “X” button and you want that to be the emulator’s “B” button you use “b” on the line. A just happens to be the button I wanted to use for A anyways. You wouldn’t use X because there is no X button on a Nintendo controller.
Thought I would share this as it was a bitch to figure out! Like you said it is more natural having your thumb use those two buttons than angling it the other way!
I am using the newest Retropie 3.0 BETA 3 that just released the other day.
Cheers, hope I helped!
Thanks! This was the solution. As you pointed out, it seems the ‘_player1_’ portion of the config file was the key.
For reference, it’s a XBox360 Wireless controller, and I’ve installed the actual XBox driver and disabled the xpad driver, so it’s using the ‘XboxGamepad(userspacedriver).cfg’ config file as it’s root config file.
ParticipantIt does the same thing (The A & B buttons are the same as they were before) – it’s as if the retroarch.cfg in the /nes doesn’t even exist.
ParticipantI have the entire blob in the code window above in the config below ‘video_smooth = false’ with the two buttons I want changed. If I were to only include the two buttons I want swapped along with what was originally there, then it would look like this:
#include “/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg”
# All settings made here will override the global settings for the current emul$
input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/nes/
video_shader = /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/phosphor.glslp
video_shader_enable = false
video_smooth = false
input_b_btn = “6”
input_x_btn = “5”cougar281
ParticipantI got my controllers working perfectly using method 3 by building a RetroPie image from scratch. The 1.10 image has ‘issues’. First there’s the xboxdrv not working right without ‘blackisting’ xpad, but the much bigger issue (in my case) is that with the 1.10 image, my Pi crashed on bootup every time with my (powered) USB hub attached. Booted fine if the hub wasn’t attached, and no problems whatsoever with the Raspian Wheezy image and the hub attached. Setting up RetroPie from scratch had its own set of issues, the main one being the setup simply doesn’t work out of the box. It tries to install packages using the -y switch, but a LOT of packages couldn’t be verified, so MANY failed. I had to modify all of the scripts to add ‘–force-yes’ to every ‘apt-get’ command. After I did that, RP installed and works. The only thing remaining is the audio over HDMI sucks – mostly crackling.
ParticipantNo one has any thoughts on fixing the audio? I increased the OC two steps and that seems to have fixed the overall performance, but the Audio is still not ‘crackly’.
ParticipantAn update:
I re-imaged the card with Raspian again, ran ‘apt-get update’, ‘apt-get install xboxdrv’, ‘apt-get upgrade’, then configured the xboxdrv service – it tagged up fine, after rebooting the Pi, it still tagged up properly. I then grabbed ‘RetroPie-Setup’ and edited all of the scripts in ‘/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules’ and added ‘–force-yes’ everywhere there was an ‘apt-get install -y’. I then re-ran the retro-pie setup.The good:
Emulation station works. The first time I ran the setup (previous image of Raspian earlier in the evening), it would not start because it couldn’t access a shared component (libboost) – even after installing that package, it still didn’t work. So it would seem more than one set of components failed to install due to not being able to be verified – adding the ‘–force-yes’ took care of that and allowed everything to get installed. The XBox controller still works right. I was able to map the buttons and load a NES game and play it for a short time (Haven’t tried SNES or Atari yet).The Bad:
The music is ‘crackly’ and sounds a bit like a record that’s turning slower than it’s supposed to. I’m running audio through HDMI, not analogue (I had read that ‘crackly’ audio was to be expected from analogue). I’m not entirely sure if the game is playing as smooth as it should or if it’s just the audio that’s making it seem ‘off’. With the 1.10 SD image, the games ran pretty close to perfect, audio and all (although my wife complained that the controller ‘wasn’t responding fast enough’ *shrug*), but a bunch of other things didn’t work.Any thoughts on how I can fix the performance?
ParticipantSo I did some more playing around – it would seem the 1.10 SD image is messed up in some way. When I simply tried to run ‘xboxdrv’, I got an error that indicated that something was conflicting – it told me to run ‘rmmod xpad’. After doing that and manually running xboxdrv, the controller tagged up properly. Even with doing that, I could not get the service to start. Upon reboot, it would seem ‘xpad’ was starting and preventing xboxdrv from starting as it went back to all four LEDs flashing. And worse than that, when I tried to boot RetroPie with my powered USB hub attached, it crashed every boot – without it, it boots fine. Hub works fine with Rasbian.
I then re-imaged the card with stock Raspian, installed xboxdrv, configured the service and config file specified in method 3 and…. It Worked!
The way I read it, using method 1, the controller(s) must be on before you boot the RPi. With method 3, you can turn the controller on after it’s booted and it’ll tag up.
I might be biting off more than I can chew here, but I then got the ‘retropie setup script’ and currently have it running an install… We’ll see if it still works after installing RetroPie…
Edit: Well, that was a fail. It ‘completed’ the install, but when I try to run emulationstation, I get an error indicating it can’t load the shared library ‘’ :(
Participant[quote=7219]All I can suggest is to follow the instructions in the wiki (section 1):[/quote]
I have used that – I used Method 3 (The init script) – I did notice, however, that when I do ‘service xboxdrv status’, the response I get is ‘env: /etc/init.d/xboxdrv: No such file or directory’ – the ‘xboxdrv’ is in /etc/init.d, I had run ‘chmod +x xboxdrv’ and ‘update-rc.d xboxdrv start’ and the ‘xboxdrv’ file that needs to be in ‘/etc/default’ is there as well – so I have NO idea what file it claims isn’t there…
ParticipantWell, with input from my other threads, I now have a RetroPie emulator that’s pretty close to 100% what I am looking for – SNES did seem to have ‘funky’ sound (at least in Tetris – Super Mario World seemed fine, so maybe they just changed the music for SNES Tetris), which might be related to another post I read, but NES works perfectly now. RetroPie has come a long way from what it was last time I played with it – last time, I got the controller to be detected right, but I never got button mappings working right or games working right – this time around, although the controller is being ‘flaky’, it does work and the games work right. If we can figure out why the controller(s) don’t init right, it would be darn near a perfect retro emulation platform IMO.
ParticipantWell, I wasn’t sure what you meant I should add, so I added ‘input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”‘ in addition to ‘input_exit_emulator_btn = “8”‘ and that works – I assume that’s what you meant…
Participant[quote=7186]Just comment them out in /.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg[/quote]
Perfect, Thanks.
ParticipantWell, To be honest, I had not tried batteries, but I did and no change – I also tried a different P/S for the Pi, but that didn’t help (I’m using a cheap 1A supply, and I switched over to a powered hub that can deliver MUCH more). I plugged the receiver into my PC and it tagged up right away, so I’m pretty sure it’s simething in the Pi’s config.
Participant[quote=7189]Yes, place a seperate retroarch.cfg in RetroPie/configs/NES/<br>
This will override the default config in configs/all/[/quote]Thanks, That worked – But still having a problem I can’t figure out – I wanted a way to be able to exit the emulator using the controller – in the config, there is ‘input_exit_emulator = “escape”‘ option. When escape is pressed on the keyboard, it leaves the NES emulator. There is also a ‘input_exit_emulator_btn =’ line that was originally ‘nul’. I changed that to ‘8’ (the Big button between the ‘back’ and ‘start’ buttons), but it does not work – I changed ‘start’ from 7 to 8 and exit from 8 to 7, and start worked fine on 8, but still no exit on 7 – Any ideas why that’s not working?
Regarding the controller issues I have no idea, it keeps flashing even though you can navigate Emulation Station?
[/quote]Yes – The controller functions, but the four leds keep flashing as if its searching for the USB receiver.
ParticipantI’m pretty sure the keyboard flakiness is not power related. I also noted that the scree brightness fluctuates randomly (using composite out ATM). that and the keyboard flakiness is only present on the prebuilt RetroPie image. I flashed the ‘Wheezy’ Rasbian image to the same SD Card and it’s acting normally – no fluctuating screen brightness or flaky keyboard. I’ve used the supply for my Asus EeePad which is rated at 1.2A and also a 3rd DLO adapter that’s rated at 1A.
ParticipantI also noticed that Keyboard input is really flaky… It doesn’t always accept keypresses, and sometime it acts like a stuck key and will just keep sending a sting of the last key pressed. I’ve used several different keyboards, and the problem is not present when I boot RaspBMC.
ParticipantI used the 1.5 image.
Let me try the 1.6.1 image…
ParticipantI’ve tried both and it does the same exact thing either way.