Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi there,
just open the retroarch menu and navigate to settings. I think it’s called “enhanced resulution”.
But you might need to configure a button to open the retroarch menu first, if you haven’t done so yet.
Participant[quote=118490]I’d like to know how well the n64 and PSP emulators work
Oh and maybe the Saturn one to Hehe
Oh yes, fullspeed or at least a really playable speed for all n64 games would be so awesome!
Please let us all know if you tested it :-)cortex
ParticipantHi there,
For sega genesis try the things written here:
But as you follow the link i posted in there, it is not possible to make psx 4 players work, as there is no emulation for the psx multitap.
Every station that worked out of the box with 4 players (like n64) works without the need of configuring anything. Just start the emulator with your controllers plugged in and start gaming ;-)
I opened /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg and added the following line:
input_libretro_device_p2 = “257”
[/quote]Yes, this works great for SNES.
But unfortunately it seems that PSX multitap is not supported at the moment.cortex
ParticipantHi there,
I think the easiest way is to add
input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "1"
to the
“1” will enable the left analog stick AND the dpad in all retroarch emulators.cortex
ParticipantUnfortunately I found out that there is no multitap support for pcxs-rearmed yet:
But does anybody know if there will be in future?
Participantyou really should check out the 3.0 beta2 Image though.
If you install the testing-modules for mupen64plus, the fire bug in Zelda OoT is gone (just select the testing-Rice-video-plugin when hitting x while starting a rom). It Looks really great and runs almost fullspeed.cortex
ParticipantI tried setting the Controller into x-Input mode and it is detected as “Microsoft X-Box Controller Pad”, but it still doesn’t use xboxdrv as driver.
Does anybody else know how I could define the default Driver for a Controller?
I set the “X-Input-Controller” up via Setup-script “set up retroarch controller” and it works, but the LED’s still show player1 on both controllers.cortex
ParticipantHm, that really sounds pretty strange.
If you didn’t set up too many things i would recommend you to just reflash the Image to your Card, just to make sure it doesn’t have to do with your Card itself.Please let me know if I can help you further.
Participantyou have to resize your Card after flashing the sd Card, as the retropie Image is only about 2GB big (so your Card thinks it is only 2GB big).
You do this via
sudo raspi-config
and then choose resize card.the Problem with some signs is, that in retropie Image 3.0 Beta, it doesn’t matter what Computer layout language you choose, it will always be english. So best would be to search a Picture of an qwerty Keyboard so you see where the “/” sign is.
I recommend you to do
sudo ./Retropie-Setup/
and then choose Option 1 (updating from binaries).
This will update your 3.0 Image and after that, you will be able to Change the computer-language-layout via
sudo raspi-config
at international-Point.cortex
ParticipantDid you configure a retroarch via the Setup script?
Or did you write your controller-config to the retroarch.cfg?If you wrote your controller-config to the opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
try the following:(over ssh from another computer) do
sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
and copy your controller-config.Then do
sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/n64/retroarch.cfg
and paste the lines to that config-file.You could also try to set up the retroarch Controller via
sudo ./Retropie-Setup/
and choose the corresponding option.04/01/2015 at 16:38 in reply to: how to uninstall xbox controller driver, install ps3 driver [solved] #93362cortex
ParticipantIf you want to do it the easy way and just for retroarch-emulators, just try
sudo ./Retropie-Setup/
and choose “Register retroarch controller”.after you configured it, this should be your first gamepad for retroarch-emulators.
If you want to do this for more than one Controller, you’ll have to set the gamepadindexes in the retroarch.cfg:
sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
and then watch out for the lines like
so you could Change this to the corresponding Controller (I think they’re numbered by the USB-ports they’re plugged in at boot, so left upper is 0, left downer is 1, right upper 2 and right downer 3).
Participanthi elgur,
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and add
(you can read about other video-options you could enter here did the trick for me on an old hdmi beamer with 800×600 resolution.
gpu_mem=384 gpu_mem_256=128 gpu_mem_512=256 gpu_mem_1024=256
max0r, the memory-split settings you do in raspi-config don’t effect anything, because the Memory-split is hard written into the lines below:
gpu_mem_256=128 gpu_mem_512=256 gpu_mem_1024=256
So this means if you’re on raspi-model with 256MB ram, the gpu will get 128 mb ram.
if you’re on a 512MB ram model, the gpu will get 256MB ram
and if you’re on the pi2 with 1024MB ram, the gpu will get 256MB.If you really want to change this, you have to Change the configuration of your raspi-model so for raspi2
but I don’t think that this will run emulators smoother than the default-settings.cortex
ParticipantI’m using the “Speedlink Torid” Gamepad.
It’s working without thenNeed of any drivers. The only point I’m trying to figure out is how to set up the playernumber-leds to Show the correspondig Player like I asked in this post:But cacophony555’s post
[quote=4551]Just bought a Logitech F310 which works great with the Raspberry Pi. No need to install any driver software either.
surprisingly I needed to set the switch to “XInput” mode for it to work. DirectInput did not work for me.
[/quote]made me think about Setting it to x-Input mode. maybe it’s using the xboxdrv when in x-Input mode? so i could try to Switch the leds.
I’m going to give you an update about this later.cortex
ParticipantJust to give you an update assault:
I’m at work right now so I can’t test it, but I got an idea that I just posted in the “what Controllers are you using”-thread:[quote=91123]cacophony555’s post
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cacophony555 wrote:</div>
Just bought a Logitech F310 which works great with the Raspberry Pi. No need to install any driver software either.
surprisingly I needed to set the switch to “XInput” mode for it to work. DirectInput did not work for me.made me think about Setting it to x-Input mode. maybe it’s using the xboxdrv when in x-Input mode? so i could try to Switch the leds.
I’m going to give you an update about this later.
ParticipantI’ll give the Image a go when I’m home buzz!
Regarding to the controller-configs of the Controllers you don’t have:
I could give you my working controller-config for “SPEEDLINK TORID”, so you could implement it in future releases. Just tell me how/where I can give it to you.btw, wouldn’t a thread/an email-adress or something just for giving the developers working controller-configs with the corresponding controller-Name be useful to get a wide variety of Controllers to work out of the box?
And again, as I can’t thank you guys enough for this project:
Thanks for all the great work and development!cortex
ParticipantThat’s right floob, thanks for all your awesome Videos!
they really helped me to understand some configs.The thing that didn’t work out of the box with the retropie 2.6 Image was Mariokart 64 Splitscreen (as it’s gles2n64 by default).
Luckily gizmo98 fixed that as described here
I don’t know if this also fixes the Audio issues of mike17, but at least I have no Issues with Mario64 and Mariokart64 with the updated Mupen64plus.
Participant@jusdoncarebear by Default your in your home-folder. so if you type
ls -lah
you can see the files and the Folders in your home Folder.
you can Change the Directory via
(Change Directory + foldername or path to folder)
as the opt-folder is not in your home directory but in the root-directory you could Change to the root-directory via
cd /
if you type
ls -lah
again, you can see all the Folders in your root-directory (also opt).
to go to the opt Folder just type
cd opt
then you could type ls again to see the files and Directorys in there.
alternativly try to type
cd opt
and hit the tab-button on your Keyboard multiple times. it will Show you the Folders in opt, so you can go quickly to a subfolder.
Hope this makes it more clearlycortex
ParticipantThat’s awesome buzz!
I’d also test this and give you some feedback for the Image and of course about my settings on a per-game-Basis.cortex
Participanthi there,
check out how to update your Emulator in another post I just made, this should do the trick for the Sound issues (at least I can play Snap without problems):
to get Fullscreen, just hit x or m when launching a Rom and Change your Resolution.
Or do
sudo nano /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
Press Cntrl+w and search for “Nintendo 64”. Then Change 1 2
This changes your Settings to start your games in the Default Resolution (so 4:3 and not stretched to 16:9).cortex
ParticipantHi there,
try to update your mupen64plus Emulator, because gizmo updated the configs for mariokart64 to work properly by default (like always, consider to backup your system before making changes):
sudo ./home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
and then update the script.
restart it after the update was succesfull and choose
“source-based Installation”
and tick only the mupen64plus Emulator.This will reset your /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg , so remember to set your hotkey to Exit the Emulator again.
You might also consider to unzip your roms; I think i read something about this making the Emulation slower.
With this, I can Play Mariokart64 and Mario64 smooth and without any noticeable crackles. Even the Multiplayer of Mariokart64 works now nearly fullspeed (only the race-start seems to be a bit slower).
ParticipantSorry,my german Auto-correction made a pretty Strange sentence ;-)
Hm okay,that makes it more difficult.
I’m also Kind of new to the whole retropie project,so i think there’s nothing more that i could tell you, sorry.But i Wish you good luck!
ParticipantCould you watch your retroarch.cfg and check if the player2 Index is set to 1?
Because it sounds like Bötchen Players are set to Koloss Index 0cortex
ParticipantDid you enter the controller-mapping by hand in the retroarch.cfg or are you using the autoconfiguration via the Setup-Script “configure retroarch controller”?
ParticipantIf you’re using the RetroPie Image, just plug in a USB-Stick. Then plug it into your Computer. There will be a “roms” folder on your stick, with a subfolder for each emulator. Then copy your roms in the folders and plug it into your pi. An automatic copy-job will copy the roms to the right folders. (just watch your usb-device-led to see when the job is done).
03/06/2015 at 11:23 in reply to: [Retroarch NES] How can I bind one (virtual) NES-Button on two Xbox-Buttons? #90338cortex
ParticipantI’m not at home, so I can’t try it myself, but wether try this or just double the Inputs:
input_player1_a_btn = 5
input_player1_a_btn = 6
input_player1_b_btn = 4But I don’t know if it works. The only Thing I know is that it’s not possible to do this for mupen64plus (
I’m not at home right now, so I can’t look it up myself: AFAIK is OC-setting “pi2” the only one that makes sense for pi2, because the other are even “underpowered” for the pi2’s hardware.
So if you use pi2 OC-Setting, at least Mario64 and Mariokart64 (Singleplayer) should work out of the box with mupen64plus. I’m still fine-tuning to make more games work smooth as in .Rumblesupport is a point I would be very interested too.