Forum Replies Created
Computer Ninja
ParticipantAny updates on getting a USB Gamepad (like my Logitech F310) working with Kodi?
Computer Ninja
ParticipantFinally got it all working. Now to do some tweaking and learn about shaders, etc.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI did an upgrade. I was thinking about just butchering the whole thing and starting over… would probably have been much easier. :)
Computer Ninja
ParticipantShoot… that’s for sure it.
This line?
#include “/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg”
Computer Ninja
Participant[quote=113682]In /etc/emulationstation or /home/pi/.emulationstation there’s a file called es_input.cfg I believe. You can delete the old configs on there so that when it reboots it will ask you to configure your controller again (leave the first line that calls the input as that calls the scripts that configure retroarch configs. ) do you not have a keyboard to work with?
FINALLY. I was able to get ES to start over by removing the es_input.cfg file that was in the pi folder.
Now I need to configure each system it seems. SNES didn’t work.
Thanks again.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantSo, I went through the configuration of the F310 through the RGUI, but when it gets back to Emulation Station, the controller does not work.
I had to manually save a NEW configuration through the RGUI as the mappings didn’t initially “take”.
What else might I be missing here?
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI got into the configs with a keyboard and see my joypad is set to “unset”.
So I’m going to mess with that now and report back.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantSadly, it’s on Xinput. What else?
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI didn’t know about 0, 1, 2, 3. I had a USB WiFi Dongle in 0… hoped moving F310 to port 0 would do it, but Emulastation doesn’t detect my gamepad still.
Is there a way to “reset” it using command line?
Computer Ninja
ParticipantNobody knows about this controller? It still works fine on my PC. Just doesn’t work on RetroPie 2 or 3.3.1.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantUp until recently, I was able to use a Logitech Rumblepad to play games but I just pulled out my RetroPie a few days ago for some RetroLove and all I could do was move the menu that selects which emulator to run (by going left and right) but nothing else.
Why would I be running into this issue all of a sudden?
I did quickly notice that the controller was recognized during POST.
Computer Ninja
Participant[quote=11665]I’ve finished my Retro Pi using a PiBow wooden case
, PiGlow for retro lightning
, Heat sink with mini fan for better cooling and a full size double arcade joystick
I only play MAME games. I never liked other games. All MAME roms (about 2000 games) work like a charm with this double joystick! I’m in love with my Pi![/quote]Sakis, can you get a hold me to discuss MAME on RetroPie and your arcade stick setup? I was meaning to build a MAME arcade cabinet with an old PC but was recently introduced to the whole RetroPie movement and I’m in love.
Skype: pfilias
Twitter: Ninja
ParticipantI hope I’m smarter, but I guess I’ll need to double check and see if I snagged the wrong image. I can also test the image I think is for the Model 2 and try it on my Model B+ and see what happens.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantThanks, I’ll try the power supply as I’m only using the Micro USB cable to get the power I need.
HDMI cable works fine as it works just fine with my Model B+ Raspberry Pi. Remember, I have all this working just fine and dandy on the Model B+. Although, I didn’t try the RetroPie 2.6 installation on the Model B+. But that’s not really my issue.
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI purchased the Raspberry Pi 2 as well… just waiting for it to get here from UK (I think).
Computer Ninja
Participant[quote=86882]In the ROMS folder there should be a folder called mame. You put your ROMs in there. If the mame folder is in _unused then move it back into the ROMs folder, add your ROMs to the recently moved mame folder and restart emulationstation and mame will show up as an option. Once in a game you’ll use tab on the keyboard to configure your controllers since mame is different than retroarch configs. ( You’ll also need to make sure your mame ROMs are from the 037b5 set ( otherwise they may not work.[/quote]
So, the ROMs folders are basically triggers as to what is active is what you’re saying? If so, that’s pretty slick!
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI was able to connect to my RetroPie via LAN by both a SAMBA share as well as via SSH.
I thought I had posted this reply but must not have clicked submit. Now that I have connected to my RetroPie, I’m curious as to how I enable some of the other emulators?
I see in the ROMS folder I have a bunch of other folders that are in the _Unused (or whatever it’s called) folder.
Looking for a little guidance here. How do I enable MAME, for instance? I have a bunch of MAME ROMs I’d love to throw on there. Do I fill that folder and move it out of the _Unused folder?
Computer Ninja
ParticipantI have not tried that yet. I could easily do that. Also, it has a USB WiFi dongle, but it definitely wasn’t configured to connect to my network.
How do I deal with that, same way, connect to LAN first and then SSH into it? (following online documentation, of course).