Forum Replies Created
Participantyes i made it. And there more on my github
along with the settings.×1080chito
Participant[quote=109145]I started mapping hash to ID with the help of some scripts and spreadsheets. So it has some automation but still very manual.[/quote]
I tip my hat to you. Thats heaps of work. Well Im very keen to complete the NGP “scrapping”. I was going to edit my gamelist.xml manually but happy to help add this system to your tool if you like.
ParticipantHow hard is it to add a new system like C64 for cyborguk? I personally would love to have Neogeo pocket. I was looking at creating my xml manually :(
Using the hash is way better cause i use no-intro and datomatic to create 1 game 1 rom sets. so the matching of hash to id you would’ve had to have done that manually? or did you create a tool that tried to find a match and you confirm (kinda like the way ES scraper works) either way thats a huge amount of work really appreciate it sselph.
for arcade games (in particular mame) could you use the mameinfo dat files to create the xml gamelists? images could still be retrieved from thegamesdb
ParticipantI see, well thats a relief lol, so why is it called a scrapper? its not scrapping.
I hope they add support for the api to return your choice of game artwork (boxart, screenshot, title etc)
Participant[quote=109134]The “complete pack” is thegamesdb, the scraper is what we have now. You are literally describing the current use case.
[/quote]actually its not, switching from a scrapping solution to an api is wayyyyyyyy different and way more efficient, faster and customizable
Participant[quote=109129]I think it’s better to have a scraper than complete packs as a lot images can take up space, so why add images you don’t need?
[/quote]the solution im suggesting would use a complete pack and then another tool like sselph’s could customize your gamelists for what it finds in your folders and only transfer or use what is relevant
Participantor maybe thegamesdb can create a public API… otherwise we can create our own data base of meta data. and that database would only need to scrap data (data mine) off these sites maybe a few times a year.
Participantwe really should make a solution specific to retropie/es. scrapping is a messy slow solutions and less than ideal should the site change the scraper will break. Also we could add support to select different images packs (screen shoot, title, poster, cartridge, boxart) and added easily.
ParticipantI dont understand how there arent complete gamelists for retropie with all the meta data and images. complete packs… sselph’s tool matches roms to data by Hash… if a tool like his had its own complete db with images and data specifically for ES we would be set. I get that this is the idea behind scrapping these sites but im saying lets remove that dependancy. even have a community driven open contribution wiki or something.
Participantno. i had to use the menu that comes up when you are loading a rom. in the settings for the emulation. had to use the option for “8 select retroarch render res for lr-mednafen-ngp (config)” > “choose retroarch render resolution” > 6 use config file resolution. it kept ignoring the setting in my config
ParticipantFound the issue: the retro arch menu was on the wrong setting. I had to set it to use the config file resolution. I wonder if this is the case for other systems not being on the correct default
ParticipantHow do i get the screen to output at 1920 x 1080???
maybe its just a weird issue with my setup
ParticipantThanks heaps i really appreciate that.
Couldnt the old ones just be remade? I dont mind doing the work.
I would really like to get it to work on advance mamechito
ParticipantLooks perfect. Thanks heaps. I had a feeling i missed it and it was prob already a feature somewhere. Looks as though its only for retroarch though. Hopefully i can find a solution for other systems
ParticipantThat sounds very promising. I remember reading that the devs like the terminal messages since its helps with debugging. Not sure they are interested in making anything like this official but also said go nuts for ur own machine.
I do think that the retropie needs sometype of variable switch that changes the retropie from development mode to a production mode that looks clean, polished and awesome!
It would be great the efforts of experiments get used officially. If not do u mind sharing on here if u dont hear back?
Participantfound this from an old old post i made when i first started with RetroPie and raspberry pie.
Using a video would definitely be more work as well as time consuming.
You can change the default behavior of stock retropie splashscreen script by modifying the ‘asplashcreen’ script in init.d
Modify this line:
/usr/bin/fbi -T 2 -once -t 30 -noverbose -a -l /etc/splashscreen.list &
/usr/bin/fbi -T 2 -once -t 4 -noverbose -a /home/pi/splashscreens/* &
With this you will also need to create a folder called “splashscreens” (using the ‘mkdir’ command) in /home/pi to save all of the splashscreens in.
The splashscreens will be displayed in alphabetical order, and each picture for 4 seconds.
[/quote]also smokinpuppy got a video to work as a screensaver..
havent tried any of these bits of code but they look very handy to have (maybe should start a collection of mods you can make)[quote=86872]If anyone is interested, I got the screensaver video to work. I forked the original ES git and added this to GuiMenu.cpp:
screensavers.push_back("video"); // Line 104 in the screensaver menu section
I also added changed the following in Window.cpp:
Under Window::input(), Change this:if(mSleeping){ // wake up mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; mSleeping = false; onWake(); return; }
to this:
if(mSleeping){ // wake up mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; mSleeping = false; onWake(); system("sudo pkill -9 -f \"/usr/bin/omxplayer\""); // Kill video playback return; }
Under Window::onSleep(), change this:
Renderer::setMatrix(Eigen::Affine3f::Identity()); unsigned char opacity = Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "dim" ? 0xA0 : 0xFF; Renderer::drawRect(0, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x00000000 | opacity); }
to this:
Renderer::setMatrix(Eigen::Affine3f::Identity()); unsigned char opacity = Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "dim" ? 0xA0 : 0xFF; if(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreenSaverBehavior") == "video"){ system("playvid"); } else { Renderer::drawRect(0, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x00000000 | opacity); }
Then install from “SOURCE” either using my fork for EmulationStaion ( or my fork for RetroPie-Setup ( which already uses my fork of EmulationStation.
Finally, for this to work, you need to make a bash script and place it in /usr/bin like so:
sudo nano /usr/bin/playvid
#! /bin/bash # Play Video omxplayer --vol -3000 -o hdmi --layer 10000 --loop /home/pi/screensaver.mp4 & # Exit exit 0
Ctrl-X, Y, Enter
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/playvid
I did have to set disable overscan for my setup to work as the video is 1080psudo nano /boot/config.txt set disable_overscan=1
And that’s it,
PS, I found that using the original RetroPie SD Image and then compiling by replacing the RetroPie-Setup folder with my fork of it then installing from source (option 2) using ./ and only selecting EmulationStation to be the best/easiest way.
PSS, If anyone knows of an easy way to have omxplayer loop seamlessly, that would be greatly appreciated.
Participantyeah thats heaps close. If only it would also slideshow images. pick a new splashscreen every say 5sec until it finishes booting up. so say boot up takes 40 secs then it would have shown about 8 different splashscreens. but both of those are a good start i think.
Participantthanks. I def want to look into this. Especially for a screensaver since at the moment its so dull. It needs an attract mode or at least something nicer
so cool intro vids for hyperspin that could possibly be edited for the retro pie
Youtube vid 1
Youtube vid 2
Youtube vid 3chito
ParticipantI think this video splash screen is a heaps great idea. opens many creative possibilities.
Herbfargus i was wondering if you could help develop another idea. Ive collected a few video gaming related artwork about 50 or so images. I would like to create a script that would go through a slide show of these images at random, showing each image for x seconds before it fades out/fades in the next image. and get it to do this until ES is booted up fully.
This could also be used as an idea for a screen saver
happy to share these images for anyone who wants them, click here. A lot of these images need to be fixed so they would work as splash screens (resize, crop boundaries etc). plan on adding to this collection as i find more.
ParticipantDoes your video plays as soon as possible? maybe even as soon as power is turned on (so as to not see any terminal text?
There was a similar feature i asked to be added to the official retropie image so that it gives the machine a nice polished look. the feature i asked for was with splashscreen images though. But this is great.
Participantuse Romcenter. When i first setup my roms with clrmamepro its said everything was cool but i couldnt run them. romcenter fixed that. there were still roms missing. romcenter is wayyyyyyyyy easier to use as well, you can see every rom and it has a traffic light system so you can see which ones are good and which one need fixing, and you can select a rom and see exactly whats missing so its easier to find missing files. never liked clrmamepro. such a bad ui among other things.
PS: I used the same dat file. romcenter didnt seem to mind
ParticipantThanks heaps!!! ive been looking for that line for ages!
linux isnt my happy place yetchito
Participantwhere in the retropie boot up is the script that calls the ES binary? All i know is thats where i need to add the switch… i cant find it though
Participantwhat about a new sticky post with all issues and emulators listed. also use a traffic light system
issues and emulators in green = working or fixed
yellow = currently being worked on
red = known issue, in queuechito
ParticipantThanks heaps for pointingme int the right direction. I wish i could just do something like this and write up a tute, I dont know how to program in linux or phython. How would i do something like this? i dont even know where to start. I imagine something like this would take ages even to explain so. But any help would be appreciated.
Once i get everything working the way i want ill prob create a clean polished “Production” version and a “development” version with all the termnial stuff. it would be cool if there was a switch in the code that could let you switch between production and development in the one Setup.
Participantalso i think the logo should encompass retro gaming and be generic enough that it doesn’t resemble or promote any one type of system. the mushberry is obviously too nintendo. Characters and mascots should be avoided. clichés or obvious stuff should also be avoided.
Logo tips
A logo must be simple. A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.A logo must be memorable. Following closely behind the principle of simplicity is that of memorability. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple yet appropriate logo.
A logo must be enduring. An effective logo should endure the test of time. The logo should be ‘future proof’, meaning that it should still be effective in 10, 20, 50+ years time.
A logo must be versatile. An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications. light/dark backgrounds, screen and print, full colour/balck and white etc
A logo must be appropriate. colours, fonts etc should be appropriate for its intended purpose and target audience.
Participantas long as you can submit more than one! ive got a few ideas i would like to flesh out if this is actually going to become a thing
ParticipantThanks heaps. I found my answer eventually. Im pretty sure it was in this tread. but i cant find the post that show me how. anyway thanks heaps.
Participant[quote=86853]With RPi2 using ARMv7, will there be two RetroPie-Distributions in the long run, compiled for each architecture?[/quote]
Well until everything gets sorted out on the rpi2 maybe. Buts there is no reason to keep your b+ or to support it long term. Just buy the new raspberry 2 Its $35. That’s 10 or so coffees, 3 meals at macers
ParticipantYour awesome Buzz!!
could you let us know what emulators are left to optimise?
If they are ones i dont use then this image could be what i needchito
ParticipantDoes anyone by any chance know where is the script that retropie uses to open ES is? im trying to open ES with –gamelist-only
02/09/2015 at 11:26 in reply to: How to make EmulationStation boot with –gamelist-only option? #86816chito
ParticipantWhere in this scripts is where retropie calls ES? thats where you need to add it. Ive been looking for it but have no idea where it is. I need help with this also
Participantjust thought of an even simpler version which would still convey the idea. all in that raspberry red
ParticipantI like the logo used in the default splashscreen. I think it sits well with the other logos and looks clean and smart. Anyway i quickly created these ones before the site went down. never got to upload them.
I used coloured squares in the pie slice to give it that retro feel. im thinking though the colour gradient may need more differences between each colour.. anyway just getting some ideas out there.
one thing to note is that there are alot of raspberry pi projects out there that will or are going for the pie(food) angle.
Participant[quote=86764]Thank you neighbourhoodnerd. Would someone be kind enough to tell me whick is the best tutorial to use for installing retropie. I’ve come across quite a lot of tutorials on the Internet and they all seem to say different things. I Will also be using a Mac if that should make any difference to anything. Thanks in advance and I apologise if I’m posting in the wrong section.[/quote]
Ive actually created an updated set of instructions for the 2.4.2 image and the RPI2 beta of the beta. Ive got it on github so that it can be version controlled. If your on a Mac then use cyber duck to connect to the pi using a SFTP connection. Keep in mind this is the first draft. so if things dont make sense let me know. I can already see grammatical mistakes and areas that could be explained better. eg what are hot keys and how to use them.
the format is md which is github’s markdown language. you can open it in a txt editor also but it wont look as nice. Still all the info is there.
you could so go to this site and paste the contents in there to see it rendered. these instructions assume that you have already burned the image to the SD card. if not use this
update: didnt allow me to upload md files. Had to change the file to txt. You can still view it as is or use the that website.