Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=122367]First off, your build is amazing and exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! I did something stupid though – I reset the menu of the skin and lost my links to boot into RetroPie and Raspian. Can you offer any insight on how to put them back without having to reinstall? Any insight would be much appreciated.
It, depends on the skin you are using but should be the same all around,
In skin settings, main menu, category/menu item:
The default select action when clicked you will need to select “Custom Item” and Enter:
“System.Exec(/storage/ss/” for Raspbian and “System.Exec(/storage/ss/” for Games.Also,
In “Manage Submenu”, Select “Change Shortcuts”, “Custom Item” enter:
System.Exec(/storage/ss/ for games and
System.Exec(/storage/ss/ for Raspbian.It could also be rearrange to you liking once the ability for a command to go through is there “Custom Item”.
Triple build Scripts:
System.Exec(/storage/ss/ “will tell you to click on games”System.Exec(/storage/ss/ “will log you into Retropie”
System.Exec(/storage/ss/ “will tell you to click on raspbian”System.Exec(/storage/ss/ “will log you into Raspbian”
Hope that helps in some way to give you an idea.
I think OpenELEC should allow you to edit the files with the default root/openelec combination of username/password.
As for other types of OSes like Raspbian and RetroPie, you’d need root permissions to edit the file.
In order to login through WinSCP as ‘root’, you’d first need to set a root password. You can google how to do that.
Or you could login as pi/raspberry with SSH or your preferred method and then edit the file with nano:
$ sudo nano /boot/config.txt
I have tried all theese options, but they all failed due to write protection.
I hope that there is something that I have missed, that some of the experts here have knowledge of =)[/quote]
I have never had a problem mounting any of the OSs and configuring the config file.
For Openelec I use these 2 lines in ssh after login:
mount -o remount,rw /flash
nano /flash/config.txtAnd for Raspbian and Retropie I use this one line:
sudo nano /boot/config.txtTo edit the config file.
Hope that helps.candyluv
Participant[quote=122077]Ah yes, thanks for the clarification. In truth I had read this forum post in the meantime: Smithers’ releases are top notch, no matter what version of OpenELEC they’re including!
You can update it for yourself if you want. I did it with his previous 14.2 triple build and upgraded it to 15.2 without any problems. All you have to do is download the “update file .tar” (not image) for openelec and ssh into the pi and place it into the “/storage/.update” folder and then restart the pi and it will update. I have not done it with this latest build so can’t say how it will turn out.candyluv
Participant[quote=121951]Where do you guys get your OpenELEC 7 beta versions, short of building it yourself?
As of now (March 30th, GMT+2 slightly past morning time) I can still only see 6.95.1 both on their official page and github releases.
Furthermore, I don’t see a release candidate/source tag for 7.0 on github, only the code branch.Granted, the 6.95.1 version does have Jarvis, which I personally was most interested in.
v6.95.1 is Beta 7, Javis in Openelec. Its label 6 because its Beta. When stable it will then be Lable as 7.
Hope that helps and clear things up.candyluv
ParticipantHi Smithers or anyone,
Do you know how to add a Fresh Start option inside the build wizard so when used the wizard remains??candyluv
Participant[quote=121259]I was hoping someone can help me out. Every time I login to Kodi it informs me there is an available update for Openelec. Can I install this update without disrupting the build?
I updated mine in the pass without any problems but I believe the only thing that may prove a problem is if the skin being use is compatible with the update. So I would advise to backup just in case if you decide to do it.
Participant[quote=121057]Hi again Steve
Thank you for the NOOBS link, much obliged!I’ve one more thing to add here:
There seems to be an OpenELEC offshoot called LibreELEC. It’s running Jarvis (Kodi 16)I’ll PM you links and my findings, if you want to test that out for future builds, as I will certainly be doing
It seems they’re in the early stages, but I can see myself switching just because I’m impatient for the OpenELEC 7.0 version…
Openelec 7 Beta is already out.candyluv
Participant[quote=120981]Ok here is a RetroPie 3.6, OpenELEC 6.0.8 & Raspbian “Jessie” triple-boot build:
All the best.
My Hero Smithers lol,
Thanks a lot. I’m not wasting anytime in installing. Its in the process of doing that right now. Only thing is a message about compatibility problem with my pi2 came up but I chose the option to continue anyway so will see if there is a problem when it is completed installing.Great work
Then I have a script on my personal OpenELEC setup that I can click on named ‘Update KODI’ and it will download that file, extract it, check that the relevant files are present from the extract (and halt if they are not!), copy the existing custom keymaps I have setup for my KODI remote then proceed to delete my current setup and replace it with the downloaded setup and finally copy over my original keymap files and delete all the downloaded data that is no longer needed then reboot into my new setup. All this is done automatically for me at the click of a button and it means I can tinker with a separate OpenELEC build until I am happy with it then simply upload it to the net (using the same static link, replacing the old file) and update on my master dual boot setup and other Pi’s in the house. It also means that I don’t need to visit my mothers house every time she messes up her KODI setup (bless her!), so if it goes wrong she just has to click ‘update KODI’ at her end and it’ll fix itself automatically. Its a lot easier for me!Well, sorry that turned into a lengthy post! I will be writing a blog on how to set up that type of script so will post a link if anyone here is interested. It may sound like a faff but it makes things a lot more easy to update, especially if you have a few builds set up yourself or for family & friends.
All the best
Hi Smithers,
I would very much love to have that script. It is very much a hustle going to everyone houses to fix a problem so will very much be appreciated.
Everything you are doing is great.
Thanks for everything.candyluv
ParticipantNow it is just for the Triple Boot to come my way lol
Participant[quote=120122]Well, I’m not 100% certain on that yet however I can say that Jessie does support much more Wi-Fi / Bluetooth dongles out of the box than wheezy did. I am presuming that the Pi3 built in Wi-Fi and bt must work flawlessly but I can’t test anything until I have finished building NOOBS. :s Can’t believe how long it is taking for such a small file size but I guess there is a ton of code involved.
Ok that’s good to know about Jessie. These things are extremely time consuming. Good luck, I know it will turn out great.
Yes I will be. I’m using Raspbian Jessie right now actually to build a new version of NOOBS (USB installer version) that will *hopefully* support the Pi 3 as the version I normally use doesn’t support it. I got about an hour and a half into the build and then lost my internet connection so had to start again… frustrating to say the least!
That’s great. Can’t wait.
Is there still the problem in the new jessy with setting up wifi & bluetooth dongles as well as the time not automatically updating? Since the last build we had to install/update those settings.candyluv
Participant[quote=120036]I received my Pi3 in the post today so I should be able to get a new (vanilla) build out this weekend based on v3.6 and OpenELEC 6.0.3 Isengard (and a Jarvis build if desired?). I have also took the plunge and bought some web space so I can host the files myself (for those who were having issues with my prev links). I have no web building skills or knowledge at all however so this will be a learning curve but I’m enjoying it so far!
On the subject of the Pi3 – does the memory card slot no longer click the card into place? Mine just seems to slot in with no ‘click’ and it makes it a swine to get out without being spring-loaded. The card works fine, just was expecting a spring-loaded design like the previous Pi(s) had?
Anyway – I will share a link soon as it’s ready!
All the best.
Hi Smithers,
Will you be doing a new triple build as well with raspbian?candyluv
ParticipantHi Smithers,
Great to hear from you again. U been missed. I’m still using the triple boot image (retropie 3.2, kodi 15.2 and raspbian) which is still great.
Will you still be releasing a new triple boot and how soon. Seem like I’ve been waiting forever lol.
Glad you are still with us and keep up the great work.candyluv
Participant[quote=116584]Thanks for this amazing build! It was easy to load and I was playing game in no time!
One small problem for me (and it is due to my ignorance).. I have been unable to SSH into this build but I was able to SSH into the standard RetroPie. I used the “Show IP Address” in the settings menu (which is slick) and typed sudo ifconfig on the command line but neither option produces an IP address. What am I missing?
Thanks again for the great work!
Not sure what exactly you are trying to get but for me the ip address is always the same on all parts of the build, retropie/kodi etc so I just see what the ip address is in kodi and same IP address works for the other sections as well. Also to access the settings for each section you have to be log on to it because its separate eg. to get access to kodi you have to be log on to kodi etc.
Hope that helps
ParticipantI agree. I’m sticking to 3.3 which I believe is the most stable. Also “3.3.1” have a lot of controller problems and would stay away from that. Not sure what that update was about.
Participant[quote=115645]Ok, since I hit the update buttons within the retroarch rgui in the psx emulator to try and get the analogs working I have been unable to get my hot keys working again.
My plan is to do a fresh install now with the multi boot file in this thread for openelec 15.2 and retropie v3.2.1
My question is, once I have installed the image, before I tinker with anything, can I update the script and install 3.4 from binary in the
Thanks in advance
I did it previously with v3.3 and it worked.candyluv
Participant[quote=115254]3.3 Jessie is nearly flawless on my end. Kodi 15.2 is totally worth any bugs, but I haven’t seen any first hand.
Yes I agree 3.3 is great. Its 3.3.1 that is the problem.
Participant[quote=115186]No bother. Glad you got sorted.
So bit of good news – I think I have finally sorted my Linux issue and can read memory cards again! I ended up manually uninstalling v17.2, installed a secondary hard disk in my laptop and installed v17.1 onto it. For some reason the earlier version seems to be working much better. Thankfully.
So now I will have to start from scratch again so I think I will wait for RetroPie v4 because I have read there are a couple of issues that have been called out in the current version. Not sure when that will be of course but I will keep an eye out for it.
Hi Smithers,
That indeed seem to be great news. Its understandable why u would want to wait. 3.3.1 do have some bugs mainly when it comes to controllers and I believe it due to the raspbian/jessie update, I could be wrong. 15.2 Kodi is great for now and I believe 16 have some restrictions/security in some areas so don’t know how that will work out in the future.Well again great to hear that you are back on stream.
Participant[quote=115070]thanks smithers. no biggie if its not included in future builds, just thought people might be interested in a confluence (like) skin that can launch retropie.
and was just looking at the Xonfluence options and realized that it might be possible to launch the directly with Xonfluence using the “kodi command” option? Does anyone know it that is possible? I have no issues with advanced launcher (it gets the job done everytime) but would really be a seamless launch to retropie if you can launch the directly.
Yes it is possible, I have done it with confluence and it is running smoothly.candyluv
Participant[quote=115038]Actualy no reason he couldnt include the ugly aeon skin (that people arent familiar with) and Xonfluence skin in the same package. Also the Xonfluence allows 15+ add-ons/menu items just like Aeon.
With all due respect, just because you don’t like it don’t make it ugly. The aeon skin is popular. There are a few popular Kodi builds out there that use it. It all about personal choice. I will be happy with whatever Smithers decide to use and believe if anyone including myself wants differently can change and edit it themselves which I do. I use both the aeon and confluence skins without problem. I can’t comment on Xonfluence since I have not used it but I am open to it.Eaon skin was smither’s preference and it’s a little offensive to him to say that his choice is ugly. I believe he is only able to include one configure skin option at that time and he had stated eaon was his preferred choice, maybe that will change in the future but that is for him to decide in the end and not any of us. he can’t please everyone so its best for him to be please himself. I for one will be happy with whatever he decides with the suggestions and ideas brought to him.
As a community we are here to help each other to get to where we want and need to be.I very much love and appreciate the work and time he have taken to create all the multiboot options and I would like to thank him very much for that.
Keep up the great work you are doing SMITHERS, YOU are a LIFESAVER.
Stay blessed and positive!!!!
Participant[quote=114925]Hey Smithers! I love the V8 RetroPie+OpenELEC dualboot package you made. I’ve install it on every raspberry pi I come in contact to.
As you are aware the 1.0 Jarvis release is coming out soon. So I’m hoping an update to your dual boot package will come soon after. I’m sure retropie has some nice updates since the november package also.
I’m not a fan of the default aeon skin you used, that was needed for the retropie launcher. So I looked into the matter of getting a seamless “GAMES” option from the home menu and launch retropie from the confluence skin… and I was successful! Besides the fact that I prefer the confluence skin, I feel the way I launch to retropie is even better than the method you included (since you had to press down to actually launch the submenu, not sure if this was by design so people wouldnt accidently launch retropie? either way I didnt like the way you couldnt directl launch from the games button) On my setup you can launch directly from the GAMES button. I know I’m not alone in preferring the stock confluence skin, so you should consider including the tweaked version that allows launching RetroPie from the home menu.
To answer one of your questions.
Is was done like that to prevent people from accidentally pressing it.
Also I prefer it the way it is, and have kept it like that (games section & skin) in all my setups and I even set it back up like that when I make changes.
I also prefer the skin he chose over confluence because it allows more addons in front menu bar.
So it would be up to smithers to decide what he would prefer cause he can’t please both of us at the same time.candyluv
Participant[quote=114815]hey smithers, may i ask why you do not include raspbian in your multi boot anymore? i find it very useful for web browsing outside of open elec and retropi.
im currently running your old triple boot that has raspbian, is there any chance of an update for that one? thanks alot
There there are different multi boot compilations that smithers create. This is just an update for one of them. There is also one with plex.
He stated earlier that his time have been limited lately and that he is having problems with the linux installation on his new laptop which is also delaying the updates of the other multi boot options but will be doing an update of them when things get sorted out in time.
I still use the last one he did with raspbian and its still works great and I update it myself which will hold me over until he able to create the update.Hope that answers your question.
Participant[quote=113504]may i know what is the password for user pi?
I use your image but kodi seems to have “cache full before … ” error
I saw online that using advancedsettings.xml will help to resolve it but I’m unable to putty into it with the default pi raspberry userid&pwd[/quote]
user name for openelec/kodi is “root” and password is “openelec” and username for retropie and raspbian is “pi” and password is “raspberry”but there is a maintenance tool addon u can use that can change the settings and is very simple to use instead of ssh.
Thank you for ALL those replies lol. You were truly missed during your time of absence.
I WILL do as you suggest and see if it works.Also have you consider creating an “ADDON” for kodi to launch the games section and others as a backup???
Thanks again for everything and keep up the great work.
Participant[quote=112479]I’m new with Raspberry Pi (I have the RPI2) and I just installed
But I want to use a WiFi card. I have one which I used with Ubuntu, so I suppose this one should work? But how do I install it? I don’t have the option for WiFi in the OpenELEC settings?[/quote]
Do you have a wifi adaptor already connected? Cause the option don’t show up without it then selecting on in the OpenELEC settings.
Smither or anyone who used his triple build, Do any one know how to change the settings to always reboot to Kodi instead of rebooting to the last OS used??
Also how to get the Retropie section to work with a NTSC CRT TV/monitor using RCA, all I get is sound and no video. The kodi and Raspbian works by just putting # in front of hdmi_force_hotplug=1 but not retropie. I would like to get that working and still be able to do HDMI without having to keep changing config file if possible.
Thanks in advance, any assistance will be greatly appreciated.candyluv
Maybe if you can say exactly how you tried to do it we can better have an understanding on what the problem may be.I followed the instructions formatting the card using SD formatter 4, unzipped the files onto the SD card which was around 1gb, then tried to boot up. I only get red and green lights on and nothing else.
I then tried formatting again and unzipping everything including the Zip and tar files and had the same result. Is there a video of anyone going through the process?Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
Ok it is most likely because the format of your SD card is incorrect. As the previous person said, any card larger than 32GB get formatted to exFAT even if using sdFormatter and your card needs to be formatted to Fat32.
1)Format card using “SDFormatter” making sure you click on options and turn “ON” format size adjustment.
2)Format your card again using “guiformat (fat32 formatter)” 32bit or 64bit (my experience they both work the same so anyone will do).
3) Proceed to follow the instructions given by smither.Hope that helps.
Maybe if you can say exactly how you tried to do it we can better have an understanding on what the problem may be.candyluv
Participant[quote=111762]Whenever we are able to find free time. Especially considering holidays
Oh ok. That is understandable.
I tried what you suggested but it didn’t work. Now my keyboard no longer works in it except to exit. Will try again. Is there a config file that I can just download and copy to it?
Well I guess I will have to wait until the release to have this solve.
Thanks again.candyluv
Participant[quote=111754]It’s been done already. Will be part of the next retropie release. Make a backup, do a full binary install. Delete the inputautoconfig.ini and reconfigure controllers from emulationstation Or
see also
Thanks for the reply. This is really great to hear. Been trying to figure this out for weeks now.
How soon will the next RetroPie release?
Thanks again.candyluv
Participant[quote=83136]I just got Mupen64plus to work on retropie(very laggy and lots of aufdio warnings and problems still come up, but it works). However, I now want to try and get my SNES controller to work on the Mupen64plus. I have tried making a SNES controller map for mupen in
also I found the same file in
so I put it in there as well.I went and looked on how to make the profile for the controller but I have no idea if I did it wrong, or i put the profile in the wrong spot, or both. Does anyone know how to make the profile for the Snes controller?
Did you get it to work. i seem to be having the same problem?
ParticipantI been trying to get the snes controller to work in n64 but can’t seem to get it working.I’ve tried playing around with the configs but always end up having to do over the image. It works in the main menu but not in the n64 games. Is there a way to rectify this problem, also I would like “start+select” as exit.
I would very much appreciate any assistance.
Also, what are some CHEAP alternative that can play with all the emulators and easy to setup (auto if possible)?? Both USB and Wireless options.Thanks in advance.
I have been using your multi-boots for awhile and smashed your V7 retropi/openelec/rasplex together on a 64GB card and have been going to town. Today my Rasplex image decided that it was no longer going to work correctly due to the /storage partition filling up with thumbnail pictures. Just some food for thought when allocating how much space you give to your next rasplex build.
Actually no size allocation adjustments is needed on smither’s side. The build is made easy for the end user to make adjustments to the locations themselves before install, since everyone may require something differently.Institutions is also given on how to do so on this page.candyluv
please can you build a image that we can use in 8gb sd card? i have no problem if the image only have de stock openelec and retropie. I have seen the similar request in other coments on youtube videos.This build can fit on an 8GB card. It is openelec Without Addons so it is stock. You may just have to adjust the partition size given to both openelec and retropie.
Not really, I have two sd card kingstong that they says 8gb but in practice they only have 7,40 gb when i copy the files and runs the raspberry 1gb is for installers and 6,40gb is for install all things but noobs says that needs around 7,5 gb for free space,
and i am sorry if my english is not good
What you need to do is from the “NOOBS Files folder” Place the “OS” folder in the root of a USB flash drive and the rest of files in that folder in the root of the micro card and install it that way. You will have over 1GB extra space on the micro card.
Hope that helps. -