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ParticipantYou would send a signal to the running process to terminate it, like
killall emulationstation
.It will probably end, but I do not know, whether ES processes the SIGTERM and saves its data before quitting. Actually that “sending TERM signal to all processes” is done automatically, when the system shuts down. So it is no improvement.
ParticipantIn the libretro code there is a descriptor, which I’d expect explains the internal mapping, after line 70: should be the Z-Trigger then, and R2 could switch between “C-Stick” and “C-Buttons” (A,B,X,Y) mode.
Controls Default looks like to be what is configured. Should be on SELECT. Instead, Controls Alternate appears to define a ROM-specific mapping.
ParticipantThats good news, glad you found a way! Have fun then!
ParticipantThat looks perfect then, and I am out of ideas. Sorry it did not work.
ParticipantOk I see your CUE file is loaded, sorry I was unsure before. I would guess, now the referenced files inside the CUE can not be loaded, for some reason. Can you post or attach the specific CUE file?
Might be a stupid question, but: Does the list of files inside the CUE file match the files+extensions in that folder? Is music separated or inside the BIN? (Both variants work in my case.)
04/13/2015 at 21:48 in reply to: How to get scanlines and vastly improve picture quality: the best method #94780brunchero
ParticipantThe Moon looks great with the hyllian glow! I like the effect of thicker lines for brighter colors. Having never seen a Sony BVM in real life, I expect that is near to what it should look like. I want to get rid of a “blocky” pixel vision.
I tried to find your recommended shaders, but they were not on my system (retropie 2.6 image). So I downloaded the common shader set from libretro github, converted them using themaister’s script (via Nvidia CG Toolkit), which at least allows my to use the caligari shader now. But the hyllian glow had parse errors and looks far from correct.I copied the CRT set from 3.0 beta to my 2.6 shaders, but had the same LEX/PARSE errors with the glow sub shaders. So I’ll stick with caligari.
ParticipantI don’t think thats an error in the Shell Script, the line number is only the position where the Call occurs, that starts the emulator, as reference. The Error message was “Error opening file”, and the emulator aborted.
Now I realize that your runcommand apparently calls the BIN-file directly:
“/media/TurboCD/Beyond ShadowGate.bin”Instead there should be the CUE file, “.bin” is not even in my extension list for PCE. Are you sure the CUE file is chosen in Emulation Station? (Maybe 3.0 beta2 differs here.) Could you post your lastest runcommand.log again?
PS: the captcha is a pita, often “ERROR: Invalid captcha value”. I am sure I can math! :)
ParticipantYes, again I do not know, whether paths have changed in 3.0 beta2. It might be somewhere in home/pi or opt now. But in 2.6 it is, like es_systems.cfg:
The subfolder “themes” contains “simple” theme with all emulation systems, more than actually available on retropie. So I only changed the ones I actually use. (If you are using another theme, then you’d have to look inside those xml-files to find out which file is referenced as background.)
Each System contains a folder “art” with the relevant image, mostly it is called *_blur.
They are in resolution 1280×720, and reducing them to 640×320 reduces the pixels by 75%.Now a nice linux command for imagemagick would be handy, to convert all images at once in those folders – but unfortunately I can not provide such. Instead I copied the files via SCP to my Windows+Gimp and did it manually. For 25+ systems that is probably not an elegant way.
I really hope that helps, good luck :)
ParticipantI’d say, video memory size. Having (too) many emulators populated in emulation station thingy. But I see you already have posted in that thread.
But when 720p is working, and 1080p causes ES to freeze, this is still my best guess. I reduced the resolution of the blurred background images in the simple theme to 360p, as devo wrote. And removing emulators is probably no desired option.
ParticipantI added CUE extensions to es_systems.cfg like this:
<path>~/RetroPie/roms/pcengine</path> <extension>.pce .PCE .zip .ZIP .cue .CUE .toc .TOC</extension>
But I see you are trying to load a file “Beyond ShadowGate.bin” with a space in the name. My suggestion is to rename that to e.g. “BSG.bin”, and adjust the CUE file to load that renamed file.
ParticipantI use 2.6 image with Mednafen PCE Fast (folder pcengine), having the syscard3 file in the bios folder (lowercase).
CUE, BIN/ISO and OGG files are in game subfolders. (MP3 is not supported IIRC, so it must be converted to OGG or WAVE with the CUE sheet adjusted accordingly.)
The files referenced in the CUE sheet should have short names, like track01.bin. That worked for me, when I had some “Error opening file” warnings. The cue file can keep it’s fancy name.
I forgot: You might have to add CUE and TOC extensions to the Turbografx section of your es_systems.cfg, if not present in 3.0 beta already.
ParticipantI’m not sure how you wired it up – is the Arduino acting as USB HID device to the RPi?
I built a pinball controller using an Arduino Leonardo as USB HID “Gamepad”. That way I could use analog axis, tilt sensor, and of course some buttons. I use it for my pc pinball simulators and not configured for retropie, but I expect it not having the issues you describe, at least jstest looks all good.
If you want to turn a Leonardo (or Micro) into a custom USB HID, you have to change some C header files and create a suitable HID descriptor.
ParticipantThanks Ronan, your script was the code I needed for my Retro RPi2!
I adjusted it to fit my GPIO stuff with some LEDs added, and attached my version in case anyone is interested. (I use the retropi 2.6 image.)
My changes:
– made it a very basic python daemon, so I could add it to init-scripts
– use BCM GPIO 3 for shutdown, since it also can startup the rpi when pulled low
– for that reason, use FALLING interrupts
– use SIG TERM for emulator, to allow clean exit (save srm?), wait 5 seconds and then send SIG KILL to the process in case TERM did not help
– added LED when daemon is running
– added LED when emulator is running, check every secondTo simplify the emulator LED, I hacked to write its own PID into a temp file on start, and remove it on script end.
I also wanted my own ACT LED for sd card activity, which, as turned out, is super easy using the device tree overlay in config.txt.
ParticipantI cannot really eval your components, since I do not own any of them – except the RPi2 of course, with heatsink. Another important componentent is the power supply, should at least provide 2A, I use the official one.
Regarding the USV + Fan Kit: I guess the heatsink applied on the broadcom should not be too high, because the fan is mounted below the Hat pcb. Personally I would watch the temperature of the overclocked RPi2 first, maybe you do not need a active cooling. Depends how high you want to clock, of course.
And the USV may be an idea, if your use-case is “plug out the cable to shut down”. Just as an alternative, the are also those Mausberry Circuits: never had issues with sd card corruption (RPi2 + Samsung 32 evo card). What I do against sd corruption worst case proactively is:
– mount the boot partition read-only (remount rw for updates)
– use tempfs for /var/log (heavy write, I dont need them after power cycle)
– use “noatime” for all mounts (I dont care for access times)
– disabled swapping, unsure whether it was on anyway
– activated fs check every 3 boots for sd partition
– connected a button to GPIO that calls “poweroff” (like mausberry)
– maybe nobrainer: backup relevant files (manually, externally)There are many howtos for that changes, unfortunately I cannot find the one I used to give credit. So here is another one:
For GPIO button shutdown / exit emulators I started with Ronan’s script:
ParticipantThe RPi1 2.6 Image is still in the Downloads folder: sure why it is not linked anymore.
ParticipantThe mentioned topic “14108” had some new entries, including compiled dxx-rebirth for rpi2 and even a script, that downloads that port, the descent shareware versions and highres texture and ogg sound packs.
After using that script, you only have to create the start scripts under “ports” for emulation station.
04/05/2015 at 21:15 in reply to: Tutorial to get wiimotes with classic controllers to work with RetroPie #93894brunchero
ParticipantIf you want your WiiMotes giving a connection status, just add a line to your mywminput file:
Plugin.led.Led1 = 1
You probably want different leds active on two controllers, which means you have provide different mywminput files to wminput, e.g. one with Led1 and one with Led2 activated.
ParticipantApps in systems overview and opened folder attached. I like it.
ParticipantMy favorite screen. thx!