Forum Replies Created
ParticipantKeigan I agree that it’s not that complex. This however would not be totally pointless. WYSIWYG editors can be handy for those who aren’t as code inclined as you and I. For me a WYSIWYG editor could be handy for testing my theme since ES takes longer than I would like when i’m making several changes in succession especially especially for systems I dont personally keep.
ParticipantAFAIK xboxdrv has not been included in any image. In addition even when you install xboxdrv you need to rmmod the old driver before you can run the new one in my experience unless you prevent it from booting at all. (Which is what I did.)
My advice is to install xboxdrv as it is the only driver that has working lights. the stock linux drivers for xbox 360 are rubbish.
ParticipantYou mentioned an LCD and 3 3D printed parts. Did you run out of space for speakers or opt out of using them for some other reason?
ParticipantRetroPie also tries to auto copy from what I understand so you would need to disable that.
ParticipantI was wondering the same thing. I already want to buy a Neo Geo X Gold. But if the controller works on the Pi out of the box I’m 100% sold pawn all my stuff if I gotta.
ParticipantFor some reason these are compiled into the program as near as I can figure so I think you need to modify the source and replace the svgs.
ParticipantI’m on 1.4.1 my overclock was just the numbers in the advanced setup guide. I can’t further test it today as I seem to have broken ES by compiling a second copy of ES. Once I reimage I can play with it again. In the mean time can you tell me the exact goodname of your rom?
ParticipantSorry about the confusing way I replied. I have tested it and it works. I have even gotten a decent way into this rather unforgiving game. You just need to substitute SaveStates for saving because for some very strange reason the act of loading crashes the game.
ParticipantAlso are you running retroarch or dgen? (i have everything installed to retroarch so would need to copy it to dgen to test that.Sorry just discovered the rom named “Phantasy Star – Sennenki no Owari ni” is just the japanese 4. Testing PS1 on the MS now in both emulators.
ParticipantWhat issue are you having? I loaded up the only PS1 I had (genesis JP) and it starts up no problem. being that i can’t read japanese I wont make it far if I don’t patch it which may change my experience so knowing more of what is happening to you and what version you are running may help.KK tested it and it runs on retroarch but not on osmos although it seems in osmos the issue is that breaks.
ParticipantAll you need to do is go into the preferences/input and set the mapping type to retropad and then find the P1 map all buttons and fire that up. It should read your pad on first try.
Additionally you may get more specialized help for your needs at the retroarch forums since you aren’t actually using RetroPie so any issues relating to actual linux people here may be less prepared to deal with.
ParticipantSadly you need to recompile and replace SVG files that are packaged in during compilation.
02/02/2015 at 21:57 in reply to: Xbox 360 controller joystick not working/gui changed when drivers installed #86408brakanje
Participantif you delete them you can manually configure retroarch like you would with any controller you would plug in like usb snes controllers. F1 on your keyboard and then scroll to settings and input and then map them. I prefer this as you can have different maps for different consoles where the snes style map may not feel as natural.
Participantif you open xboxdrv in non silent mode i think it gives youa readout of what buttons you are pressing.
ParticipantI know not how to do it across all emulators but in retroarch under settings/video options there is an aspect ratio setting that would probably do the trick for you. Personally I don’t like having 4×3 gmaes stretched to my 16×10 tv or 16×9 monitor. Sonic’s spindash is supposed to be a circle not an oval. :P
02/02/2015 at 10:20 in reply to: Xbox 360 controller joystick not working/gui changed when drivers installed #86372brakanje
I suggest you go here and delete the xbox files. It seems that petrockblock’s personal xbox controller maps differently than ours. On mine everything was good except for start/select/L2/R2 which were pair switched. (start was R2 and select was L2 and vice versa).
ParticipantYou edit it in a text editor. Me though I just deleted it as i want to be able to manually configure all of retroarch through the RGUI. That file you found overrides EVERYTHING in retroarch preventing you from even accessing the RGUI as 8 doesn’t seem to be an existing button in xboxdrv.
Participant/etc/rc.local insert your commands before exit 0 but after fi and put a sleep 1 between each command.
ParticipantI think you need to add it to your start-up script. Unlike windows you cant just put stuff in a certain folder and have it autorun.
On a side note is there any chance maybe you could help me figure out my own wiring? I’m not really experienced with wiring beyond splicing a usb head onto an xboxC controller.
ParticipantI saw a video on youtube about clustering. Apparently it’s kind of cost prohibitive though. I actually found out about something with about 4x the CPU and 2x the ram as well as SATA support called the Banana Pi. I may end up picking that up.
ParticipantSo it’s been about 12 hours. I’m thinking I posted this in the wrong section and that it may have been better to put it in the projects directory? If so could some mod maybe move this there?
ParticipantThat 1 img file needs to be written to the sd card using an image writer like win32diskimager(windows) once it’s written you will have an operational and ready to use 2.4.2 install. Then you just need to add your preferred theme (unless you like the default theme) and add your roms.
For me all USB controllers except for my one wired x360 controller were plug and play. for x360 controllers you need special drivers to use them.
I can not speak for ps3 controllers as i am lending my pspgo controller to my kid brother since is ps3 has no controllers. :P
I may be able to help further if you can tell me exactly what controller you are using.
ParticipantThanx for the heads up that’s pretty cool. The main issue and it’s an issue I’ve been running into with the whole theme and even had to compromise on a few times is designing theme elements that sound/look Nintendo without representing a specific franchise. unfortunately my rating scale is 5 goombas. I’d much rather if i could do something like a percentage bar then I could have in Nintendo logo font the word Awesome surrounded by the Nintendo oval then transition it in 10 segments (half stars) from dark grey(empty) to Nintendo red(full)
01/31/2015 at 07:45 in reply to: Music (mp3) playing when browsing gamelists in Emulationstation? #86201brakanje
ParticipantThis would be a cool feature. You have a couple options. I believe you could use SSH or a script to play the music from a terminal based mp3 player or you can contact the emulationstation crew at their site. This site basically hosts a repack. While the main dude and some of the rest of us can make tweaks to the source the best bet is usually to go to the source (emulationstation) and talk to them directly.
Participantfrom ssh set your root password “sudo passwd root” i think then use the root account to ftp in. you then have the ability to delete folders anywhere. another option is to use “sudo chown pi (folder name)” from the SSH client. this will give you right permissions on the file without having to delete it.
Everything I said to do from SSH can be done from terminal too. I just don’t like using terminal because my pi keyboard is a sucky portable one and doesn’t feel good to use. :P actually even the deleting could be done from terminal so yeah if you like terminal you don’t need your main pc at all.
ParticipantAhh. so that is probably how the sub-folders are being run as well then. :P
ParticipantI’ll hafta find something “nes”-like that sounds good scrolling. thanks for the heads up. I wonder why they got rid of the plethora of sound options that were apparently in V1.
ParticipantThis location seems not to be quite accurate at least on V2.4.2.
/opt/retropie/configs/{system name}/retroarch.cfgbrakanje
ParticipantDid it again and this time no issue. Very confusing. Is there some reason that it doesn’t go through folders in alphabetical order?
ParticipantIn retroarch at least you can individually configure the controls per emulated game console as it saves based on system. For everything else the answer should still be yes as each emulator should have it’s own individual configurator so it is just a matter of configuring stuff.
ParticipantWhen I’m done reimagining I’ll let you know if it happens again.
ParticipantIt just occured to me. could it see no files in rom directory and decide not to bother scanning the subdirectories?
ParticipantIt happened when I ran it on GoodNES. I used NP++ and imagemagic to rectify it which is no thing but figured I’d give you the heads up.
ParticipantHey I just discovered your script seems to save images as JPEG or PNG but then reports them as JPG to the gamelist so all the images come up blank.
Participantpi@raspberrypi /ES-scraper $ python -pisize -v -l SYSTEM: Name: amiga Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga Platform: amiga Ext: .adf .ADF Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: atari800 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari800 Platform: atari800 Ext: .xex .XEX Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: atari2600 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari2600 Platform: atari2600 Ext: .a26 .A26 .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP .gz .GZ Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: atari5200 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atari5200 Platform: atari5200 Ext: .a26 .A26 .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .zip .ZIP .gz .GZ Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: atariststefalcon Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/atariststefalcon Platform: atarist Ext: .st .ST .img .IMG .rom .ROM .ipf .IPF Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: macintosh Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/macintosh Platform: mac Ext: .txt Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: c64 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/c64 Platform: c64 Ext: .crt .CRT .d64 .D64 .g64 .G64 .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .x64 .X64 .zip .ZIP Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: amstradcpc Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amstradcpc Platform: cpc Ext: .cpc .CPC .dsk .DSK Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: fba Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/fba Platform: arcade Ext: .zip .ZIP .fba .FBA Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: gb Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gb Platform: gb Ext: .gb .GB Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: gba Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gba Platform: gba Ext: .gba .GBA Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: sgb2 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gbc Platform: gbc Ext: .gbc .GBC Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: gamegear Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gamegear Platform: gamegear Ext: .gg .GG Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: intellivision Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/intellivision Platform: intellivision Ext: .int .INT .bin .BIN Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: mame Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame Platform: arcade Ext: .zip .ZIP Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: neogeo Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo Platform: neogeo Ext: .zip .ZIP .fba .FBA Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: nes Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/nes Platform: nes Ext: .nes .unf .NES .UNF Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: n64 Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/n64 Platform: n64 Ext: .z64 .Z64 .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64 Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: pcengine Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pcengine Platform: pcengine Ext: .pce .PCE Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: scummvm Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/scummvm Platform: pc Ext: .exe .EXE Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: mastersystem Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mastersystem Platform: mastersystem Ext: .sms .SMS Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: megadrive Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/megadrive Platform: genesis,megadrive Ext: .smd .SMD .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .md .MD .zip .ZIP Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: segacd Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/segacd Platform: segacd Ext: .smd .SMD .bin .BIN .md .MD .zip .ZIP .iso .ISO Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: sega32x Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/sega32x Platform: sega32x Ext: .32x .32X .smd .SMD .bin .BIN .md .MD .zip .ZIP Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: psx Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/psx Platform: psx Ext: .img .IMG .7z .7Z .pbp .PBP .bin .BIN .cue .CUE Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: snes Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes Platform: snes Ext: .smc .sfc .fig .swc .SMC .SFC .FIG .SWC Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: zxspectrum Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/zxspectrum Platform: zxspectrum Ext: .z80 .Z80 .ipf .IPF Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: vboy Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/vboy Platform: nintendo-virtual-boy Ext: .vb .VB Potential ROMs: 0 SYSTEM: Name: esconfig Path: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/esconfig Platform: ignore Ext: .py .PY Potential ROMs: 0 ES-scraper, a scraper for EmulationStation Using Raspberry Pi boxart size: (375px x 350px) Verbose mode enabled. All done! pi@raspberrypi /ES-scraper $
More details but same result and no clear fix as everything looks right.