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ParticipantI compiled from source, so didn’t download the image. I’ve checked your vids, but can’t see any reference to the specific issue at hand…?
ParticipantI’m having the same issue as you – the paths are correct, but the shaders aren’t applying and I’m getting the same error messages.
I’ve found this thread and I’m going to give it a go later.
ParticipantI’m not entirely sure what you are asking here.
So when you press L3 on your controller, the emulator exits?
Or do you want this to happen, but would want to hold SELECT down before pressing L3 to exit the emulator?
My setup is similar to yours – I have assigned the hot key to L3 but then have the exit emulator button assigned to the PS button my my PS3 controller (connected by Bluetooth) and it works just fine.
Have you manually assigned the buttons by editing the retroarch.cfg file or have you gone through the emulator menu and then input settings? I did the latter and mine works if that helps?
Participant[quote=46012]Any idea How to use the old school scanlines look i believe was an option prior to the update? [/quote]
I think this is within the emulator options menu (accessed usually by pressing F1 on your keyboard once the game is up and running) under the video settings. You can choose various “shaders” from in here and make them look more “retro” this way.
Hope this helps.
ParticipantOk, I am with you now.
You need to adjust the settings from within the emulator menu (usually in NES/SNES/Genesis etc it is accessed by pressing F1 on your keyboard).
Then go into settings -> Video settings, then choose a custom resolution and then adjust to fit your screen.
You need to save the settings (there is a save function on the main options screen), but this will save the settings as a new .cfg file (usually libretro.cfg or something similar).
This means when you re-load the emulator, it will load the file retroarch.cfg and not the new one you just created with your new resolutions.
To fix this, you will need to SSH into your Pi (I use WinSCP so you can browse the file structure) and locate the new libretro.cfg file within the relevant folder (
I think it might be in the all folder, but I cannot remember exactly as I’m at work at the momentI have just seen on another topic that the file is saved here: /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs), then rename this retroarch.cfg (may be worth backing up the existing retroarch.cfg first by downloading it to your PC desktop) and then reboot the pi.If all has gone well, the emulator should boot using the new settings and should now be displaying in full screen!
PS – This is also very useful when setting up controllers, shaders etc. I would recommend doing it all in one go, then saving the new .cfg file before renaming it to retroarch.cfg otherwise you’ll be constantly to-ing and fro-ing.
PPS – If you cannot access the emulator menu when you launch the game, it may be because the hotkey option is not working. This requires some SSH-ing and editing of the retroarch.cfg file to set the relevant hotkey (I set my hotkey to F2, so I hold F2 then press F1 to bring up the menu). There is a separate post on this topic here ( which is worth reading too (plus it saves repeating information that is already on this forum).
Hope this helps!
Participant[quote=46143]I also am trying to change the retroarch.cfg file but I can’t find it.
My “Configs” doesn’t have an “All” folder
Here are the directions I followed,
“First, click on the LXDE menu in the bottom left (What would be your “start” menu if this was windows), and then select “Accessories” and then “File Manager” – This is your file explorer. Open the folder “Retro Pie” and then open “configs” and then open “all””
I can get into the folder but I have two options once in “configs”
2. “roms”
2. “BIOS”
[/quote]As per your new post, have you tried looking in the Retropie-Setup folder instead? They should be in there…
ParticipantTry the Retropie-Setup folder instead. I think they are in there now.
ParticipantThe easiest way to do this is from within the emulator menu itself. It’s much quicker than messing around with .cfg files etc.
Play a game – I would usually go for something NES/SNES/Megadrive related (not MAME or the other ports).
Access the emulator menu (usually you press F1) and then you can go to the settings etc. Choose input and then assign the relevant buttons on your control pad.
However, I found it sometimes problematic accessing the menu by pressing F1. I managed to fix this by editing the relevant .cfg file and changing the hotkey to F2. I could then access the menu by holding F2 then pressing F1.
Check out this post here: as this should help.
Participant[quote=45702]You can find a fix for the PS3 controller and Mame4all-pi at the Retropie Wiki
I can’t say whether it’ll work for the other controllers but it may be worth a try.
Thanks, I actually found this page yesterday evening and gave it a try. Once I had followed the steps on there, I was able to get mame4all-pi to recognise the PS3 controller and was even able to use them within games. I only had a little time to map out the buttons to various commands, but haven’t had chance to try them out with other games yet.
However I will report back if there are any problems so if you don’t hear back then presume that everything works a treat!
ParticipantIt might be worth overclocking. Try different settings (work your way up to the highest setting that works best) and see whether this helps.
ParticipantIs it what is being described here: ?
If so, then may I suggest keeping this under the one post (mentioned in the link)?
ParticipantTo get the sounds out of jack, you need to alter the setting in the Raspberry Pi Config settings:
sudo raspi-config
Then select option 8 Advanced Options. You should then see another option called Audio. Select this and then choose to force the audio out through the 3.5mm jack.
sudo reboot
As for your other questions, I’m afraid I can’t help but hopefully you’ll now be 50% of the way to an answer!
ParticipantI would imagine you need to edit the config.txt file so that you have the HDMI mode set to VGA.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Scroll down to the bit that says
If I were changing it, I would put mine something like this:
hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=35
This would set the HDMI group to DMT and the resolution to 1280×1024 @ 60Hz.
Then finally:
sudo reboot
You might need to play around with the hdmi_mode to one that works for your monitor / TV. And if you are using a TV, then it might be easier to set the HDMI group to 1 and then pick a HDMI mode that your TV is capable of displaying (I would hazard a guess as hdmi_group=1 then hdmi_mode=4 (which is 720p) or mode=16 (which is 1080p).
You’ll find a lot of information here if this helps:
ParticipantI’m also having the same issue. I can access the emulator menu by pressing TAB, but when I try and assign a new button from the joystick it does not register any input, however I can use the joystick in all the other emulators without issue.
I’m using the official Sony PS3 Dualshock pad via Bluetooth (again, works flawlessly in the other emulators).
Participant[quote=21031]This is the command in emulation station that starts mupen64 and generates the n64 seg fault everyone is encountering.
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 1 "cd /opt/retropie/emulators/mupen64plus-rpi/test/ && ./mupen64plus %ROM%"
I don’t see anything immediately wrong with it (for instance, the path exists on my system and there is a file called mupen64plus there), but I’m not an expert. I do notice that none of the other commands in the es_systems.cfg file perform a cd first and THEN a separate run command. Maybe that is the source of the error?[/quote]Has anybody managed to look into this? Apparently it is possible to launch N64 emulator using the command line option, but is not ideal. A fix so that you can launch the game through the same way in ES’ GUI would be great.
Participant[quote=12343]I can confirm n64 does not launch roms from within ES. Launching the emulator direct from command line does work however. I’ve poked around with how es_systems.cfg launches n64 but can’t get it to work.
[/quote]Would this have anything to do with the file? Maybe an error within here (seen some posts mentioning line 23 being an issue)?
I wouldn’t know what to look for, but thought it might be worth mentioning. Although it might be possible to launch the N64 emulator using the command line, it is not ideal as this would mean keeping a keyboard attached or having to SSH into the Pie whenever we want to play some N64 goodness…
ParticipantWhat about the old config files not being removed for Mupen64 from the folder migration since 2.1? If you remove all the old config files, and uninstall Mupen64>
$ make
Mupen64Plus makefile…….Like you guys, I’m having the same issue. I get the same error as mrsteven2 stated at the start. I’d like to have a go at what mr9v9 is proposing, but I’m not sure what he means (I’m still learning).
Would it be possible to explain this using the command line steps to follow?
Participant[quote=15638]I was able to setup my controller with mame4all instead of using the keyboard. But ever time I restart mame4all, it resets. I do I get it to save the setup? I’ve done it on 1.9. I just don’t remember how.[/quote]
How did you setup your controller instead of using the keyboard?
Participant[quote=14085]VGA mode and overscan
First things first. If you have an HDTV and the Raspberry Pi is connected via HDMI to it, I highly recommend you switch to VGA Mode. This is for a better performance (1080p/720p vs. 480p) in emulationstation and the emulators run anyway in 480p. HDMI Group 1 stands for CEA and Mode 1 is VGA. More Infos here. You should also set the overscan scale to one. Otherwise emulationstation doesn’t start or the scaling is incorrect.
Thanks, this helped. I added the overscan_scale=1 to the config.txt and then I was able to fine tune the overscan settings so that everything fit perfectly on my TV. For some reason, without the ovescan_scale=1 in the config.txt, the GUI for ES would not scale properly, but once I added this line it worked!
Once I realised the overscan_scale=1 was required, I then changed the other settings to:
hdmi_group=1 hdmi_mode=4
This put my TV in 720p mode and then everything fit perfectly on the screen, plus it was HD and there was no slow-down with the games running at this resolution too.
ParticipantHi and thanks for your response. :)
Yes I am pressing the key during the game. To be honest I’ve tried it all ways but it does not respond either way. I’m also noticing other keys don’t work, such as shader selection using the n and m keys, but other inputs do such as my button 8 and 9 hotkey exit as detailed here elsewhere.
I don’t really know what’s happening but could it be something to do with the new read-only permissions on the file in 2.2? Can the Retropie system not access it properly perhaps? Just a stab in the dark.
I had the same issue and what I did to resolve this was to change the hockey button to F2. Then I held F2 down before pressing F1 then voila! I was then able to map the buttons to my controller from the settings and then changed them to what I wanted.
Hope this helps.
ParticipantOk, so I have tried what you suggested by adding the following lines to the retroarch.cfg:
overscan_left=18 overscan_right=18 overscan_top=-18 overscan_bottom=-18
But this did nothing to the overscan problem within ES.
Can you post your settings to compare please?
In my case I had to fix overscan in the boot config so terminal and desktop modes fit the screen. However, when I wen to emulationstation, the screen was too large and I could not see all of the menu buttons in the lower left corner. I edited the retoarch.cfg in the “all” folder. I added commands similar to the ones in the boot config to get it where I wanted it. It works fine now.
Great, thanks for that. I’ll give it a go later. Good thinking!
Participant[quote=13262]It displays beautifully on my 1080p monitor but the image is cutoff around the edges on my 720p TV. Anyone know how to fix that? overscan is turned on and I’m using HDMI. Does anyone have everything working smoothly? If so, could you provide your retroarch.cfg so I could check it out?[/quote]
I have the same problem with cut off. Do you mean when EmulationStation is running and you want to select which system to play? I have just posted a more detailed message here.
ParticipantI have pretty much got a perfectly running setup, with the exception of one thing: EmulationStation overscan!
Firstly, I have edited the config.txt file to reduce the overscan by adjusting the values and uncommenting the lines. This is now set up perfectly and I get a perfect fit with the boot console, the splash screen and so on.
However, once I have booted into EmulationStation and get to choose the emulator I want, the screen does not fit properly – i.e. I can see that the menu, buttons, select etc at the bottom right of the screen are not displaying correctly and are off the screen.
I have even tried booting with HDMI mode set to VGA, but this does not work either.
Has anybody else encountered this problem? If so, has anybody managed to resolve this?
It’s not impacting the performance of the setup as the games run within the screen resolution, but it is bugging me!
ParticipantI managed to fix this by changing the hot key button to F2 on the keyboard the having the menu button assigned to F1. I hold F2 down then press F1 and hey presto. I could then edit the input settings etc and save it as a new .cfg file. I would need to SSH into the directory and rename it retroarch.cfg to get it working though.
When I Enter this last command :sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 1 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
It Says couldnt open Joystick 1.
And when I press F1 in any Emulator nothing happends either…
I have the same issue. Any help would be appreciated!
ParticipantI’m having a slight issue with accessing the menu from within the emulators. I think people normally access it using F1 on a keyboard.
When I press F1, nothing happens. It did work once, before I configured my Xbox360 wireless pad, but now I can’t get it working.
I’ve looked at the retroarch.cfg file and I presume the button needs to be mapped to the menu input command, but even when I change this to F1, nothing happens. I’ve also tried mapping it to a button on my controller (ideally the home button – 15 I presume) but nothing works. Even if I map it to a known button (ie. A button) I still can’t get the menu to appear.
Does anybody know how to access the emulator menu in a game using the Xbox360 wireless pad? If so, what does you retroarch.cfg file look like?
Would be eternally grateful for any help as this seems to be the only problem I have to my otherwise perfect setup…
EDIT: I have now resolved this issue. I mapped the hotkey to F2 on the keyboard, then held F2 down before pressing F1. This then accessed the GUI from within the emulator and I was then able to assign my own button map using the settings in there. I then saved this as a new config file and replaced the retroarch.cfg one (the autosave feature saves it as a different .cfg file).
ParticipantExcellent post. Just what I was looking for (hence my original post yesterday). Going through a new setup now so will follow this and see how it goes. Will report any issues.
[/quote]Thanks – I will check this out. I take it I would need to reconfigure some of the scripts to be compatible with ES 2.1?
cd ~/RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 1 >> ~/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
Would become:
$ cd /opt/retroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin $ ./retroarch-joyconfig -j >> /opt/retroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
Also, how do you specify screen resolution in each emulator? Is it easier running the emulator as root, accessing the settings menu to scale them accordingly, or is it something easier done by editing a config file somewhere?
One other question. If I wanted to access the emulator menu using a control pad (Xbox 360 wireless through the USB wireless receiver), do I need to press the hotkey then press the button assigned to the menu command?
ParticipantMutex Wrote:
The mame emulator cannot save the config since you’re running mame as pi user. The config folder in the mame emulator belongs to the root user, so you’re not allowed to make any changes to that folder. The easiest thing would be to run mame one time by hand as root user/opt/retropie/emulators/mame4all-pi/mame
configure your controls by pressing and then restart emulationstation. The pi should now have your new controls saved. The other solution would be to change the ownership of the config file but that is a bit more complicated.
zSprawl Wrote:
At the end of the retroarch.cfg file, it is a good idea to add the following to allow you to press select+start to exit the game.input_enable_hotkey_btn = “6″ input_exit_emulator_btn = “7″
I also like to take advantage of the save and load states in emulation, which some people consider cheating. Add the following lines to enable these buttons on your joypad.
input_save_state_btn = “8″ input_load_state_btn = “10″
Keep in mind, you must hold the “input_enable_hotkey_btn” to trigger the other functions. In other words, using save state would require you to press button 6, and hold it while pressing button 8
I just saw these in other posts, which could explain the settings not being saved when making changes to the emulator whilst running through ES and setting buttons to exit emulators / access menus etc. I’ll give them a go later and see whether this has any effect.
Thought I would dump this post in here as it might become useful for others later on…
Participant[quote=12055] I’m not sure but it looks like Doom used RetroArch. In such case you could try:
$ cd /opt/retroPie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin $ ./retroarch-joyconfig >> /opt/retroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
Hopefully this will give better result. If not you’ll have to test/retry by manually editing the retroarch.cfg file…[/quote]
What nemo93 said. I had a similar problem, but using the retroarch-joyconfig setup seemed to help.