Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! ZDOOM 2.81. Compiling Woes

  • This topic has 27 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by xd3l.
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  • #119678

    Using this guide:


    I end up here:

    [ 61%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/d_main.cpp.o
    /home/pi/zdoom/src/d_main.cpp: In function ‘void D_DoomInit()’:
    /home/pi/zdoom/src/d_main.cpp:1980:15: error: ‘_FPU_EXTENDED’ was not declared in this scope
    cw = (cw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE;
    /home/pi/zdoom/src/d_main.cpp:1980:32: error: ‘_FPU_DOUBLE’ was not declared in this scope
    cw = (cw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE;
    src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/build.make:2822: recipe for target ‘src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/d_main.cpp.o’ failed
    make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/d_main.cpp.o] Error 1
    CMakeFiles/Makefile2:683: recipe for target ‘src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/all’ failed
    make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/all] Error 2
    Makefile:76: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
    make: *** [all] Error 2


    Any reason why you aren’t using the setup script the install it?


    I wasn’t sure if the script would provide the latest release of ZDOOM since it only released a few days ago.
    I had that problem with ScummVM, ours is still on 7 it’s now on 8.
    Will the script do the trick in ZDOOM’s case?


    I wish ScummWM’s was like that. OK, I’ll save my self some trouble, and maybe even use this as a guide to writing a script for Crispy DOOM.


    The script won’t install it because it says it can’t find a release.




    OK, I watched it this time, it looks like it is pulling it off the server all right, though what’s going on is it fails to compile at around 54%, and I can’t read those log files in gz format to see what they have to say.


    A) ScummVM’s script was updated to 1.8 a few days ago.
    b) use gunzip to unzip those logs to read them. But likely nothing we’ll be able to do to fix the compile error if it’s just based on latest git and the problem isn’t on our end.


    Aghh, time for Beavis and Butthead!


    Latest zdoom compiles properly for me. I’ll probably submit a change that will automatically set up the other iWAD files for selection from the menu, so you have doom 2, you can select it.


    How can the script work for one person and not the other?

    Also, I can’t get any of those gz files to extract. They ALL seem corrupted, be it if I go by command line or use a GUI program like Archiver.


    [quote=119791]Latest zdoom compiles properly for me. I’ll probably submit a change that will automatically set up the other iWAD files for selection from the menu, so you have doom 2, you can select it.


    I just tried again on the Pi both manually and through the script.

    Manually I get to 99% then it bombs because of fmodapi44461linux.tar.gz which I can’t even download from fmod’s own web site.

    I tried it with the script. It was 100% successful (I watched it), then I exited the menu to reboot, and it told me twice that zdoom was not installed, and sure enough, it isn’t. :/


    If you want to have a bit more ease of watching the process, you can run it all yourself manually.

    cd /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
    ./retropie_packages.sh [package name] [package action]

    This is the script that RetroPie-Setup is using behind the scenes. So the general order you want to go in with this is…

    ./retropie_packages.sh zdoom depends
    ./retropie_packages.sh zdoom sources
    ./retropie_packages.sh zdoom build
    ./retropie_packages.sh zdoom install
    ./retropie_packages.sh zdoom configure

    And you can also execute them whenever you want that way for testing a script or whatever.

    Also, the script can work for one differently than another through a few different ways, such as instable overclock, memory corruption, etc… All I can say is that it worked like a charm for me without issue.


    Agh ha!!!

    I know what I did now!

    In the tutorial, it tells you to download FMOD and gives you the choice to install it, which I did, though what it allows you to download and what it looks for are two totally different versions. So I ran the UNINSTALL command on FMOD and tried ZDOOM again and all went well this time!!! :)


    EDIT: I see it now, thanks!!!


    OK, so if I put a zdoom folder inside of ports, and inside of zdoom I place the Hi-Res Texture Pack. Then how would I edit your script to launch DOOM with the pack?


    “/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh” 0 _SYS_ doom


    Nevermind, I figured it out at long last! :)


    Maybe leave a little note about how to do it on the Wiki.


    ZDOOM does not have it’s own section under ports.

    I’ve never edited a Wiki before, I want to contribute, but I don’t want to screw up the page.


    I’m looking at the RetroPie Wiki again…

    …got it figured out, will be creating a ZDOOM wiki today, and updating some of the rom compatability lists.


    Never mind, I went back to look at what I’d done and my ZDOOM link is gone all together.


    Zdoom goes under the doom page (as you’ll note there is already a link to the source code on that page.) No need to have it be its own page as its just another one of he many engines that runs the same software.


    Feel free to add another heading specific to zdoom configurations lower down on the page.


    All right, thanks…

    …and that was exactly what I was afraid of doing; adding in something that should not be there.


    No worries, your contributions are appreciated :) With all the stuff that’s been added lately i’d like the wiki as consolidated as possible just so its simpler for those that use it.


    Thank you, I’ll try my best, and hopefully will not be too much of a pain. :)

    On that note, I am setting up a second Pi from scratch to use as the base for my guides and emulator testing. So the first thing I did was go into RetroPie-Setup and install ZDOOM when I noticed this… can that be good? Downgrading sdl libraries?

    sdl downgrade


    Here is another thing I noticed. When you install ZDOOM, it sets up shop in the


    folder and over rides PrBOOM as the default DOOM Engine.

    Are we sure that is what we want? PrBOOM does have it’s uses, especially PrBOOM Plus!

    I was wondering if ZDOOM’s install script could be updated so as to reside in it’s own zdoom folder rather than take over PrBOOM’s doom folder.

    Then as for the custom launch script, they could instead be titled ZDOOM I and ZDOOM II, ZDOOM TNT, ZDOOM Plutonia, Strife, Hexen, and so on, as I don’t believe Crispy fully supports anything beyond DOOM yet, at least not to the degree that ZDOOM does, and you’ve already got Crispy Doom set up with “Crispy” in the title of each iWad so it’s fine as it is.

    The idea in short is to make room for as many DOOM ports as possible… sort of like MAME. ;)


    It’s still in the experimental section, so be patient. There are plans for a wad selector so it will be easier to select games and cores from the runcommand menu (as realistically wads should all be In the same place so that people can choose pr-boom or zdoom depending on their preferences), but there are other priorities at the moment before those will be implemented. And the SDL library downgrade is intentional as there are some unresolved bugs with the current SDL that was shipped with 3.6.


    I posted my edit here:


    Though as you can see, I’ve a few things to learn about setting up the lay out properly.

    As for what I suggested above, I’ve an easy fix for that if you’d like me to share.

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