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    When I’m not playing games, I’d like to use my distro to display a slideshow

    I’m using 2.5 beta

    I perform the following:

    feh -F -Z -z -Y -D5 -p /home/pi/slideshow

    the slideshow seems to work for a while, but after a while, the screen goes black
    if I touch a key it reactivates

    How can I disable the screen saver given that the gui seems to have been removed?


    I found the following solution

    sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils

    xset s off
    xset -dpms
    xset s noblank

    does anyone know how to autoexecute the script?


    Nope. But I do know that if you set the screensaver time to 0 in emulationstation, the screensaver never comes on.

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