Homepage Forums RetroPie Project GPIO Adapter, ControlBlock etc. What GPIO pins does the ControlBlock use?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I have the ControlBlock connected via a GPIO cable.
    Which GPIO Pins are needed for the ControlBlock and which aren’t?
    Just the I2C pins and one Ground + one 5v pin?

    I’m sorry if this is documented somwhere, but i can’t find it…


    I would like to see some more information about the ControlBlock as well. I am about ready to order one, but I also had a few questions.

    I also plan to connect it to my pi with jumper wire instead of mounting it directly. I read in the documentation that there is a slight voltage drop with in the power circuitry, so you need a good power supply. I was planning to use a 5V 6A power supply like this:

    Will using the ControlBlock to power the pi affect my ability to overclock? Will it affect my ability to power controllers/mouse/keyboard/thumb drive/wifi from the USB?


    I have added information about the used pins of the ControlBlock. You can find it at https://www.petrockblock.com/2014/12/29/controlblock-power-switch-and-io-for-the-raspberry-pi/#Hardware_Interfaces.

    Does this answer your question?


    I also plan to connect it to my pi with jumper wire instead of mounting it directly. I read in the documentation that there is a slight voltage drop with in the power circuitry, so you need a good power supply. I was planning to use a 5V 6A power supply like this:

    Will using the ControlBlock to power the pi affect my ability to overclock? Will it affect my ability to power controllers/mouse/keyboard/thumb drive/wifi from the USB?

    The MOSFET that the ControlBlock uses is the IRLML6402 (http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/irlml6402.pdf). It is rated for a maximum of 3.7 A.
    The ControlBlock works with the various overclocking configurations that can be selected from within the rasps-config tool.
    If your other USB devices work well is hard to say for me since that depends on their power consumption behavior.

    Hope that helps?


    petrockblog, thank you for the quick reply!

    I have the ControlBlock revision 1.x, so i have two additional questions.
    Does Revision 1 need the 3.3V pin too? Or any other pins? (GPIO 04, pin 07 as clock for example?)
    I have tested it without the controlers, (only pin 2,3,4,5,6,9,11,12) and the powerswitch function seems to work…

    Also, what happens when i connect another device to the 5V pins of the PI?
    (I plan to connect a small fan for the cpu for overclocking)

    PS: keep up the awesome work!

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