Hey guys,
So… after reimaging and setting up again with the newest image.. I dropped a couple roms in the SNES rom folder and booted up. I configure the Xbox360 Wireless Controller (which did not need the driver installed or anything now! Sweet!)
When I selected a game like Super Punchout… everything is working fine.
But, when I boot into a game that is 2 player like Mario All Stars and select 1 player the controls do not work. I THINK it is because the Wirless Xbox360 Controller hub supports 4 players and it thinks I am on another controller.
When I first boot the ROM I get the “Joystick #0-3 enabled. Is there a way to make it ONLY detect/enable one controller port? Or even just two…?
EDIT: In fact… I selected Super Mario Bros. Selected two players… let the time run out on Mario and then I was able to control Luigi. So, its definately a controller port association thing.