Hi guys.
I’m new to the pi and to linux and could use a hand..
When I choose a video Splashscreen it runs fine but after the vid it pops back to the terminal screen, presumably to give me this error;
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/writable’: No such file or directory
..then goes on to the ES splash as normal.
It goes from any static Splashscreen directly to the ES Splash, but always shows the terminal and error briefly when I use a vid..
I have added a -f command to “rm /tmp/writable” in asplashscreen which is found in;
I thought that might do it, but it didn’t…
Any ideas?
I’m on a pi2 running retropie 3.3 built from an image.
Also, I’m dual-booting Retropie and Rasbian with Berryboot and both OS’s are on a USB stick.