Homepage Forums RetroPie Project GPIO Adapter, ControlBlock etc. Using gamecon_gpio_rpi on RetropPIE

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  • #89823


    I’m trying to wire up two NES controllers to a first-gen Raspberry Pi (the one model with 256Mb of RAM). My goal is to fir the board in the NES case and use the existing controller ports, so I’m interested in https://github.com/retropie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/gamecon_gpio_rpi

    I’ve installed the latest version of RetroPIE (for Pi 1) successfully. Upon booting, I’m greeting with a “no gamepad detected” screen, which is expected. From there, I’m going to the terminal (with F4), expands the SD partition size, then cd into the Retropie-Setup folder and sudo launch the included script.

    I updated the setup script, restarted it, then picked the first option to Install/Update the system from repositories. After a reboot, I went back to the setup script and chose the gamecon setup option. Upon completion of this one, I’m getting a “Installation FAILED” screen followed by a text description of the GPIO pins. While there’s some documentation in /usr/doc/gamecon, I’m left with no module to load with modprobe and, obviously, no joystick devices in /dev.

    What am I doing wrong? I sadly don’t have a log, and the screens were not very informative about what caused the setup script to fail building the module.

    I’m currently trying to install from the source (option 2) to see if things improve, and my Pi has been running for about half a day now. It hasn’t finished yet, so this hasn’t been tested.

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