Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project USB Controller Works…Then it doesn't?

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    So, I have a problem where my Playsega Gamepad works at first, detected by ES and playable in ROMs, but then will decide to stop. I can’t control ES so I delete the /.emulationstation/es_input.cfg, and go back to ES. But, ES just says “No Joystick Detected”. I try rebooting, unplugging, nothing.

    It has occurred twice. I decided to reinstall the image and then download source, then it worked. But after a day, “No Joystick Detected”. I’m at a loss.


    strange, what power supply are you using?


    Thanks for the response. It was included in a kit I purchased:

    “USB Power Supply with Micro USB Cable specially designed for the Raspberry Pi delivering full 1A @ 5V”


    Sounds ok, any other usb devices plugged in? Can you test the gamepad on a PC to rule out the gamepad being a problem


    Logitech keyboard plugged in. Gamepad works on PC. Let me add that I once tried a wired 360 gamepad during a “no joystick detected” phase and got the same outcome. Switched USB ports too.

    Nice avatar btw, love that game!


    Yes, James Pond 2 was a great game :-)

    If you want to use an Xbox 360 wired pad this thread may help you setting it up: https://www.petrockblock.com/forums/topic/installation-problem/

    I’m not sure why your SEGA pad is playing up, is there any pattern to the pad not responding and making any changes to the system at all, swapping usb ports etc? When it does play up try running lsusb in the terminal to see if it is still listed.


    I had originally done that for the Xbox pad. I think there’s something – like power related as you mentioned, or a command being auto-written, that is disabling joysticks after a period of time.

    Update: So, it seems to be working. Started Pi without the keyboard and haven’t plugged it in. Could very well be a USB/power issue. Thanks for the help.


    That didn’t last long. I’d say 1 out of every 10 powerups the gamepad works. I plugged the unit directly into the power outlet in the wall, and it worked…at first. Same problem.

    Keyboards work and show up fine…so there’s something somewhere, either when installing or first setting up the controller that joysticks disappear.


    This is in the log file…

    “lvl1: Could not find unconfigured joystick named “playsega controller”! Skipping it.”

    What does that mean? Btw, it happened to work at this time – yet couldn’t get any ROMs to load. *facepalm*


    It could either be a power issue or an issue with the gamepad itself. I think we can rule out power as the pad will be drawing well under the limit the Pi can supply. Do you have another power source you can use to test? Try using your xbox pad and see if you have the same problem, if you do that would point to the power supply being the issue.

    Looking up on Google it looks like somebody else has had problems with this pad so perhaps it is faulty: http://www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24887


    Thanks for taking your time. Using another power supply, it does seem to work more often than not. I’ll report back if I ever come across some new info.


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