Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie Xbox, Power A, and ibuffalo SNES controller problems

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    I’m having issues with three controllers. For two of them, an xbox 360 wired controller and a power a ps3 wired controller, the mapped controls are seemingly being ignored when roms are loaded. The third one, an ibuffalo snes controler, just isn’t being detected by emulationstation.

    The Xbox 360 wired controller plays mostly normally in nes games, except the A and B buttons are swapped. Megadrive games are where they go really bizarre. The A, B, and C buttons end up mapped to the X, A, and B buttons. Strangely it seems to work perfectly when used with snes games. It also has an issue with the triggers on the controller mapping two buttons and skipping one button when I try to map them to a button.

    The Power A controller is even weirder. In nes games, Select and tart are controlled by right top and left top respectively, and A and B are Y and B. Megadrive games map start, A, B, and C to top right, X, B, and Y respectively.

    Both of the controllers that are detected work in the emulationstation menu. I’m running retropie 3.1.2 and and a Raspberry Pi 2 B that’s fully updated. I have Xboxdrv installed.

    I checked for the ibuffalo snes controler Via sudo dmesg -C followed by plugging it in and entering dmesg, and it’s being detected by hardware.

    I have no idea where I could go from here to fix any of these issues, and if anyone knows how to solve even one of these issues then I’d be very grateful.

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