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    So, I’ve looked at loads of forum posts, but I either don’t understand what they want me to do or they don’t work for me. Currently, I cannot save states when emulating games in RetroArch. For example, if I’m playing Sonic 2, and I get to the second level and I want to save the state I press the hotkey but in big yellow writing at the botton it says, “Unable to save state at retropie/roms”. I’ve given every folder on my RPi chmod -r 777 so permissions shouldn’t be a problem? Any help??

    Thank you!


    That folder structure doesnt look valid. Can you post your retroarch.cfg as an attachment here?

    It will be in /opt/retropie/configs/all/


    It doesn’t actually matter now! I’m just going to save using the default in-game saving options (I didn’t realise you could!)

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