Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie Trying to use Multiple controllers (DS3 Controllers)

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I have downloaded the latest firmware.
    The newest retropie software.

    I can see the controllers when i type “lsusb” (l=L)
    but in Retropi_Setup in the blue screen does not have the same screen as previous versions of Retro PI
    for example in this guide.
    > Multiple Controllers walk Through

    The options in there on the blue screen do not appear in my version of Retro pi.

    I tried to just plug and play but with having a second controller plugged in using usb both controllers dont work, not sure if it is a powering problem but yeah they just dont want to register any button presses at all.

    I will be endevoring to get this working that way i can play 2 player games.

    Any help would be appreciated thank you


    i mangaed to remove the blue tooth config from the ps3 control’s and then they both started to work :) played all this morning, had to remove the Blue tooth settings in the Program DS3 tools to get it working like a charm :D




    I’m running the newest version of retropie, and I can’t get my 2 ps3 controllers to work in game. I have them both paired over Bluetooth (all leds blink on both the whole time) but only the first one that I connect will work in game, and in ES. When I reboot retropie they both shutoff so I know they are connected. I’ve only had my rpi2 for a week so I’m completely new to all of this. Any help would be appreciated.

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