Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Video Output on RetroPie Trouble viewing emulationstation via remote desktop on PC

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    I’m fairly new to the raspberry pi (and Linux). I have searched for days, and found unrelated topics. I am trying to connect my laptop (windows 10) to the raspberry pi via remote desktop. This works as far as I can tell as I log in, and it gives me the pi@retropi ~ $ line. But emulation station is running on the raspberry pi (it is hooked up via HDMI to my tv). So, I try to just see what the command emulationstation on the remote desktop app would do, and it gives the following message (on the remote desktop connection screen and in a loop):

    Xlib: extension “RANDIR” missing on display “:10.0”.
    Keyboard layout unknown, please send the following to the SDL mailing list (sdl@libsdl.org):
    lvl0: Error creating SDL window!
    Could not get EGL display
    lvl0: Renderer failed to initialize!
    lvl0: Window failed to initiliaize!

    Again, not sure if that is the way I was supposed to do it or if the remote desktop connection should have just immediately shown emulationstation like the raspbery pi is showing on the tv, but any help would be much appreciated.


    Only way I know of to record emulationstation is a capture card. I don’t know of anyone who has connected remotely and gotten it to work.


    But if you just want to connect to the filesystem or terminal then use winscp or putty.


    I’m not even trying to record it. My end goal is to remotely connect to emulationstation through a kindle fire as the display screen.


    Well if you come up with a solution I’d be interested in hearing it. Not that it probably can’t be done, but it definitely hasn’t been done and likely will require a recoding of emulationstation (which has no active development right now)


    hm. ok. thanks for the replies. I don’t think I know enough to be able to jump in and see what would even need to be recoded let alone helping with that.


    It’s not possible unless perhaps you ran ES under X server. There is no software way I know of of capturing the graphics that are directly rendered to the screen/framebuffer without hardware like a capture/tv card etc.


    I’ve never heard of “X server”, and a quick google search didn’t tell me too much hah. Has it actually been done or is it just a possibility that it can be done using that? For more details of my project, Im trying to have a mobile game station using my kindle fire as my display, as I’d rather not go and buy a slave screen if I don’t have to.

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