So for a while I’ve been slowly cobbling together my own little battery-powered gaming console(On a budget of less than $100, I’ve used $89 so far), and I’m almost all done; all I have to do now is drill the holes for the rest of the side plates, and then just a few odds and ends.
Let’s go over what makes it up:
-4.3″ 16:9 screen which displays 480*272
-Lithium-ion battery, it says 6000mAh, but I severely doubt that.
-Raspberry Pi(Obviously) overclocked to 1ghz
-Dollar store car phone charger for its linear regulator
-Various other random stuff from the dollar store; the case is made from cutting boards.
-A PS3 controller
I also have a desktop environment for those times I can pilfer a mouse/keyboard, it’s always nice to have. Anyways, I think it turned out alright for my first real electronics project and considering I’m a 10th grade student, but any advice or comments on it would be appreciated.