Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project [SOLVED] If you scrape, and images/game info is not there when you come back

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  • #86224
    ∆ + 0 / 9

    This is not a question, rather an answer in case someone else would have the same problem.

    I had a strange behaviour : if I scraped snes games for example, everything was fine. But if I tried and scrape megadrive games, everything seemed fine, but none of the scraping was saved and when I would come back to emulationstation later, I would not see any image nor any game information for the megadrive games.
    For snes I didn’t have this problem.

    After searching in folders and files, I discovered that at launch time emulationstation would output many error messages about the gamelist.xml file (/home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists) of many systems. Among them the megadrive…
    The problem was that the file in those systems was totally empty, when it should have been with the XML header and an empty gamelist tag.

    So I copied a correct one from another system to all the erroneous ones, and then everything was correctly saved when I scraped :-)


    There is a chance you may have had that error if you tried scraping from a command line whilst EmulationStation was running.


    I have a similar problem, I have been scraping the games through emulationstation, and the games that show up by default stay saved but when I scrape them manually one by one (by selecting and typing in different input until the right title shows up) It doesn’t save those changes. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


    I take it back, I found out what I was doing wrong. For some reason if you are manually putting in metadata for roms through emulationstation if you shutdown or restart the system the changes are not saved. On the other hand, if you quit emulationstation back into the terminal the metadata will be saved.

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