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  • #119501

    I think it would be awesome if there was a snaps folder that we could add our own artwork, and as long as the rom name matches the snap file it should show up. The snap folder could be like the roms folder having all the different systems as sub-folders, and inside those folders you place your snaps, image files, box art, whatever you want to use. I know we can go through and manually edit the xml’s but who wants to do that, i have thousands of games. There should just be a centralized location for ease of use. I think this would be a huge upgrade. Anyone else?


    I like it. Would be easier and more user friendly than the manual way I’ve been doing it.


    It can already be done with sselph’s scraper. I don’t think the retropie included version can do it. You’ll have to download it, change to your required rom directory to start scraping and use a command like :-

    scraper -img_format=”png” -add_not_found=true -download_images=false

    This will use your own screenshots (make sure they are named the same as your roms with -image added to the end in an images folder inside your rom folder).

    It will create the gamelist.xml linking all your roms to the screenshots.


    There is also the raspi2png option where you could probably figure out some way to make a script that recognises the rom you are playing and then when you take a screenshot with raspi2png it automatically names the created png the same as your rom name, then as above you can run sselphs scraper to link all your images.

    Lots of ways of doing it. of course retroarch also has a screenshot function as well.

    Also as a correction there are no quotation marks in the syntax for -img_format=”png” even though there are in the help docs for his scraper.


    Yes i know there are lots of ways about doing it yourself, though somewhat time consuming, but when i have to keep doing it over and over trying to stay current with the new versions of retropie, it gets a little tiring. I think it would be awesome if, like hyperspin, there was just folders ready to drag and drop, and i didnt have to keep creating xml’s or adding them back into the system.

    Emulation Station can obviously create gamelists, why not have the option, instead of Scraping from the databases, that when it creates the gamelist, it adds the image from a folder inside the rom folder.

    So basically instead of scraping from a database, just scrape from a “image” folder inside the system rom folder.

    I’m no good at coding, but i’m sure someone could make this happen, even if it was a third scraping option or something.


    You do realise you can back up your scrapes right? Once you have everything scraped just copy the finished gamelist and downloaded images over and then you never have to scrape again unless you get new roms. And again you can set the scraper to scrape data into your own folder manually with sselphs scraper. The resources are all there you just need to learn how to use them.


    just making a suggestion to make it simple, if we can drag and drop roms, why not images as well. I dont want to do any extra work, I am lazy..lol

    thank you for your replies


    When you speak about snaps, do you mean “videos”? I have a Emumovies account (for my Hyperspin), and it would be great if we can seee a short video for each game we have!


    vids would be cool, but im just refering to box art or gameplay screenshots. I have a ton of games and i couldnt give up the space for vids, but if you were doing a smaller more specialized set of games videos would be cool.

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