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  • #89642

    Hello, first time poster here.

    I received my Raspberry Pi 2, installed Rasperian, then RetroPie, and have everything pretty much set up. I notice however that certain NES games run faster than they do on the original Nintendo hardware. The games that have the most notable differences are Punch Out!! and Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

    Is there a configuration option I’m missing that I can use to my advantage to slow things down? I have the Pi 2 set at default settings, so no overclocks or anything crazy like that, though I do have the memory-split set at 384, I started with 256, though admittedly haven’t played with this setting too much. I checked out the retroarch.cfg file, but there’s nothing in there that jumps out at me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Welcome to the forums! I’m decently new myself, but let me see how I can help.

    1. As with most problems, make sure your RetroPie is up to date.
    2. Make sure your RetroPie has the whole SD card being dedicated to itself.
    3. Set your overclock to medium, please correct me if wrong.
    4. Make sure your ROM isn’t faulty (works wrong). I got a Super Mario Bros. 3 NES ROM and it was really high pitched in sound, as well as a Legend of Zelda ROM that gave me a gray screen and wouldn’t change until I hit ESC.

    I hope that I’ve been of some help to you, and good luck.


    With NES, there’s a significant difference for a number of games whether you have the European ROM (PAL) or the US/Japan ROM (NTSC). For example in Super Mario Bros., the music was always played a lot faster in the European version than in the US version.
    So it might be that it is just enough to get the US ROM somewhere.

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