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    I’m working on a console and having difficulty shutting down emulators using a button on the GPIO. I’ve been able to use a kill -TERM command that works well for most emulators. I’d probably do better simulating an escape key press. Would someone please help. What code is needed exactly to simulate that key press?

    I’m currently using
    ‘os.system(‘kill -TERM %s’ %pid)’
    With good success but it doesn’t work with mame4all.


    Bear in mind I haven’t actually tried this but found this which might work:

    One of the examples is generating keyboard clicks


    Thanks for the reply, but I did end up figuring it out. I’ll post a guide this weekend. Basically some emulators don’t accept a sigterm and some don’t accept a uinput. Don’t ask me why…

    I did however manage to write some code that exits all my emulators to ES gracefully without using sigkill and using a pin on the GPIO and a single external button and without using snesdev.


    Please see the following link to resolve the problem,

    How to: Exit emulator to emulationstation using GPIO button

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