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  • #84028

    I’m trying to set this bad-boy up with no avail. I’ve tried numerous flashes, and many different setup action lists, and things don’t work well. I’m running a mac and using one of three imaging software apps (PiFiller, PiWriter, and RPi SD Card Filler) to image the 2.3 retro pie image. These work, and boot, but then i’m lost.

    What I need is a complete listing of what needs to be done (sudo upgrade sudo update time zone changes location changes and what not) to get this thing running properly. I have a B+ with a generic amazon keyboard, the generic SNES controller.

    Can/should I use a PS4 controller? that is an option for me.

    Also, when I connect to rpi through my mac, and load over a rom, i get two options on the emulation station system listing (one usually with a _ before or after it). Any clue why this happens?

    There has to be a complete step listing that works somewhere, I just havent found it yet. Thanks for your help and happy holidays!


    Also. I’m not completely sure what the Retropie Setup Script would do for me. Are these drivers and emulation apps already included in the 2.3 retro pie image?

    Not sure what the difference is.


    This should help you get up and running:

    Watch out for this though:

    Error with RetroPie Setup scripts

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