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  • #106628

    I have installed retropie a few times now.. Everytime it runs smoothly for one day or so and suddenly i cant do any modifications to the system.

    I cant update , cant remove files or roms etc.

    The SD-card is going into read only mode and i don’t know why or how to get it back into read\write mode.

    Is there any way i can get it back to read write mode without installing the whole system once again and get it to stay there?

    Perhaps add something in the config to prevent this from happening again?


    Could be a faulty sd card- how are you shutting down your pi?


    Using the shudown in the OS and waiting for it to turn before disconnecting the plug..

    The other time i had to fix this i removed the sd card reformatted it with SD-formatter.. Then it works again >_>


    Tried mount -o remount,rw / but when i try to do remove or add \ update files i get error.


    You may need to run it as sudo. But other than that I have no idea. May be worth getting a hold of another sd card just to eliminate the possibility of your card being corrupt.


    I will try a different 32 gig Samsung Evo card instead.. Its faster and atm i have no issues :) Setting up system with ROM’s and shaders now and hoping it will not do anything strange:) Thanks for your help this far btw, really like forums that replies without talking down on people who aint that experienced

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