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  • #89757

    These may be silly questions and I will probably look like an idiot but I’ll ask anyway.

    I was using an RPi1 B+ with Retropie 2.5, then just swapped in a new RPi2. Should I use the new RPi2 version of the Retropie 2.6 disk image or can I update the installed and running version I have right now that was going on my RPi1?

    The two versions of Retropie 2.6 has me worried I’m missing out on something. :D

    Also, is there a best practice way to update to the latest version? I used the Retropie setup script to download what I think is the latest version (the first option on the setup script,) but if there’s another way, or if this isn’t actually getting me the latest version I’d love to know the safest, proper way to do it.

    I think I might now have version 2.6. I’m not sure where it would display the current version I have installed.

    This may not be the place for it but I have a suggestion for the setup script. Some kind of “Are you sure?” type popup would be really handy in case you accidentally select the top option and end up updating a whole bunch of stuff accidentally. I might have done this earlier…


    You could run
    apy-get update
    apt-get upgrade and it should work on a RPi2, but there are improvements to the general build in 2.6.0 so I would be very tempted to use that instead.

    If you have a B+ you need to use the 2.6.0 v1 image. (As opposed to v2). Or if you use your Rpi2 use the v2 image. This image is built with the RPi2 in mind.

    Updating the retropie-update script gets you the latest version, you could then update certain emulators from within that script – but unless you have a need for the bleeding edge latest version I wouldnt bother.


    I upgraded from a B+ to the RPI 2 and the 2.6 image was the way to go for me- it has a few more options by way of emulators as well as some reorganisation. As far as updating from the 2.5 image I don’t know as much about that- I’m not entirely sure about the layout of the setup script at the moment as some has changed a bit- but when I’ve used it before I would install updates of emulators from binary and then if there were more recent updates I would install them from source.

    As far as updating the setup script options with updates to be more clear, that is in the works:

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