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- This topic has 221 replies, 63 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
12/20/2015 at 18:04 #112148
Thank you so much for your work! I would like to ask you a question..
I used your multiboot and I did a restore of a previous backup that I had from my openelec system.
Things went great except that I lost your Aeon Skin shortcut (Games) to the RetrioPie. Can you give me a hint how to create my own Shortcut or copy any file from the old setup to the new one?Thanks
12/23/2015 at 00:58 #112320candyluv
Smither or anyone who used his triple build, Do any one know how to change the settings to always reboot to Kodi instead of rebooting to the last OS used??
Also how to get the Retropie section to work with a NTSC CRT TV/monitor using RCA, all I get is sound and no video. The kodi and Raspbian works by just putting # in front of hdmi_force_hotplug=1 but not retropie. I would like to get that working and still be able to do HDMI without having to keep changing config file if possible.
Thanks in advance, any assistance will be greatly appreciated.12/23/2015 at 00:59 #112321mheiger
ParticipantSo I have tried to set this up several times and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I follow your install instructions to the letter and I can boot into OSMC with no problems. But when I try to boot into retropie either from OSMC or from the NOOBS screen All that I get is a BLANK screen and my monitor input BLIPS on and off. Any help you can give me would be Greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
12/25/2015 at 14:38 #112479knulen
ParticipantI’m new with Raspberry Pi (I have the RPI2) and I just installed RetroPie-KODI-DualBoot_V8_SS.zip
But I want to use a WiFi card. I have one which I used with Ubuntu, so I suppose this one should work? But how do I install it? I don’t have the option for WiFi in the OpenELEC settings?12/25/2015 at 23:36 #112504candyluv
Participant[quote=112479]I’m new with Raspberry Pi (I have the RPI2) and I just installed RetroPie-KODI-DualBoot_V8_SS.zip
But I want to use a WiFi card. I have one which I used with Ubuntu, so I suppose this one should work? But how do I install it? I don’t have the option for WiFi in the OpenELEC settings?[/quote]
Do you have a wifi adaptor already connected? Cause the option don’t show up without it then selecting on in the OpenELEC settings.
12/26/2015 at 03:02 #112515knulen
Participant[quote=112504][quote=112479]I’m new with Raspberry Pi (I have the RPI2) and I just installed RetroPie-KODI-DualBoot_V8_SS.zip
But I want to use a WiFi card. I have one which I used with Ubuntu, so I suppose this one should work? But how do I install it? I don’t have the option for WiFi in the OpenELEC settings?[/quote]
Do you have a wifi adaptor already connected? Cause the option don’t show up without it.
[/quote]I found the origin of my problem. My dongle (Maxxter ACT-WNP-UA-005 http://www.maxxter.biz/de…&op2=item&id=8280) uses this chipset: RTL8192EU
The drivers for EU version isn’t included in OpenELEC :(There are drivers for this Realtek chipset (see:
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=103989 )
But I don’t know how to use them..12/27/2015 at 01:58 #112553methanoid
ParticipantI saw your video for RPie/Rasplex dual boot. I was looking at RetroPie+Kodi+Moonlight for streaming games but now leaning towards Plex instead of Kodi.
1) In earlier versions you said Aeon skin is compulsory and the default skin won’t work. Is that still the case?
2) Ss control via a 360 or PS3 controller poss? It is within RetroPie but what about RPlex?
3) If I want to add Moonlight presumably I can just tweak the RetroPie setup, likewise if I also wanted Kodi (available from RetroPie) ??? (unlikely but I thought I’d ask!)
12/29/2015 at 15:42 #112638Anonymous
InactiveI have great interest in your builds and will go and try the osmc + retropi later today!
methanoid does poke my interests in Moonlight as a third boot option!Is there a guide / github somwhere so I could do my own builds or do I wait for you to cook one up? (looking forward to it!)
12/29/2015 at 19:09 #112652mheiger
ParticipantSo has anyone else not had any luck on getting this dual boot image to work? I really dont know what I am doing wrong.
12/29/2015 at 20:33 #112656Anonymous
Inactive@mheiger I’m doing my 2nd attempt now… I think it matters to give your fat formatted SD card a name (label)
12/29/2015 at 20:48 #112657Anonymous
Inactivenvm I keep getting an error “lowercase labels might not work with dos” … during the noobs install
The OSCM/retropie download is just not working.
I have managed to fish up the 7.2 tripple boot with open elec raspbian and retropie, selecting only OpenElec and Retropie since a full gui install is just plain to big for sharing a 16gb sd card.
This time I get a lot further into the installEDIT2:
but then it hangs12/30/2015 at 20:16 #112738reddyfire
Participantis there any way to set this up on a RPi1 instead of a Rpi2 ? I will attempt to tinker on my own to try to dual boot openelec and retropie. if anyone has some suggestions on where to start or perhaps a way to adapt smithers script to a rpi1 build that would be amazeballs.
01/02/2016 at 15:34 #112923smithers
ParticipantHi all.
Sorry for the absence of late – been busy with it being Christmas and all but also have been plagued with issues on my new laptop trying to get Linux to work on it. I’m still not quite there yet (it always shows NOOBS partitioned SD cards as corrupted when they are not), so this has completely hindered me building the other multiboot images… grr… I’m at the point where I am now trying to source an old laptop to use instead, which is ridiculous but there you go!
In the meantime I have been documenting some of the processes I carry out for those who wish to tinker. The whole ‘creating dual boot images’ guide will take a while to document, however I am nearly finished with the ‘how to implement custom scripts’ in KODI / OSMc / RasPlex etc. which is useful if anyone has removed my script in error or wants to try out a new skin. I’ll post it on here soon as its ready and hopefully it will be of some use to someone.
So to answer some questions:
@reddyfire – I don’t own a Pi 1 any more so I can’t create a Pi1 image Im afraid, therefore this will only work on a Pi2. When Pi zeros are available to buy again then I will probably get one of those and build an image for it which I assume will be perfectly compatible with this Pi1(??).@havnar – I don’t have any guides made up yet but its on my todo list! I’m really not sure why it isn’t working for you though? you have definitely formatted the card to FAT32 and copied everything inside the ‘noobs files’ folder onto the SD card? Can you try the USB method if you haven’t already, i.e. copy the ‘os’ folder to a (FAT32 formatted) USB stick instead of to the sd card? The only other thing I could suggest is that the SD card may be faulty – I have an SD card that won’t work with NOOBS either – it hangs part way through the installation, whereas all my other SD cards work fine (tried from as low as 8GB up to 64GB and between). For reference, I only ever use branded cards such as Sandisk, Samsung or Kingston (although I find Kingston cards to be VERY slow), and they always work for me.
@mheiger – are you still having the issue of booting into RetroPie? If so then it sounds like your monitor doesn’t like the display setting I have set (720p). When you boot into the RetroPie partition are you able to SSH into the Pi, even though nothing is showing on screen? If so then this is most likely to be the problem and you need to set a different display resolution (or just comment out my settings to start with, which should set a resolution your display is happy with). You need to change or comment out the lines ‘hdmi_group’ and ‘hdmi_mode’ in the config.txt file found in the boot partition. Check this link out for further information: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt.md
@methanoid – yes this is the case Im afraid. Plex is not very customisable and even with the Aeon skin it is limited to Python script instead of regular old Bash scripts, hence the scripts I made were pretty basic but functional, since I don’t know how to script in Python! There may well be other scripts that customisation, but since I don’t personally use Plex then I opted for Aeon which I knew would support it. The standard skin however does not support customisation at all. If you know of any others that do then please let me know and I can investigate. As for controlling via joypad – I am not sure if this is possible in Plex? And regarding Moonlight – would you need a seperate partition for this or is it part of the RetroPie setup script? I can’t check right now but will later (unless someone confirms for me).
@knulen – it can be a pain to add drivers for wifi dongles that aren’t supported as standard, Ive had to do it myself in Raspbian but the steps were alot different to those you have linked? I am wondering if those steps are for Ubuntu with KODI instead of just OpenELEC? I will add that the latest version of OpenELEC has more support for WiFi dongles as I noticed that 2 different dongles I had that didn’t work in Helix now work in Isengard out of the box. I know you said it doesn’t work but just to check, did you go into the ‘Network’ menu in OpenELEC Configuration and tick ‘Wireless Networks’ (or something to that effect), because if you didn’t then you havent enabled the wifi dongle yet so nothing will show in ‘Connections’ tab. Just a thought anyway.
@candyluv – I have added an ‘always boot to kodi’ option in RetroPie as of v8 however I have not created a new triple boot build yet that implements this. It would be easy to do however would mean that a different shutdown button would be used (to add in a line of script that sets the boot partition back to KODI again). As for the NTSC CRT TV setting – I imaging you will have to amend the ‘hdmi_group’ and ‘hdmi_mode’ that I have set in config.tct for that to work? I have set it to run @ 720p for RetroPie but did not set specific values for the other partitions so that would explain why the RetroPie partition is being fussy! See the link I posted above to change it to a different mode and resolution.
@confy – I am working on a guide which details how to implement a custom command but to get you back up and running, all you need to do is the following (this is from memory so may be slightly misworded):Go to System>Settings>Appearence>Skin>Settings>Set Up The Aeon Nox Home Screen
Now on the left side menu, scroll down to any un-used slot, such as ‘Custom1’
In the right side menu, click ‘Choose Action>Custom KODI Command’ and a text box should appear (if any text is present in it then delete it)
Type in the following exactly: System.Exec(/storage/ss/select.sh)
Press ‘done’ and this has now setup my script that displays a message stating ‘Select Launch RetroPie to Start Gaming’, so now you need to setup the ‘Launch RetroPie’ button.
Click ‘Select Submenu’ and then choose ‘Custom KODI Command’
Type in the following exactly: System.Exec(/storage/ss/games.sh)
Press ‘done’ then set a label of ‘Launch RetroPie’ and clcik done then click back.
Now create a name of ‘Games’ for this menu you have created and set a background picture if you like (my picture should still be there in /storage/wallpapers
Go back to the main KODI menu and your ‘Games’ menu should now be showing.This is all from memory so I will check later on to make sure it is correct but thats the principle of it at least. My actual scripts should still be there as they weren’t stored in the /storage/.kodi dirctory, so your backup shouldnt have wiped them off.
@jcrowley30 – sounds like your memory card is being formatted to exFAT instead of FAT32 (SD Formatter does this for 64GB cards it would seem). Instead you need to search for a program that will force FAT32 format instead – try searching on Google as I know there are a few different onesout there for free that work (Ive used one before but can’t remember what it was called, sorry. I use Gparted in Linux now instead for all my formatting needs!). You should find it will work perfect once you have formatted as FAT32, and I guess I need to update my readme file explaining the 64GB format issue. :s
@Piface3000 – My theme is specifically designed to remove all the metadata and increase the picture size. Whilst it is not impossible to revert back to standard, it would be rather time-consuming, so you may be better off switching to a different theme to be honest. Otherwise, you need to go into each theme.xml and edit each line that I have amended, which is quite a task!
@tracer – The Confluence skin *does not* support custom script linking, so you will not find my ‘Games’ menu in there. It is not impossible to use Confluence and still have my script, however you need to use a 3rd party addon called Custom Launcher (or something like that), and set it up via there. Its not as fancy as the way I implement it in Aeon Nox though. As for the controller / CEC issues – this is out of my remit Im afraid. I use a mini wireless keyboard/mouse combo for KODI and also set it up for use in RetroPie menu, so I don’t have this problem. I have seen alot of people ask about OpenELEC gamepad usage but never seen anyone give a firm answer if it is possible. I personally wouldn’t use it as it would be a bit clunky I think (having to remember which button does what), but if you are really wanting it then I would suggest scouring the KODI forums as that would be your best bet for answers I would say?
@grizzlema – thanks for the heads up! I will bare this in mind when making the next Plex build. Is there a partition size you would recommend?Phew – this turned into a long post so apologies there but hopefully I have answered all questions! :D I will try and be a bit more attentive to this thread from now (part of my New Year resolution maybe?), so any questions or suggestions just ask. In the meantime I will try and get a working Linux computer so I can work on the other builds. I should never have got rid of my old laptop, it was the perfect Linux machine… :(
All the best!
Smithers01/02/2016 at 19:53 #112936candyluv
Thank you for ALL those replies lol. You were truly missed during your time of absence.
I WILL do as you suggest and see if it works.Also have you consider creating an “ADDON” for kodi to launch the games section and others as a backup???
Thanks again for everything and keep up the great work.
01/03/2016 at 21:28 #113041grizzlema
Participant@smithers Since i am using a 64GB card i gave rasplex 6GB and openelec 6GB and the rest to retropie.
The rasplex partition really depends on how big your Plex media server library is. This will relate to how many thumbnails get downloaded to the client.
01/04/2016 at 04:08 #113078Anonymous
InactiveHappy NewYear everyone…
A little help please ..i have installed openelec-retropi dual boot
Openelec boots up fine and works great but when i go to the games menu and choose to boot retropi, there is just a quick sound then the pi reboots back into open elect.
any suggestions?01/04/2016 at 08:02 #113097smithers
ParticipantHmmm… Sounds like the partition isn’t being swapped over for some reason. Have you amended the directory structure or anything like that?
Best thing to do is to test it in the terminal – are you able to SSH into the Pi when in OpenELEC to test something? If so, type in the following into the terminal:
cd ss ./games.sh
And take note of what is shown in the terminal (it would show an error message if it was unable to mount the partition for example). Give this a try and let me know what it says.
All the best.
Steve01/05/2016 at 04:26 #11313701/05/2016 at 15:48 #113168Anonymous
InactiveHello Steve,
I’am Jorrit from Holland and im using youre dualboot image V8 for Raspberry pi. Im new with the raspberri and i have some questions. I hope you dont mind..
I want to change the “gpu_mem=100 to 128. Normaly you can change this in Open/boot/config.txt. But i cant find it in your image. Can you tell me where i can find it? I also ant to overclock my rasp, i think that this setting is also in boot/config.txt.
In Retro pi/emulationstation i use an old xboxcontroller. I want to exit the games with a hotkey. So i added this line in retroarch.cfg:
input_enable_hotkey_btn = 8
input_exit_emulator_btn = 9now you should exit the game with select/start button. It worked for me for 1 time, but after a reboot, i could not exit the games anymore. Do you know if there is more i have to configure to make this possible?
I hope you can help me. Thanks for the nice build you made!
I hope to hear from you.grz joergan
01/09/2016 at 18:27 #113504deathsyct
Participantmay i know what is the password for user pi?
I use your image but kodi seems to have “cache full before … ” error
I saw online that using advancedsettings.xml will help to resolve it but I’m unable to putty into it with the default pi raspberry userid&pwd01/09/2016 at 18:33 #113506Anonymous
InactivePassword: Raspberry
ITS easier to use the addon easy advanced settings. This addon creates the file advancedsettings.xml
Grz joergan
01/09/2016 at 19:01 #113510candyluv
Participant[quote=113504]may i know what is the password for user pi?
I use your image but kodi seems to have “cache full before … ” error
I saw online that using advancedsettings.xml will help to resolve it but I’m unable to putty into it with the default pi raspberry userid&pwd[/quote]
user name for openelec/kodi is “root” and password is “openelec” and username for retropie and raspbian is “pi” and password is “raspberry”but there is a maintenance tool addon u can use that can change the settings and is very simple to use instead of ssh.
01/11/2016 at 05:20 #113641deathsyct
ParticipantThank you so much for the help joergan & candyluv
I manage to use the addon to create and modify advancedsettings.xml
I also manage to SSH into openelec with the default userid&pwd you provided01/12/2016 at 21:04 #113835rustymg
Participant[quote=113137] @smithers
will you be releasing for RetroPie v3.3.1 with OpenElec v6 soon?
3.3.1 (not sure about 3.3) is fundamentally broken with regards to controller use. The xbox360 joypad now will not work with that build, and messing with retroarch config files only bodges the issue.
Probably better waiting on 3.4 !01/14/2016 at 11:57 #113972cjohnstone87
ParticipantHi Smithers
I used this latest build and have had no problems up until now.
My issue is there is only the libretro n64 emulator. The other emulator mupen64plus doesn’t seem to be there.
Is there any way to install this without having to start again?
Thanks in advance
01/17/2016 at 18:17 #114183skullmonkey
any chance to Reinstall only the Retroarch(Emulation Station) and not loose OpenELEC partition?Thanks!
01/18/2016 at 16:51 #114269smithers
Participant[quote=113972]Hi Smithers
I used this latest build and have had no problems up until now.
My issue is there is only the libretro n64 emulator. The other emulator mupen64plus doesn’t seem to be there.
Is there any way to install this without having to start again?
Thanks in advance
Yes, you can install any emulator you like from the normal RetroPie Setup Script. There is no change to normal functionality of RetroPie.
@skullmonkey – is your aim to completely start from scratch again or just to update RetroPie?01/23/2016 at 05:18 #114815ohdono
Participanthey smithers, may i ask why you do not include raspbian in your multi boot anymore? i find it very useful for web browsing outside of open elec and retropi.
im currently running your old triple boot that has raspbian, is there any chance of an update for that one? thanks alot
01/23/2016 at 16:28 #114854candyluv
Participant[quote=114815]hey smithers, may i ask why you do not include raspbian in your multi boot anymore? i find it very useful for web browsing outside of open elec and retropi.
im currently running your old triple boot that has raspbian, is there any chance of an update for that one? thanks alot
There there are different multi boot compilations that smithers create. This is just an update for one of them. There is also one with plex.
He stated earlier that his time have been limited lately and that he is having problems with the linux installation on his new laptop which is also delaying the updates of the other multi boot options but will be doing an update of them when things get sorted out in time.
I still use the last one he did with raspbian and its still works great and I update it myself which will hold me over until he able to create the update.Hope that answers your question.
01/24/2016 at 13:33 #114925pimaster
ParticipantHey Smithers! I love the V8 RetroPie+OpenELEC dualboot package you made. I’ve install it on every raspberry pi I come in contact to.
As you are aware the 1.0 Jarvis release is coming out soon. So I’m hoping an update to your dual boot package will come soon after. I’m sure retropie has some nice updates since the november package also.
I’m not a fan of the default aeon skin you used, that was needed for the retropie launcher. So I looked into the matter of getting a seamless “GAMES” option from the home menu and launch retropie from the confluence skin… and I was successful! Besides the fact that I prefer the confluence skin, I feel the way I launch to retropie is even better than the method you included (since you had to press down to actually launch the submenu, not sure if this was by design so people wouldnt accidently launch retropie? either way I didnt like the way you couldnt directl launch from the games button) On my setup you can launch directly from the GAMES button. I know I’m not alone in preferring the stock confluence skin, so you should consider including the tweaked version that allows launching RetroPie from the home menu.
To launch retropie from confluence you need…
Advanced LauncherAdd-On
Script.FavouritesXonfluence is amazing, Its completely stock confluence, but with the option to tweak almost anything about the skin from entirely in the skin settings menu (no tinkering with xml’s required). The most valuable function is to allow a seamless RetroPie launch from the home screen, but you can do many more tweaks to the skin if desired. The only catch is the guy that works on it is only supporting the latest version of kodi, meaning Jarvis required. Hence why I cant wait for your next dualboot package which will include the jarvis build of kodi. So I go to this topic in hopes of a new release almost daily lol.
01/24/2016 at 13:45 #114927pimaster
ParticipantOh and if people are interested in trying Xonfluence on the current v8 smithers build. Then you must install an older isengard version of the skin, if you try to download the latest version from github….
It won’t work, latest version only supports the latest jarvis builds of Kodi. You will get “Dependencies not met” error on Kodi since the latest smithers version is still on isengard.
To install an older working version of Xonfluence on isengard you must install directly from the helly repo on Kodi. So Install this repo…
then once installed search under skins and select Xonfluence, the repo will automatically download a compatible isengard version of the skin. Which works great, but is missing some of the nice features from the newer jarvis builds.
01/24/2016 at 14:07 #114930deathsyct
ParticipantSorry to trouble but I need some help here. I have installed Saturn emulator via the experimental package and also uploaded the rom to the Saturn folder. However, I’m still not able to see the Saturn option from emulation station. Any idea what went wrong?
01/24/2016 at 14:20 #114932pimaster
ParticipantAlso in addition to adding saturn to the next build, I would also like try dreamcast (even tho it will probably run shitty for most games). Was sad when the reicast (dreamcast) folder didnt exist in the roms folder.
01/25/2016 at 11:46 #115034candyluv
Participant[quote=114925]Hey Smithers! I love the V8 RetroPie+OpenELEC dualboot package you made. I’ve install it on every raspberry pi I come in contact to.
As you are aware the 1.0 Jarvis release is coming out soon. So I’m hoping an update to your dual boot package will come soon after. I’m sure retropie has some nice updates since the november package also.
I’m not a fan of the default aeon skin you used, that was needed for the retropie launcher. So I looked into the matter of getting a seamless “GAMES” option from the home menu and launch retropie from the confluence skin… and I was successful! Besides the fact that I prefer the confluence skin, I feel the way I launch to retropie is even better than the method you included (since you had to press down to actually launch the submenu, not sure if this was by design so people wouldnt accidently launch retropie? either way I didnt like the way you couldnt directl launch from the games button) On my setup you can launch directly from the GAMES button. I know I’m not alone in preferring the stock confluence skin, so you should consider including the tweaked version that allows launching RetroPie from the home menu.
To answer one of your questions.
Is was done like that to prevent people from accidentally pressing it.
Also I prefer it the way it is, and have kept it like that (games section & skin) in all my setups and I even set it back up like that when I make changes.
I also prefer the skin he chose over confluence because it allows more addons in front menu bar.
So it would be up to smithers to decide what he would prefer cause he can’t please both of us at the same time.01/25/2016 at 14:22 #115038pimaster
ParticipantActualy no reason he couldnt include the ugly aeon skin (that people arent familiar with) and Xonfluence skin in the same package. Also the Xonfluence allows 15+ add-ons/menu items just like Aeon.
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