I’ve been using a rather old version of RetroPie for the last year or so (it was the very first alpha version that had support for configuring emulators on a per ROM basis), but just decided to give 3.3 a try for comparison using a spare SD card.
I kept notes from my setup before and I configured 3.3 the same way. For example, I’m using nestopia for NES emulation and had CEA-5 and “use video output res” selected.
But I immediately noticed that the video output when emulating NES was significantly fuzzier than before. I noticed the same issue with all the other retroarch cores I tried.
I tried swapped back my old card and confirmed that the it looks substantially better. To give you an idea of the difference, it’s kind of like the RGB vs Wii U image below (where my old setup looks like RGB and 3.3 looks like the Wii U, with the exception that the brightness level is fine):

Edit: It looks like the image got scaled and doesn’t really capture the full extent of the difference, but you get the idea.
Any idea why this changed or how I can fix it? Thanks!