Hello, fist i’d like to thanks this community for retropie
that said!
I have a ‘1st world problem’ but i guess other people could benefit from this too!
i use my raspberry as a semi portable console thanks to retropie

so i could play my games anywhere! but i cant see to find some how how to set it to keep the games fullscreen on 4:3 CRT tvs using composite and keep the 4:3 aspect ration on widescreen hd tvs using hdmi!
This is a way to make a script to change to proper retroarch.cfg for the video outup in use?
i kown that you can get this inforvarion via “tvservice” on raspberry, but i’m to nood to script-it myself!
My solution for now is to keep a SD for widescreen tvs and one for CRT, but this is just a waste of storage
can some one helpme?