Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Ideas for Further Enhancements Reminiscence aka Flashback should be part of Distro.

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by xd3l.
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    This game is always listed in those “how to learn how to compile code” guides you see on the internet because it just seems to compile and run on anything you throw it at, including the Pi.

    The only downside to it is that though it supports the joypad out of the box, it does not support the joypad to exit the program, thus requiring you to have access to a keyboard to do it, which is annoying and very unlike a game console.

    So with that in mind, I was wondering if it would be possible to alter the code to use START and SELECT to exit, or something to that effect, and then to ad it to the next release of Retropie? After all, it’s became the definitive way to play this masterpiece, considering how customizable it is, and how it lets you borrow elements from the different releases of flash back, including 3DO and Sega CD to name a couple, thus borrowing from their unique features.


    I’ve added a reminiscence script to my new github repository. I’ve tested it and it works well. Hit the watch button there to get informed when I add something new to it.



    Thank you, very cool, and a very worthy addition, despite the fact that we can “just emulate” it; me thinks. :)

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