Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Rahpnet SNES controller *.cfg file

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  • #85177

    Hello guys!
    I’m new in Linux and Raspberry (I have it since Monday) and I have problem with SNES controller. I made SNES/NES controllers using raphnet circuits.
    When I connect for example Logitech Rumble Pad, start sudo ./retroarch_setup.sh and then “Register…” I recive file with that name “LogitechLogitech(R)Precision(TM)Gamepad.cfg”. That file is located in /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs.
    But, when I repeat procedure for SNES controller, I recive file “raphnet.net(S)NES/ATARI_USB.cfg” (that name shows retroarch_setup.sh tool).
    That file there isn’t in …/configs directory. I can’t find that file to edit it and add hotkeys, change buttons etc.
    When I start X window, also I can’t find that file. I don’t know where it is.

    I’m using Raspberry B+, v.2.3.

    Where can I find that file?

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