Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie PS4 Controller connected but not responding

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    I’ve been trying to get my Dual Shock 4 to work over bluetooth and using this Floob’s guide (https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Setting-up-a-Bluetooth-controller) I have managed to pair and connect the controller, and even get it detected by Emulationstation. However, that’s as far as I get.

    First off, I’m running Retropie 3.0 (will update to 3.2 soon) on a Raspberry Pi2 with an Asus Bluetooth dongle, and an Edimax WiFi dongle.

    So what’s happening? Well, nothing really. As I said, emulationstation will detect the gamepad but it doesn’t receive any input. Running jstest returns the correct information (as far as I can tell; Wireless Controller, 12axes, 14 buttons etc) but again it doesn’t receive any input. Errors and faults I can at least try to deal with, but this…I have no idea what to try. Everything should work, on paper, but I’m just not getting and input from the controller.

    It should be noted that I have had the controller working flawlessly wired before I reset and tried to get it to work over bluetooth, so at least the controller is not broken. I should also note that I have tried a bunch of other guides and tutorials, mainly around PS3 controllers with no luck. This is as close I have got to making it work.

    Any help appreciated.


    use PiAssist.

    the most easier way to config ps4 controller

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