Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project please help PS3 controller + Mame+NeoGeo V2.5.0, BETA

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Roo.
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  • #87638

    Can someone please help me get my PS3 controller to work with Mame and NeoGeo on V2.5.0, BETA.

    the controller works fine with other emulators I have tried

    please help I am new to retropie and all the old info don’t seem to work


    Same problem for me.

    This is what I’ve tried:

    – Compiled mame4all from source using retropie script.
    – Substituted “mame” binary and “mame.cfg” (editing paths) by the ones provided by Tititatoo here: https://code.google.com/p/mame4all-pi/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Milestone%20Owner%20Summary&groupby=&sort=&id=33
    (I know this should be useless, as Tititatoo’s changes are already integrated in the source that retropie script gets from git)

    Games work, even with sound, but I get no response from the PS3 controllers. I’ve also noticed that I can exit the games with the “esc” key of my keyboard, and that should be overruled by the retroarch.cfg file in /opt/retropie/configs/all/ (in fact it is in the other emulators where the PS3 controller works) That makes me think mame reads its key mappings from somewhere else. Any idea?

    Thanks in advance


    Have you tried opening the menu (TAB key) while in MAME and configuring your controls there?


    OK, fixed. Pressing “Tab” once in mame opens a menu where you can map all buttons.

    I only miss being able to map the Playstation button (the one in the center of the controller) to use it to exit games, but that’s a minor issue.


    Wow, I wrote before reloading the screen. Now I see your answer. Thank you!


    I only miss being able to map the Playstation button (the one in the center of the controller) to use it to exit games, but that’s a minor issue.

    Just map the Playstation button to exit mame. I’m not in front of MAME right now, just look for whatever is currently mapped to Escape and add a second mapping

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